Messages by Thread
Ecolog-L Restoration Ecology MS/PhD Positions at New Mexico State University
Magda Garbowski (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Interdisciplinary postdoc fellowship in biogeochemical ecology (2.5 years in Prague)
via ecolog-l list
Ecolog-L Coral Reproduction Technician/Biologist Position at Mote in Summerland Key
Erinn Muller
Ecolog-L Ph.D. Assistantship - quantifying forest carbon fluxes during management
Thomas L O'Halloran
Ecolog-L Prairie plant biology and conservation REU internship (Minnesota)
Echinacea angustifolia
Ecolog-L TNC hiring California river scientist
Bronwen Stanford
Ecolog-L Postdoc in PFAS and Agriculture at UMaine
Ellen Mallory
Ecolog-L Postdoc position, University of Washington: Coastal Squeeze
Josh Lawler
Ecolog-L Invasive Species Program Coordinator recruitment - AK Cent. for Cons. Sci. - Univ of Alaska Anchorage
Matthew Carlson (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Funded year-long research opportunity for recent college graduates
Klug, Page - MRP-APHIS (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L MS Opportunity - Applied Ecological Economics at the University of Wyoming
Kristina Hufford
Ecolog-L seasonal job announcement - tick/mammal projects at Cary Institute (NY)
Kelly Oggenfuss (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Career Exploration in Ecology
Jonathan Miller (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L PhD opportunity to work on New Zealand macroalgae
Caitlin Blain
Ecolog-L TWO faculty positions in Biology at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU)
Ecolog-L Three PhD scholarships available in Christchurch, New Zealand: Plant pathogens in ecosystems past, present and future
Ian Dickie (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Aquatic Ecology & Fisheries Management Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
Ludsin, Stuart (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Online course: Species Distribution and Ecological Niche Modelling in R
Ecolog-L Online course in Fundamentals of Ecology starting 20 Jan. 2025
Saskya Daly Van Nouhuys (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Unique Summer Field Course Opportunity - Apply Now for Summer 2025
Carey, Catie Mae M
Ecolog-L post-doc permafrost biogeochemistry
Tamara Harms (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L summer technician Alaska
Tamara Harms (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Tackle the information crisis this spring by teaching with Wikipedia
Helaine Blumenthal
Ecolog-L Hiring: Seasonal Aquatic Ecology Technicians
Murphy, Penelope W - DNR
Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE – Community Analytics in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology for Beginners (CAFB01)
Oliver Hooker
Ecolog-L Seasonal Conservation Research and Stewardship Paid Internship; Nantucket, MA
Sarah Bois
Ecolog-L Graduate Student Funding Available for Research in Rocky Mountain National Park - applications due Feb 16
Rollins, Hilary B (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L REGISTER! 1/22 SCBNA Conservation Education Workshop: Intro to MacroBlitz
Lisa Wang
Ecolog-L Assistant Professor of Environmental Science at Georgia Gwinnett College
Elizabeth Sudduth
Ecolog-L Sept 2025 Workshop: Integrating Theory and Data in Plant-Pollinator Interactions
Berry Brosi
Ecolog-L Conference: 2025 GRC in Microbial Population Biology
Burch, Christina L (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Postdocs in Automated pollinator monitoring and population modeling
Lauren Ponisio
Ecolog-L University of Oxford part-time ecological survey techniques online courses – application deadlines approaching
Ecological Survey Techniques (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Climate leader Christiana Figueres is optimistic despite COP process
Erik Hoffner
Ecolog-L Job Opening: Costa Rica Nature Experience Educator/Promotor(a) en Educación Ambiental
Osa Conservation
Ecolog-L RMBL Summer REU Research Opportunity
David Inouye
Ecolog-L Schedule of 2025 Sustainability-related Programs
Daita Serghi
Ecolog-L Due Friday! Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Physical Geography at Memorial University
Brown, Carissa (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE – Using Google Earth Engine in Ecological Studies (GEEE01)
Oliver Hooker
Ecolog-L The Redbud Phenology Project
Jorge A. Santiago-Blay
Ecolog-L Postdoctoral Fellowship and two PhD scholarships in marine science
Rebecca Gladstone-Gallagher
Elana Feldman
Ecolog-L Join NC FEW on Sept 12th for a Free Workshop to Explore a U.S. Department of Energy BRIDGES Bioenergy Case Study
Romulo, Chelsie
Ecolog-L PhD in Plant Ecology and Restoration in Grand Teton National Park
Daniel Laughlin
Ecolog-L Ph.D. Assistantship in Plant/Rangeland Ecology
Esben Kjaer
Ecolog-L PhD and Postdoctoral Positions for food systems work in Northwest Territories, Canada
Jennifer Baltzer
Ecolog-L Call for Papers: Dispersal in Small Organisms
Frank W. Stearns
Ecolog-L Full-time, continuing Assistant Professor of Environmental Science at WWC
Eric Griffin (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L REGISTER! SCBNA 1/15 Policy Webinar: State Wildlife Agencies in a Changing World
Lisa Wang
Ecolog-L Smithsonian Migratory Bird Center Seeking Applicant's for the 2025 James Smithson Fellowship
Scott Yanco
Ecolog-L Position announcement: Director, Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan State University
Nick Haddad
Ecolog-L *Marine disease ecology workshop -- summer 2025!*
Olivia Graham (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Post-doctoral Scientist - Fire and Forest Ecology at Tall Timbers in Tallahassee, FL
Nicole Zampieri
Ecolog-L Call for Abstracts – EGU 2025 Session BG2.5 : AI and Data Analytics for Soil Carbon and GHG Predictions.
