Very true in that newer is not always better. My mac came preinstalled
with Lion so I could go back to it if I really wanted to using Internet
Recovery. I could also reinstall Mountain Lion by downloading it from
the Mac App Store. Guess it's each to their own but since my mac is not
my primary
I think this would be a whole lot easier if would support external,
rather than inline attachments but that is probably more an issue with outgoing
mail more so than receiving. But still, I usually prefer to use the main menu
bar and select File -> Save Attachments and work from there;
Well, my Mac came with mountain lion, so I don't know what the good about snow
leopard is. I do wish the speech server was more responsive, which can be
tested by noticing the time between the VoiceOver sounds and speech.
> On Jul 26, 2014, at 2:51, Christopher Hallsworth
> wrote:
> Very t
The Mutt Unix command line mail client seems to support private replies pretty
well. Even when the list forces the normal reply function to go to the list,
Mutt offers you the choice of sending to original sender or to the list. On the
opposite side of the coin, Some lists make it nearly impossi
Steve Holmes wrote:
> The Mutt Unix command line mail client seems to support private replies
> pretty well. Even when the list forces the normal reply function to go to
> the list, Mutt offers you the choice of sending to original sender or to the
> list.
And if you have Homebrew installed on y
I wish I could install Snow Lepard on my Mac smile. But if I'm correct
Apple does not allow such downgrades because of when they were sold.
On 26/07/2014 09:45, Devin Prater wrote:
Well, my Mac came with mountain lion, so I don't know what the good about snow
leopard is. I do wish the speech s
Hi all
Check this out the Apple online store still sells good old Snow Leopard
for about 14 quid in the UK and does come on DVD.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it
One thing that might make Clifton's solution work is if he has mouse pointer
set to follow the VO cursor. I'm sure changes in this option could impact this
operation. Personally, I haven't added any mail boxes to the favorites so don't
have any additional personal experience to go on.
On Jul 20
can i discuss here about the beta?
> On 26 Jul 2014, at 11:33, Christopher Hallsworth
> wrote:
> Hi all
> Check this out the Apple online store still sells good old Snow Leopard for
> about 14 quid in the UK and does come on DVD.
> --
> You received this message because you are su
The one area in Terminal I would really like to be able to do is cursor up and
down a column and have it stay in that column and not go back to the beginning
of the line each time. An example of what I'm talking about is take the output
of 'ls -l' (detailed file listing) and read just the file n
I hope so. I got it too.
Devin Prater
> On Jul 26, 2014, at 4:49 AM, Dionipher Presas Herrera
> wrote:
> can i discuss here about the beta?
>> On 26 Jul 2014, at 11:33, Christopher Hallsworth
>> wrote:
>> Hi all
>> Check this out the Apple online store still sell
Hi. Unless you're talking about features discussed at WWDC, then no. You are
covered by the same NDA that the developers had to sign so we can't discuss any
bugs in the software.
Sent From My White MacBook
> On Jul 26, 2014, at 4:54 AM, Devin Prater wrote:
> I hope so. I got it too.
Well, maverics might be free but that does not immediately make it better.
I for one still have some email issues popping up now and then that i did not
have with mountain lion.
The thing is, I am not sure if apple still does security patches for mountain
lion, they often only seem to suppo
Hi, Traci,
I have never used Express-VPN, but I have tried out and used others.
For two years or so, I used Strong VPN and it worked flawlessly. I only used
it with my iPhone, not with my PC or Mac. The only time it went down was when
Hurricane Sandy hit NYC, but they were only offline for ab
I was afraid of that, but thanks for the confirmation. My only other question
is message count for threads - does that exist? VO says "conversation", but not
how many messages are in the conversation. I expect this just isn't available
either, but I want to double check.
Sent from my iPhone
I made sure to select the proper partition from the scroll area, and the size
did show up. The thing it, any value I enter in the size text field is replaced
by 8.34 no matter what. VO indicates that, in the scroll area, there is a
"resize control", but I can't figure out how that is supposed to
Hi, Steve,
I agree if there is any reason to be concerned about the file. But in this
particular case, the file came from a highly trusted--and very tech
savvy--individual, so I had no security concerns. In general, I don't like to
have to take the extra steps it takes to first save a file an
Yep, just bought my copy, for old time's sake.
