ONLINE COURSE – Introduction to generalised linear models using R and
Rstudio (IGLM08)

25th - 27th February 2025

Instructor - Dr. Rafael De Andrade Moral

COURSE OVERVIEW: This course provides a comprehensive practical and
theoretical introduction to generalized linear models using R. Generalized
linear models are generalizations of linear regression models for
situations where the outcome variable is, for example, a binary, or
ordinal, or count variable, etc. The specific models we cover include
binary, binomial, and categorical logistic regression, Poisson and negative
binomial regression for count variables, as well as extensions for
overdispersed and zero-inflated data. We begin by providing a brief
overview of the normal general linear model. Understanding this model is
vital for the proper understanding of how it is generalized in generalized
linear models. Next, we introduce the widely used binary logistic
regression model, which is is a regression model for when the outcome
variable is binary. Next, we cover the binomial logistic regression, and
the multinomial case, which is for modelling outcomes variables that are
polychotomous, i.e., have more than two categorically distinct values. We
will then cover Poisson regression, which is widely used for modelling
outcome variables that are counts (i.e the number of times something has
happened). We then cover extensions to accommodate overdispersion, starting
with the quasi-likelihood approach, then covering the negative binomial and
beta-binomial models for counts and discrete proportions, respectively.
Finally, we will cover zero-inflated Poisson and negative binomial models,
which are for count data with excessive numbers of zero observations.

Please email with any questions.

Oliver Hooker PhD.
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