Bhaskar Mitra
Ecolog-L Online Course: Time Series Analysis and Forecasting in R (24–28 March 2025)
Ecolog-L DefaultVeg Ambassador Internship Program: Empowering students to champion sustainable food systems
Laura Lee Cascada
Ecolog-L USGS FRESC Seasonal Biological Science Technicians
Matkins, Sydnie A (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Apply Now for the 2025 ESIIL Innovation Summit: A Call for Bold Ideas on Environmental Tipping Points and Transformations
Rachel Lieber (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Research Engagement Specialist - University of Michigan, CIGLR (Ann Arbor, MI)
Margaret Throckmorton
Ecolog-L Postdoctoral Fellow in Molecular Ecology - University of Michigan, CIGLR (Ann Arbor, MI)
Margaret Throckmorton
Ecolog-L I Reunión Trinacional de Ecología - 1st Trinational Ecology Meeting
Milagros Rocio Rodriguez Caton (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Position Announcement: Applied Forest and Climate Scientist
Marissa Ahlering
Ecolog-L Ecolog_L Research Assistant positions at The Land Institute
Ebony Murrell
Ecolog-L Happy New Year! Learn Python for GIS & Remote Sensing from Michigan Tech
Parth Bhatt
Ecolog-L Seasonal Wildlife Field Assistant on Nantucket Island, MA
Danielle O'Dell
Ecolog-L Online workshop: GLM with spatial, temporal, and spatial-temporal correlation using R-INLA
Alain Zuur (via ecolog-l list)
Jack Hopkins
Ecolog-L online course on Spatial Data Analysis In R - 13 -17January
Ecolog-L PR stats have a January sale!
Oliver Hooker
Ecolog-L PhD Assistantship (IAMs) - Clemson University
Puneet Dwivedi
Ecolog-L 💥 #Recruiters and #Executives : Ready to Bring Innovation and Expertise to Your Enterprise! 💥Seeking Opportunities in Biotech, Food, Film, Entertainment, Agriculture, Biodiversity etc.:
Aaron T. Dossey
Ecolog-L Applications Now Accepted: Data Wrangling with Tidyverse for Ecologists in flexible online format at SMSC
NZCBI-SCBI Training (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Ph.D. Assistantship at Oklahoma State University – Grassland Community Ecology
Bachelot, Benedicte Marie Philippe
Ecolog-L Academia in the 1960s-1980's
Jorge A. Santiago-Blay
Ecolog-L Monarch Joint Venture hiring 8 positions (CA (6) + central US (2))
Jennifer Thieme
Ecolog-L Network Coordinator - Invasive species and Climate Change
Jack Hopkins
Jack Hopkins
Jack Hopkins
Ecolog-L Botanist & Field Technicians 2025 winter-spring NV/CA/NM
Lindsay Chiquoine
Ecolog-L Hiring Outreach Professional for Proctor Maple Research Center (University of Vermont)
Tim Rademacher
Ecolog-L Catherine H. Beattie Graduate Fellowship in Plant Conservation Due Jan 31, 2025
Tina Stanley
Ecolog-L Postdoctoral Researcher in Algal Ecology, Las Cruces, NM
Alina Corcoran (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Gulf Ecosystem Initiative Postdoc Position
via ecolog-l list
Ecolog-L how regional fisheries orgs regulate the ocean
Erik Hoffner
Ecolog-L imminent development threat to nesting diamond-backed terrapins.