Unfortunately, it's 10.6.3 and no later; Apple stopped making the discs
available for retail after that, and the only way to get the latest version is
if it came with a particular Mac. (Insert rant about Apple locking its media
to specific Macs he
I think my I Mac came with Mountain Lion, what was it in January 2013? I liked
it when I first came across a Mac, there were such voices as Bad News. I
wonder how many of you use Bad News? I don't even know if it's on Mavericks
right now.
On 26 Jul 2014, at 10:31, Christopher Hallswor
I don't see what is wrong with Mavericks. It's been working absolutely fine for
Any issues I had was because my computer was old. I just got a new Macbook Pro,
and now it runs smoothly. It's been perfectly solid.
Awaken To Silence: Awaken To The Silence That Has Always B
Hello Kawal,
Bad news is still available.
On 26 Jul 2014, at 15:37, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> I think my I Mac came with Mountain Lion, what was it in January 2013? I
> liked it when I first came across a Mac, there were such voices as Bad News.
> I wonder how many of you use
Hello Alex,
No, there's no message count for conversations, not even visually.
On 26 Jul 2014, at 13:44, Alex Hall wrote:
> message count for threads - does that exist? VO says "conversation", but not
> how many messages are in the conversation. I expect this just isn't availab
Agreed. Mavericks is running fine, especially since I dumped Gmail for the much
smoother and easier to use iCloud Mail. I started my Mac journey with Lion, so
maybe I'm missing something, I don't know. Still, the increased iCloud syncing
between iOS and OS X, the new voices, and all the other im
Again, I thought so, but thought I'd check. Thanks. So, Classic Layout is
really great since I can get the subject to speak first, but it lacks a couple
of message attributes I really like. That said, Standard Layout includes more
information, but won't let me customize the order in which said i
If you can't resize it then it is as large as it can be. Removing your vm
freed of 19 gigs on your main partition. That does not meen that you have 19
gigs free on the drive.
You probably need to delete the new partition and then shrink the main
On Jul 26, 2014, at 7:28 AM, Alex H
Good idea, thanks. I tried resizing the main partition (Macintosh HD), but the
size is always dimmed, as though I can't edit it at all. It's the startup disk
so of course I can't erase it, but I don't seem able to resize it to give the
new partition more space.
On Jul 26, 2014, at 11:10 AM, Barr
The reality is, you are going to find problems with any version of an
operating system. Look at the Windows users who still stick with XP at this
point. There are oddities that one person may have that cannot be recreated by
another person with any version of an OS. That is just the unfort
You should be able to resize macintosh hd. All I can suggest is to make sure
you deleted the new partition and double check that you have macintosh hd
selected with vo-space.
You have to delete the new one first because you can only move the end point of
a partition using disk utility. You can
I long for the days of the abacus.
On Jul 26, 2014, at 10:35 AM, John Panarese wrote:
The reality is, you are going to find problems with any version of an
operating system. Look at the Windows users who still stick with XP at this
point. There are oddities that one person may have that ca
Hi there,
I use a VPN called Private Internet Access:
It works well, is totally accessible on the mac, and has a very simple
interface. I've never had them go off line, and honestly it just works, there
is no connection logging, and so far I've gotten very c
Okay, thanks, I think I see what happened. I was trying to do all this after
clicking "add"; I'm instead supposed to shrink my current partition before
configuring the new one. It's shrinking now, so this should work better next
time I add the new one and try to set it up. Hopefully I can figure
Please. The sundial is where it's at.
Awaken To Silence: Awaken To The Silence That Has Always Been Within You
Facebook: AwakenToSilence
Twitter: @awakentosilence
On Jul 26, 2014, at 11:57 AM, Barry Hadder wrote:
> I long for the days of t
No no, just use your eyes. Why use anything not made by mother gaia? Our nature
shall provide all that is neccisary. And if we are blessed by the great Mother
of having no visual gnosis, we shall have to seek the aide of one that does.
