*2025 Winter-Spring positions (UNLV)*


Dr. Scott Abella's Conservation Ecology Laboratory at the University of
Nevada Las Vegas is hiring for the Mojave/Sonoran (southern Nevada,
southeastern California) winter-spring field season. Working with Dr.
Nicole Pietrasiak, we are hiring Botany field assistants for a 2-month
season (Late-January-March 2025) in the Chihuahuan Desert, New Mexico, and
Field and Laboratory technicians to assist with soil and seed ecology
activities during late spring and into summer.

All positions are *Letter of Appointment* (temporary) salaried contracts,
with a salary range of $3,900 - $4,800 depending on experience and position
skill sets needed (see below). LOA positions include benefits (
https://www.unlv.edu/hr/benefits/loa). Before applying, review climate
conditions for the region of the position of interest. We cannot guarantee
a schedule that accommodates individuals desiring to be stationed outside
of Las Vegas for UNLV-based positions. Personnel work in teams of 2 - 4
people, are required to visit the UNLV laboratory to pick up and drop off
field vehicles and electronics, and to back up field data. We strongly
encourage reviewing rental availability or investigating temporary living
situations for the Las Vegas area before applying to positions stationed in
Las Vegas.

Please review requirements and details of the position of interest below.
If you are uncertain if you meet minimum requirements, please feel free to
inquire. Submit inquiries and applications to Lindsay Chiquoine (
lindsay.chiquo...@unlv.edu). Please include the *position title *in the
subject line of the email and *(location) *if applying to a single specific
position location, or your email may be missed! Applications should include
a letter of interest (introductory letter describing your experience and
skill sets within the context of the position) and a curriculum vitae or
resume. Please include in your letter preferred position(s), including
interest in extended positions (see descriptions below) and your current
availability. After review, qualified candidate applications will be
provided to PIs for review and references will be requested.

*Minimum qualifications for all field-based positions*

All candidates must be willing to be on the University of Nevada Las Vegas
Maryland Campus (Las Vegas, NV) the week before the contract start date to
present personal identification following the I-9 form (
https://www.uscis.gov/i-9; please verify you have the correct
identification materials available) and complete on boarding. Successful
candidates must be able to work full days outside in the sun, wind, and low
humidity, be interested and able to stay overnight in the field, and assist
with managing field/laboratory data and specimens.

·         Be a United States citizen, have a current and valid US state
driver’s license, and have no personal at-fault accidents in the last five
years (Nevada State vehicles are provided for field work)

·         A college degree in the biological sciences, ecology,
environmental science, natural resources, or related degree (please feel
free to inquire if you have an unrelated degree but related experience)

·         Outdoor experience (2+ years; on- and off-trail hiking, camping
in remote locations, backpacking)

·         Backcountry travel and navigation: off-road (unpaved,
unmaintained roads) 4WD and navigation; hiking off trail across uneven
terrain in variable and potentially unpredictable weather conditions (GPS,

·         Field work experience (2+ years; data collection, data management
in a backcountry setting)

·         Experience following plant community survey or monitoring
protocols (e.g., inventory and monitoring; assessment, inventory, and
monitoring methods; other standard survey protocols that include aerial
cover estimation, count data, species identification)

·         Experience conducting field sampling and documenting field

·         For *botanist positions*: expertise using dichotomous keys and
citable identification resources (2+ years); assistance with field project
management and data management

*New Mexico *

*Position title: 2025 Spring Field Technician/Botanist (New Mexico)*

*1 full-time plant/biocrust technician (100% field), February – March, or
March only*

Primary work station: *New Mexico*

*27 January 2025 – 31 March 2025*, 4-days on/3-days off work schedule
starting the first week in February.

Stationed in New Mexico, field technicians will work with Dr. Nicole
Pietrasiak (PI) and Research Staff to conduct field surveys following
monitoring protocols* and conduct soil sampling. The crew will be stationed
in New Mexico for 2 months, and hotel night stays will be provided, with
some camping at more remote locations. The anticipated work schedule is
4-days on/3-days off starting the first week of February and continuing
through the end of March 2025. A Nevada State vehicle will be provided for
field work. All candidates must be willing to be on the University of
Nevada Las Vegas Maryland Campus (Las Vegas, NV) between January 27-31,
2025 to present personal identification following the I-9 form (
https://www.uscis.gov/i-9; please verify you have the correct
identification materials available) and complete onboarding. The candidate
must be self-motivated, detail oriented, have a commitment to safe and
inclusive work practices, and must have excellent time management skills.
Strong communication skills are essential. The successful candidate must be
able to work full days outside in the sun, wind, and low humidity, be
interested and able to stay overnight in field station lodging or willing
to do occasional back country camping.

