Well, I've noticed it specially in buttons, the rest of the controls
seem to work much better. That may help them find the problem.
2012/7/31, Ioana Gandrabur :
> Hi,
> Wrote to apple about inconsistent response of vo and space in ml and they
> asked me to give instances of occurrence. Here is w
When I make a new appointment in 10.8, I am trying to type in the title field
something like appointment 6/08/12 13:00
ON this way, the appointment should start the 6th of august at 13:00.
Unfortunately, this seems only to work if I use the button to add a new
appointment not when I pre
Yes, the subject says it all. I've found out that my VO does not
respond properly when, once I've entered a table, I try to go back
using either the VO + left arrow, the single left arrow key with quick
nav on or the one finger left flick on my trackpad. Before I write to
apple reporting this issue
Hello All.
Now what I might say may be something that people may not like but I am one for
plain speaking and will not mince my words. However, this is my opinion.
People say that they may be disappointed with one thing or another and it is
their right to do so of course.
But when anything ne
__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus
signature database 7342 (20120731) __
The message was checked by ESET Smart Security.
__ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signat
Thanks for the feedback, everyone. I checked out several different sites and
everyone confirms that RSS reading capabilities have been scrapped in mail
under ML, at least for the time being. A third-party client is apparently the
way to go.
Best regards to everyone, along with thanks,
Hi Lisette,
VO actually makes it really easy. You'll know when it recognizes the phrases
you speak because it will make a little "whit" sound. When you get that sound
consistently after speaking the phrases in the list, you'll know you have it
On Jul 30, 2012, at 11:33
Hear ye, hear ye!
I couldn't agree more. That mail had me constantly over and over again,
saying? Drama, drama, drama!
O, K, are there some bugs, yeah, granted I really haven't found any, but
that isn't to say I won't eventually. The point is, give Apple a break for
God sake, and before yo
Hi Donna,
Okay, can you explain how to calibrate and where to go to accomplish this?
On Jul 31, 2012, at 5:56 AM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Hi Lisette,
> VO actually makes it really easy. You'll know when it recognizes the phrases
> you speak because it will make a little "whit"
Okay, I found the calibrate slider. By default it's set at 100%. Even when I
adjust it, I hit the F10 key and hear a tone that means it's not recognized,
even though I defined it as the key I wished. So I'm missing something here.
On Jul 30, 2012, at 9:30 PM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Did you
And it ain't as if there's that much to complain about really. Sure, sometimes
VO won't respond to pressing VO+space, and the time line issue; but really, I
think we're looking at an undercover Apple basher here. You know the type.
They get a Mac, give themselves perhaps a few days with it a
>> For more options, visit this group at
>> http://groups.google.com/group/macvisionaries?hl=en.
>> __ Information from ESET Smart Security, version of virus signature
>> database 7342 (20120731) __
I agree with you. I love that you can easily share our concerns with the Apple
accessibility team, while that was all but impossible with JAWS. My wife and I
are on our second Macs now (changed from Macbook Pro to Macbook Air), and we
love it. My Pro has lasted twice as long as any other compute
Hi Les,
Open System Prefs. Type the letter A and you will be taken right to
accessibility. Press VO-Space to select. Press tab to get to the Speakable
Items. VO-Arrow to Settings and press VO-Space. There you'll see Microphone,
and the default is the internal mic. Change this if you plan
You don't have to hit the F10 key, you can just start speaking the list of
On Jul 31, 2012, at 5:40 AM, Les Kriegler wrote:
> Okay, I found the calibrate slider. By default it's set at 100%. Even when
> I adjust it, I hit the F10 key and hear a tone that means it's not
Hi Les.
Some people have reset their keys to f10. However, I left mine alone to the
default which is the escape key. Mine now seems to be working pretty good, if
yours truly could remember all the exact to say. I'll get it sooner or later.
If we get Siri on here one of the days, it may be more
I don't understand. Once you enter a table, you must first stop interacting
with it before you can move around the rest of the window. What exactly
happens, and what steps can we use to try to reproduce this problem?