This will teach us respect and dependence, for which we must
If your Mac journey starts with Lion, then I'd agree that anything subsequent
is a vast improvement. Of the three released since Lion, I think ML has proven
to be the least annoying and most stable, but Mavericks will probably prove
less frustrating at the current rate of VoiceOver instability
I never used one of those. I've held one and checked one out, but never got
the hang of them.
I have a friend who has an Apple 2E with a lot of his original accessories
and disks. He fires that puppy up from time to time for nostalgia sake.
Take Care
John D. Panarese
Mac fo
Looking back is not always wise. Doing so creates negative feelings
that then interfere with the current.
I got along with XP very well and then got Windows 7. I managed to
get along with 7 but it never got to the point I would throw it all out
and put XP back on for there are always the
From The Believer. . .
What if it were true?
On 7/26/2014 9:20 AM, Brandon A. Olivares wrote:
Please. The sundial is where it's at.
Awaken To Silence: Awaken To The Silence That Has Always Been Within You
Facebook: AwakenToSilence
This is how one makes the most of a new product. Look at the good in
it and learn to make the best of the not so good. Alex, you are not
missing anything. We start somewhere. We cannot start any sooner than
that. I did start with using DOS but missed using key punch technology.
Did I miss ou
Thank you both. I don't travel frequently, but when I do, I'd like to use vpn
while on public wifi.
On Jul 26, 2014, at 9:01 AM, Justin Mann wrote:
> Hi there,
> I use a VPN called Private Internet Access:
> It works well, is totally accessible o
I'ave had great lic with that using Private Internet Access. Even better, you
can give your computer an IP address from say the UK, and watch BBC live
streaming programming, and have access to their audio description content.
On Jul 26, 2014, at 12:54 PM, Traci Duncan wrote:
> Thank you both.
At any rate, with this new yearly schedule, I think the strategy of waiting
until the worst is ironed out is a very good idea. Apple is now patching two
releases prior to the current generation, so you have the option, within those
limits, of waiting for the dust to settle, which I highly recom
Well, my biggest complaint with osx is that the speech server is quite sluggish
than iOS.
> On Jul 26, 2014, at 13:16, Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote:
> At any rate, with this new yearly schedule, I think the strategy of waiting
> until the worst is ironed out is a very good idea. Apple is now
If you long for those days, well, nobody is stopping you from using one.
At 12:58 PM 7/26/2014, you wrote:
I never used one of those. I've held one and checked one out,
but never got the hang of them.
I have a friend who has an Apple 2E with a lot of his original
accessories and disks
I use ProXpn.
Works very well.
The app configures your IOS device for you making it quite simple to
turn it on or off and to choose where you want your connection to surface.
useful for travel.
Not to mention getting to streams not available in your area.
I'm talking to you al jazeera which wen
Well, when you "Add" a new partition, you are shrinking the partition whose
free space you are using transparently; this is all handled by the disk
management framework in OS X.
To be honest, Disk Utility isn't the nicest tool to use for these sorts of
jobs, so if you're up to it, I'd use the d
The latest: I resized the Macintosh HD partition, as I said before. That went
fine, yet the partition I'm trying to create is *still* stuck at 8.79GB. I type
in the new size (14GB), and it immediately gets replaced by 8.79, just like
before. This makes no sense at all. Would the command line too
Of course, you may continue to jump (VO-J) over to the message preview while
it's selected, but I prefer to have that pane off altogether to avoid messages
being marked read when they're selected.
I'm in classic mode because I always want the subject line read first while
skimming. As you noti
Yes, I also keep the preview pane off completely. I do like having my subject
first, it makes things much faster when skimming through tons of messages.
On Jul 26, 2014, at 3:19 PM, Sabahattin Gucukoglu wrote:
> Of course, you may continue to jump (VO-J) over to the message preview while
> it's
Can you send us the output of "diskutil list" so we can see where you are?
I do advise you to take that backup now, just in case.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it
In Windows, delete temporary files (disk cleanup), defragment, and then shrink.
Shrink is done using the VMWareToolboxCmd tool from the command line, because
for some stupid reason VMWare removed the control panel applet from the tools.
Shut down, and finally clean up the VM using Fusion.
