The Waterloo Wetland Lab at the University of Waterloo (ON, Canada) is 
recruiting a Postdoctoral Fellow.

About the project
The Alberta Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting project seeks to enhance 
wetland monitoring and management in Alberta through rigorous scientific 
analysis and collaboration.

The postdoctoral fellow will conduct a literature review to create a DPSIR 
(Drivers, Pressures, State, Impact, Response) conceptual model for Alberta’s 
wetlands, identifying key drivers and pressures affecting wetland conditions, 
including consideration of western science and Indigenous knowledge systems. 
They will perform a geospatial assessment of Alberta’s wetlands, monitoring 
sites, and regulatory datasets to identify gaps in current programs and 
recommend improvements. Additionally, the fellow will critically review wetland 
indicators used in other jurisdictions and analyze Alberta’s datasets to 
prioritize wetland indicators for condition of environment reporting.

About the position

2-year position at the University of Waterloo, ON (preferred, but other 
residencies may be considered), co-supervised by Dr. Rebecca Rooney (UW) and 
Dr. Danielle Cobbaert (Alberta Environment and Parks)
Salary: $65-70,000/year (depending on experience), with extended health and 
dental benefits, and pension


PhD in Ecology or related field, with experience in environmental monitoring 
and geomatics/spatial analyses
Proficient in ArcGIS or QGIS software, and R statistical software
Excellent scientific writing skills and a strong record of publishing in peer 
reviewed journals

Send your CV and a 1-page cover letter describing your experience and expertise 
relevant to the 3 core research goals of this PDF as described herein, to:

For more information about Postdoctoral Affairs at UW visit:

The Waterloo Wetland Lab is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusivity in 
our recruitment efforts and  encourage applications from women, gender 
non-binary individuals, and other members of minority groups.

Megan Jordan, MSc
Waterloo Wetland Laboratory
University of Waterloo
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