John A. (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Inaugural “Best NEON Presentation” award at ESA 2025
Zoe Gentes (US) (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Position Announcement: Summer Field Technicians (Veg)
Justin Zweck
Ecolog-L Pollinator Science - Assistant Professor at UNC Greensboro
Kim Komatsu (She/Her/Hers) (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Summer Research Experience for Teachers in Prairie Ecology & Conservation
Echinacea angustifolia
Ecolog-L Visiting Asst Prof: Environmental GIS
Douglas, Maggie (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Ph.D. Assistantship at Oklahoma State University - Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Biodiversity
Gholizadeh, Hamed
Jack Hopkins
Jack Hopkins
Ecolog-L 2 week wildlife field course, May 18-31, 2025
McDonald, John E.
Jack Hopkins
Jack Hopkins
Ecolog-L Hiring: Riparian and Wetland crew members, fieldwork in OR or northern CA
Kyla Zaret
Ecolog-L Last Chance! Advanced Ecological Remote Sensing in R
Ecolog-L Postdoctoral Scholar position: Rules of Life in the Urban Biome
Jennifer Bhatnagar (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Waterloo
Megan Ashleen Jordan
Ecolog-L daily digest job posting
Estep, Catherine - REE-ARS (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE – Introduction To Mixed Models Using R And Rstudio (IMMR09)
Oliver Hooker
Ecolog-L Career Development in the New Year: Ecological Restoration Deep Dives & Best Practices
Jonathan Miller (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE – Stable Isotope Mixing Models using SIBER, SIAR, MixSIAR (SIMM11)
Oliver Hooker
Ecolog-L MS Assistantship in Termite Methane Emissions at Utah State University
Yong Zhou
Ecolog-L Applications open for New Phytologist next generation scientists 2025
Whitfield, Mike (whitfiel)
Ecolog-L Call for Papers - Pathways 2025 Conference
WCNR HDNR Pathways
Ecolog-L Seasonal Plant Ecology / Botany Technicians - Burns, Oregon
Copeland, Stella - REE-ARS (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Postdoc or Recent MS position in Biogeochemistry and Aquatic Ecology Still Open!
Forshay, Ken (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L RE: Join us in Poland for the Landscape Genomics course in January 2025!
Ecolog-L Two postdoc scholarships in Arctic remote sensing focusing on ecology or permafrost landforms
Matthias Siewert
Jack Hopkins
Ecolog-L Camera Trapping for Wildlife Research & Monitoring
Jack Hopkins
Ecolog-L Survey on seed banking goals and practices: Seeking participants!
Becky Barak
Ecolog-L Survey on seed banking goals and practices: participants wanted!
Rebecca Barak (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Two postdoctoral positions: cryptobenthic reef fish biodiversity
Simon J Brandl
Ecolog-L NEON (National Ecological Observatory Network) Seasonal and Full-Time Job Opportunities
Duchesne, Bryce (US) (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Assistant Teaching Professor - Climate Science, Boise State University, Boise, ID
Kelly Hopping
Ecolog-L Washington Botanical Symposium: March 5 2025 (Seattle WA USA)
Antieau, Clayton (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Assistant Professor of Biodiversity Conservation at Iowa State University
Blanchong, Julie A [NREM] (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L The Land Institute is hiring positions from HS student to postdoc
Laura van der Pol
Ecolog-L Proposals Due Jan. 9: Share Skills, Explore Ecology, Build New Ideas
Jonathan Miller (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Assistant Specialist position, Conservation Biology, University of California, Riverside
Lynn Sweet (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Online course Geometric Morphometrics for Beginners, January 27-31, 2025
Soledad De Esteban-Trivigno
Ecolog-L Survey on Global Human-Wildlife Coexistence – Now Available in Spanish, French, and Chinese
Anna Yu
Ecolog-L Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Aquatic Ecotoxicology
Michael Andres
Ecolog-L new tropical forest conservation fund has great potential
Erik Hoffner
Ecolog-L Remote contract position: Invasive reptiles science writer
Siers, Shane - MRP-APHIS (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Summer 2025: alpine plant ecology (reminder)
Benjamin Wong Blonder (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Online course: Genome Assembly and Annotation - 17–21 March
Ecolog-L Ph.D. Position on Enhancing American marten regional connectivity in the Upper Great Lakes (UW-Madison)
Sabrina ZHAO (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Plant Biology & Conservation Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program: Seeking Applicants for 2025
Sarah Jones (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Job: Research Assistant - Botany/Plant Ecology, Michigan Natural Features Inventory
Warner, Scott
Ecolog-L Tomorrow's ISEE Webinar "What is Behavioral Ecological Economics?"
