On Wed, 4 Apr 2001 08:59:31 +1000, you wrote:
>On Sun, Apr 01, 2001 at 11:18:42PM -0400, Rick Scott wrote:
>> Seeing as I know a lot of people (myself included) don't read
>> Slashdot on anything approaching a regular basis, I was wondering
>> if anyone had anything to say about:
>> http://tuxedo.org/~esr/writings/sextips/
>Actually I tend to follow slashdot's headlines, and do actually read the
>highly moderated comments whenever there is a politcial or gender
>related article (it's kind of self-flagellation).
>So some of the responses in the article were shockers of the standard
>slashdot variety - "sorry, I'll respect women when they choose to sleep
>with men who respect them rather than drunken louts." Of course. That
>explains it all. It's *my* bad taste in men.
>Basically what ESR's article encourages is a view of woman's role as
>useful in a relationship with a man. So instead of thinking "hey I
>wonder if she can help me with my pointer arithmetic" young geekboy is
>encouraged to think "I wonder if she'll go me when he meets geekgirl.
>Even more so if she's a student of French literature rather than C.
Hrm. I'm not exactly an expert on this, but I didn't think pointer
arithmetic was supposed to be part of the relationship? Granted, "will
she sleep with me?" shouldn't really be the first question you ask
yourself when meeting someone, but "is she attracted to me?" is a
fairly important point when date-seeking, I think... (I'm out of my
depth here, never having tried it, but the theory seems sound.)
>Hence the women, and women, are discarded when there is no possibility
>of sex. He doesn't address the issue of there being no possibility of
>sex in the first place.
Urhmm... since these were sex tips, why should they cover impossible
situations?! That sounds to me like "Maintenance and repair of
imaginary vehicles"...
>So basically, women not only defined in terms of their usefulness to me,
>but defined in terms of their usefulness to men for sex.
Well, in about 86% of cases, male geeks wanting sex will be after
women for it - this wasn't supposed to be "how to get geek girls to
help you debug tricky Perl scripts"...
I agree with other comments here that "canned exploits" are a bad
strategy in general - having said that, a "beginners' guide" to
relationships with women is something a lot of us (me!) need...
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