*Preferred qualifications (in addition to minimum)*

·         Botanical expertise in the Chihuahuan Desert of New Mexico, 1+
years, plant identification experience using regional dichotomous keys and
other resources

·         Familiarity with AIM protocols

·         Familiarity with biocrust and monitoring methods


Based out of the University of Nevada Las Vegas (Las Vegas, NV), *botanists*
and *field technicians* will assist Dr. Scott Abella (PI) and UNLV Research
Staff and graduate students with plant community and restoration research
in southern Nevada and southeastern California. The crew is anticipated to
begin training at the end of February. We will begin field data collection
in early March in southeastern CA (near Desert Center, CA), working
northward toward Las Vegas, NV. An anticipated field schedule is an 8-days
on/6-days off (Wednesday to Wednesday) rotation throughout March (starting
the 5th) and April. Most sites are remote and will require 4WD access and
camping close to field sites. Activities will include conducting plant
community surveys at 8 field sites throughout southeastern California
(Mojave and Sonoran deserts), assisting with restoration experiment
maintenance and surveys at 3 sites in southeastern California, and
conducting plant community assessment at 15-25 field sites for 2-3 projects
in southern Nevada (Clark County).

*Position title: 2025 Spring Botanist (NV, CA) UNLV, Las Vegas *

1-2 full-time botanists (90%/10% split, field/lab), 2.5 months

Primary work station: Las Vegas, Nevada

Start: February 15-25, 2025

End: April 30, 2025, with the opportunity for extension depending on summer
position availability and funding

DOE salary range: $3,900 - $4,800

Activities and duties include relocating established monitoring plots,
conducting plant surveys using a standard protocol (e.g., on a species
basis: square meter cover, or cover using cover classes; adult shrub and
seedling counts; dieback and mortality assessments; plant estimated mean
height; exotic plant density counts); repeating photographs for time
series; maintaining field data (hard copy and digital); maintaining an
unknown plant database for later identification, and maintaining pressed
specimens, when needed; navigating to and from field sites (driving and
hiking); maintaining crew safety; maintaining field truck cleanliness and
general operation and communicating with staff when trucks require
maintenance; maintaining electronics, backing up data, and communicating
with research staff to ensure data is backed up in the UNLV laboratory
after field sessions; working with supervisors to plan field schedules and
locations; and communicating regularly with supervisors to address
questions on protocols and provide regular updates on meeting field
activity goals. Specifically, for botanists and those with more field and
project management experience, individuals will assist with general field
project and data management.

*Preferred qualifications (in addition to minimum)*

·         Botanical expertise in the Mojave and/or Sonoran Desert
(California/Nevada); 1+ years, plant identification experience using
regional dichotomous keys and other resources

*Position title: 2025 Spring Field Technician (NV, CA) UNLV, Las Vegas*

2-3 full-time field technician (85%/15% split, field/lab), 2-3 months

Primary work station: Las Vegas, Nevada

Start: February 15-25, 2025

End: April 30, 2025; opportunity for 1-2 position(s) extending through May
31, 2025 or into summer 2025 (see descriptions below)

DOE salary range: $3,900 - $4,400

For all positions, opportunity for extension, depending on summer position
availability and funding

Activities and duties include relocating established monitoring plots,
conducting plant surveys using a standard protocol (e.g., on a species
basis: square meter cover, or cover using cover classes; adult shrub and
seedling counts; dieback and mortality assessments; plant estimated mean
height; exotic plant density counts); working with professional botanists
to correctly identify plants; repeating photographs for time series;
maintaining field data (hard copy and digital); helping to navigate to and
from field sites (driving and hiking); maintaining crew safety; helping to
maintain field truck cleanliness and general operation and communicating
with staff when trucks require maintenance; maintaining electronics,
backing up data, and communicating with research staff to ensure data is
backed up in the UNLV laboratory after field sessions; and communicating
regularly with supervisors to address questions on protocols.  We encourage
early career candidates (recent undergraduate college graduates) to apply
to further expand their existing field and plant identification skill sets.
Early career field technicians will be introduced to regional plant
identification, dichotomous keys, regional plant communities and species
assemblages, field project management and planning, and working with
professional academic research staff and botanists.

For May 2025, 1-2 Field Technician(s) will assist Research Staff with
additional duties: soil sample collection and soil sample preparation for
soil microbial analysis in southeastern CA; phenology tracking at local NV
field sites, seed collection, and seed/seedling tests at UNLV. Depending on
interest and availability, these positions can shift to a summer laboratory
position (June-July) further assisting Research Staff with soil microbial
community-related laboratory activities, and/or seed germination, seed
viability, and seedling integrity tests.
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