On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 09:26:08PM +1000 or so it is rumoured hereabouts, 
Mary Gardiner thought:
> I know a lot of men who don't seem to as well. But I ask them and they
> say, well of course I think about having sex with every woman I see. I
> mean, I'm male, aren't I?
> I hope it's just bravado :)

I think it's more hormonal myself.  I will certainly (at some point)
appraise a woman sexually.  It doesn't mean I'm going to jump her / make a
pass or anything (I'm happily married and monogamous for the last 18
years.  In fact IIRC I have been pretty much monogamous for most of my
life!), it's just hormonal.  It doesn't interfere with my working with
women, asking their advice or anything.  It *does* subtley affect my
interaction with them though; I _do_ tend to be somewhat flirtatious but I
don't think I'll carry on in such a fashion if it appears that it's
inappropriate.  I suspect I'd be more likely to ask a woman peering into
the internals of a machine if she needed help than to ask a man but I'm
not sure since I'm most likely to nose in anyhow!

At the same time, I'm pretty sure very few hetero females could pass a 
rippling muscled tanned (or whatever) male without thinking of some 
variation on "YUM!" :)


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