I haven't made the new partition yet, so here's all I have:
AccessIT-LLC-Macbook-Air:~ alexhall$ diskutil list
0: GUID_partition_scheme*60.7 GBdisk0
Alpine also does this; I just tried and it prompts you whether or not you'd
like to reply using the reply address.
The problem is that using a textmode client makes it rather hard to be
efficient with speech only under OS X. It works reasonably well, but not well
enough to replace a native GUI
Hi. I'd like to see where in Mavericks you see Safari crash. I installed
Mavericks on day 1 when it released and had no problems with my Safari
whatsoever. Also, you say that Voiceover was unstable for you. What was going
on? Because again, my Voiceover worked perfectly on Mavericks.
The reason
OK, so we now know that you do, in fact, only have about 8GB of unpartitioned
space. Let's resize this to 70% of the disk, leaving 30% for your
testing--that would be about 20GB. Adjust as required. You'd type this, and
enter your password (hope you've got that backup):
sudo diskutil resizeVo
Partitioning with voice-over is useless. i think a lot more could be done to
make the panels more accessible. take the resize control
On 26 Jul 2014, at 10:28 pm, Alex Hall wrote:
> I made sure to select the proper partition from the scroll area, and the size
> did show up. The thing it, any va
I've got ProblemReporter logging to notification centre and almost every day
that I look VoiceOver has crashed several times. It seems to be particularly
bad when opening PDF files on the web or on pages where there's a lot of script
and dynamic content.
No, of course it's not shallow. Absolu
Before I do this, I have a question: where'd my extra space go? I successfully
used Disk Utility to resize my Macintosh HD down earlier, but that gave me no
extra free space. Well, the size Disk Utility forces me to use went from 8.34GB
to 8.79GB, but that's after I resized the main partition do
I have to comment here that partitioning with voiceover is most certainly NOT
useless. I do it all the time with external drives and have done it with my
internal drive on occasion. I don't have time right now to write more, but it
involves how you interact and tab; it might be a bit challenging
I'm not sure why DU is forcing such a small value. You ought to be able to
specify any size up to a maximum for each partition such that they all occupy
all of the space of the entire disk. This is really where DU just falls down,
as far as VO support is concerned.
You're correct that about 5
I tell you something, partitioning is something that is totally
accessible from the word go under OS X. Under Windows you either need
sighted assistance or one of the talking environments out there, unless
you use a third party partitioning program under Windows or you want to
partition on driv
Apologies, but can you re-send that command? Thanks.
Yes, generally, partitioning is easy. I've done this sort of thing several
times in the past with no trouble, on internal and external drives. I've never
seen an attempt go sideways like this one has, but this is the first time I've
had probl
That's the one that's advertised on the Twit podcasts. I would imagine if
Leo Laporte advertises it, it's a pretty good service because they don't
just advertise anything that comes.
- Original Message -
From: "Kevin Barry"
Sent: Saturday, July 26, 2014 1:55 PM
Subject: Re: Expr
What I think you may not be understanding is that by writing in an amount
instead of just working the resizer you usually aren't going to get the exact
fraction needed for resizing so you are going to get an error and/or a
different size than you thought you requested. This isn't a matter of DU
Good day all.
First a question for a friend of mine. I asked this a few days ago and was
suggested to check ICloud to see if that would help fix the problem my friend
is having. Sorry, it was no luck. The problem is whenever he goes to the mac
apt store to update instead of staying logged in wi
Fair enough, I guess I can see that. The question then becomes: how do you use
the resize control? I interact with it, but can't do anything past that. Is
there a special command to use this?
On Jul 26, 2014, at 5:33 PM, Cheryl Homiak wrote:
> What I think you may not be understanding is that b
First, when you say you've logged out, is that in the iCloud part of System
Preferences? If not, give that a try.
As to videos, they might actually be there. Find the frame containing the
video, and interact; Mavericks might be stopping the Flash plugin from loading,
presenting a button with a
Oh, hmm under my safari settings there seems to be no extensions there. Well,
guess that would explain why it doesn't show me anything.
As for the apt store problem. He's logged out of ICloud, ITunes, the apt store,
everything that uses an apple ID. Then he signed back in with his apple ID
that's the one.
