On Monday, January 6 at noon US ET, the Ecological Forecasting Initiative
and the ESA Statistical Ecology Section are co-hosting Dr. Ben Weinstein
(University of Florida) who will present on "The DeepForest python package
and Deep Learning for Airborne Biodiversity Monitoring"

You can register to join the call at: https://bit.ly/4eVeprd

DeepForest is a python package for airborne object detection. It allows
users to train and fine-tune object detection models in only a few lines of
code. It comes with several prebuilt models, including tree detection, bird
detection and cattle detection, that serve as backbones for fine tuning to
new datasets and taxa. Dr. Weinstein will walk through training, evaluating
deepforest models, as well as best practices for one-source machine
learning projects in ecology.

Upcoming session topics include: Camera Trap Distance Sampling, Computer
vision and biodiversity monitoring, and Distance sampling applications in

Details about the seminar series and recordings from previous seminars are
at: https://ecoforecast.org/workshops/statistical-methods-seminar-series/


Jody Peters, PhD
*Community Manager*
*Ecological Forecasting Initiative, ecoforecast.org
<http://ecoforecast.org>, @eco4cast <https://twitter.com/eco4cast>*
*PalEON, paleonproject.org <http://paleonproject.org>, @Pal_EON
<https://twitter.com/pal_eon?lang=en> *

*University of Notre Dame*

*Biological Sciences*

Galvin 294A

Notre Dame, IN 46556

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