Ecolog-L Field Research Technicians with the Cariveau Native Bee Lab (MN)
Rebecca Zerlin (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Applied Ecology Section Leadership Opportunities
Sarah Whipple
Ecolog-L Restoration Research Mentor, Assistant Project Scientist - UCSB
Bailey Clincy
Ecolog-L Ph.D. Assistantship - Avian Spatial Ecology
Pease, Brent S (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Ph.D. Assistantship - Statewide ARU monitoring project
Pease, Brent S (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Generalised Linear Models in R – Online Course (24-28 February 2025)
Ecolog-L Post-doctoral Research Associate / Science Fellow - Analysis, synthesis, and forecasting of free-flowing stream gages in the western U.S. for National Park Service
Ben LaFrance
Ecolog-L Job opening: Boston University Stable Isotope Laboratory Manager and Instrumentation Specialist
Jennifer Bhatnagar (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L JOB OPPORTUNITY: FWC Biological Scientist IV (Artificial Reefs)
Myron, Eli
Ecolog-L Assistant Professor in Waterfowl Ecology and Management, Clemson University
Troy Mason Farmer
Ecolog-L MS Position in Forest Hydrology and Ecophysiology
Siegert, Courtney
Ecolog-L January 6 Statistical Methods Webinar: DeepForest python package & Airborne Biodiversity Monitoring
Jody Peters (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Assistant/Associate Professor of Biology at Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
Walther, Benjamin
Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE – Introduction to generalised linear models using R and Rstudio (IGLM08)
Oliver Hooker
Ecolog-L Postdoc: Experimental evolution of endosymbiosis.
Lutz Becks
Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE - Remote sensing data analysis and coding in R for ecology (RSDA01)
Oliver Hooker
Ecolog-L EGU Session: Vegetation functional responses to global change across multiple methods and scales
Richard Nair (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Kellogg Biological Station Director Position
Sullivan, Lauren
Ecolog-L Open Scientist position at the Missouri Botanical Garden
J. Sebastian Tello
Ecolog-L Ecologically Oriented Biomechanics Labs
Neufeld, Howard (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L LiDAR Data Analysis in R course - online 17–19 February
Ecolog-L Permanent Research Technician Position in Invading Weed Ecology and Genetics: USDA ARS, Sidney Montana
Branson, Dave - REE-ARS (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Seasonal Fire Ecology Field Technician and Crew Lead Positions
Kristin Nesbit (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L SFS is hiring! Program Manager - Center for Amazon Studies
SFS Jobs
Ecolog-L Assistant or Associate Professor (Marine Mammal Science)
Joshua Stewart
Ecolog-L Participate in research study to define climate change acceptance
Holt, Emily
Ecolog-L Please list: Fish Swimming / Respirometry training 2025 -Open to ALL applicants globally
Jacob Johansen
Ecolog-L Running R on TACC's Stampede3
Kumar Mainali
Ecolog-L Postdoc and PhD on forecasting plant defence and resistance at Trinity College Dublin
Silvia Caldararu (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Pollinator Monitoring Researcher Position (MN)
Rebecca Zerlin (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Comparing different parts of a thesis
Jorge A. Santiago-Blay
Ecolog-L Research Assistant Position at LUMCON
Stephanie Archer
Ecolog-L PhD position - Plant-soil microbial interactions and carbon cycling (SLU, Uppsala, Sweden)
Paul Kardol
Ecolog-L 2025 ESA Annual Meeting: Submit A Proposal for a Non-Paper Session (Deadline January 9th)
ESA Meetings (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L FW: online course - Multivariate Data Analysis with R and vegan
Ecolog-L Summer Internship Opportunities at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center
Richardson, Heather F. (via ecolog-l list)
Ecolog-L Lab Tech and seasonal assistants at the Cary Institute
Tara Stewart Merrill
Ecolog-L ONLINE COURSE – Species Distribution Modelling With Bayesian Statistics Using R (SDMB06)
Oliver Hooker
Ecolog-L MSc and PhD Positions: Population and Conservation Genomics at The University of British Columbia
Russello, Michael