At 05:23 PM 7/26/2014, you wrote:
That's the one that's advertised on the Twit podcasts. I would
imagine if Leo Laporte advertises it, it's a pretty good service
because they don't just advertise anything that comes.
- Original Message - From: "Kevin Barry"
Every app, yes, but has he logged out in System Preferences > iCloud? That's
the main place for it. Also, any apps he has installed that are left from the
previous owner will belong to that previous owner, and so will need that
password to update. He can just re-install them under his ID to fix
Yeah, sounds that way to me as well, but I wanted to check all options before
telling them to start over. But since we did run through everything then final
option it will be. Thanks for your help. Yes, I did have him go through system
preferences to log out of ICloud and it didn't work, so I'll
Hi May,
Regardless of signing out of iCloud in every place possible (app store,
iTunes store, system preferences, what have you), checking for updates in
the app store will use his ID because the Mac still has apps installed on it
that are tied to his account. Since the new Apple ID did not pur
*smiles* thanks, I'll have him check that as well. If that's the case that it's
pulling from an old apt, it actually may be the OS that it's using. Thanks
50 days
May and Leader Dog . . .
On Jul 26, 2014, at 6:26 PM, Tristan Bussiere wrote:
> Hi May,
> Regardles
You know when you delete a thread cause you don't need it, it is exactly when a
person will come along and ask, how do I?
Sorry, I know this topic has come up and I need step by step easy instructions
to pass along to a friend of mine. How to reformat the mac and then have it
install the OS fro
Hi there,
I just got an alert to update my copy of Flip for Mac. I went to upgrade to
version 3.3 and found that apparently, there is no upgrade for free option
anymore. Now, you have to pay for even the basic version. Anybody else
noticed this?
the Constantly Barefooted Ray, St
Apologies for the cross-post.
Is anyone here on the list using any of the Apogee sound cards on the Mac?
I was curious if their control panel software, or whatever software they
use, is accessible with VoiceOver?
I am slowly getting tired of not being able to control all of the
I'm not absolutely sure you can. My first comment wasn't about resizing in
particular but was in response to the statement about partitioning with
voiceover being useless (not exact quote). I do know that one can partition
with disk utility doing vo because I've done that many times. My second c
I would love it if you could put the steps down for resizing or anything to do
with partitioning in voice-over.
I have done some of it with external drives but internal is no go.
On 27 Jul 2014, at 6:23 am, Cheryl Homiak wrote:
> I have to comment here that partitioning with
the main problem with DU is that even when you highlight the correct drive that
you want to work on all of the partition buttons are grade out. In recovery
mode or even another bootable install it just does not work for me at the
moment. I have tried everything under the sun and its only th
If you use the re-size control all that voice-over will say is content is empty
and you can't do anything.
On 27 Jul 2014, at 7:54 am, Alex Hall wrote:
> Fair enough, I guess I can see that. The question then becomes: how do you
> use the resize control? I interact with it, but can't do anythin
First of all, make sure you are highlighting a disk and not a partition when
you are going to partition. Secondly, if you are partitioning and not resizing,
you need to choose a partition scheme and don't leave it on "current". Thirdly,
there's a way you have to interact with the scroll area and
even if you think something is something is highlighted you cannot change the
partition scheme that current button is always grade out.
if you ever figure out a way to do it step by step and send instructions I
would be most grateful to you.
On 27 Jul 2014, at 2:47 pm, Chery
Yes, but if your friend is trying to update the entire OS, wouldn't that still
revert back to the old Apple ID? Just out of curiosity of course.
Sent From My White MacBook
> On Jul 26, 2014, at 5:38 PM, May wrote:
> *smiles* thanks, I'll have him check that as well. If that's the case
Hi May. If this friend is the same person you're talking about that has the Mac
that reverts back to the old apple ID the person previously had set up, you may
have a problem. In any event, I will tell you how I created a bootable
installer of OS X using a flash drive. First, I googled an app ca
Yep, it's the same person. I also figured there would be a problem, but was
hoping for not, lol.
i'm assuming that re-installing would also be a bad idea?
49 days
May and Leader Dog . . .
On Jul 27, 2014, at 2:14 AM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:
> Hi May. If this friend is the sa
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