On Jul 31, 2012, at 4:36 AM, Daniel Montalvo wrote:
> Yes, the subject says it
My response is simple. If you are not going to report the issues as a bug and
are unhappy with the Mac. Then simply don't buy one, or just take your current
one back if it is under the time limit of being able to get a full refund.
Failing that, wipe it and stick Windows on the thing.
Bye by
Hi all,
OK, so yesterday I reinstalled ML, and all was well, I had VO back during
login. Well, today it's gone again, and I have absolutely no idea why. *sigh*
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this grou
I for some reason didn't have to do the calibration. Although I have a like
trouble getting things going, once I did, things went fine. Maybe you only have
to do the calibration thing if the computer is not understanding
Eugenia Firth
On Jul 30, 2012, at
I have found a number of bugs, and they are all fairly minor, no show stoppers.
I am sure many of the bugs were identified by the beta testers, but if Apple
weighted for every single bug to be squashed then the thing would never get out
of the door. instead of bitching, report the issues to Ap
The key you designate is a push-to-tlak key of sorts. You press it down, speak,
then release it. I don't know if you were doing that or not, but it sounds like
you were just pressing the key and letting it go. When callibrating, you simply
speak the phrases until you hear the sound every time (I
You'll agree that it is a big learning curve when you get a Mac. One will only
succeed if one puts effort in. We are our own enemies. Another thought crossed
my mind, we want our technology, we pay with it for a few days, then when we
get board or dissatified, we bash it. Human nature! This is w
So you sold your Mac and gave up on it? So what now qualifies you to know how
Mountain Lion and Safari 6 are performing?
I would say web surfing in ML is vastly improved. I have not heard Safari say
busy yet, and the rotor is turbo speed in comparison to Lion. Safari and VO
see more elements
Cheree Heppe here:
Designing the architecture for a useable screen reader might be compared to a
science fiction writer designing a world or universe. Wha if, though, the
original architecture of a world or a screen reader required radical changes in
order to keep pace with advancements unimag
Hi all,
I'm posting this for the others of you who said you had trouble getting VO to
speak at login.
I found that if I booted up my machine and just let it sit there a minute, I
got an error message pertaining to failure to connect to a Bluetooth audio
device, and was prompted to stop using h
Keep in mind, not everyone on list was upgrading from lion. If you were moving
from snow leopard to mountain lion, I think the upgrade is indeed significant.
As far as the busy issue you had, I think that is the exception more than the
norm for those using Safari in Mountain Lion with Voi
Hi all,
I just found out about an app called winonx, which is supposed to let you run
windows programs on the mac. It sounds great, but the reviews say it doesn't
work. A game maker on Twitter, though, says his newer games work fine. The main
site is down right now, but the app store link seems
In some situations I've found that you need to use VO-shift-m to bring up the
Contextual menu on the link then choose Open Link. VIPs are a new feature in
Mail whereby specific people are identified as important to you and are thus
labeled as VIPs. I'm guessing that you've pressed somethi
I would definately agree, but if you remember, last year when Lion came out
we went through this same complaint cycle. People want all the new stuff,
but they want it to all work the same and don't want to take the time and
energy to learn the new stuff. Some how it should just jump into thei
Hi! I was trying to refrain from jumpint in on this topic, but I'm genuinely
baffled by the original post and those who
supported it. The original post may have reflected my feelings about lion, and
I remember being tempted to sell my mac last
year because I found lion to be so hateful, but I jus
Hi Alex,
I have never heard of it or tried it. If you try it will you let us know how
it works. I am wondering how well DBT would work with it so that is why I am so
Becky and Ceil
On Jul 31, 2012, at 10:08 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just found out about an app called winonx,
I'd like to mention web browsing. I use chrome, not safari, but I find the
speed improvements in navigation amazing. In fact, it is as responsive now as
windows is on webpages, which I thought would never happen. I've been on
windows for years and had a horrible time getting used to the mac over
Hi Les,
No Omniweb isn't in the app store. I googled it and it came right up.I don't
have the link on hand but there might be someone else who does. If so hopefully
they'll chime in. As for the frames, it works pretty well. I could access all
of the discussion board including all posts. You do h
Certainly I will let you know. I might just bite the bullet and give it a shot,
as this game developer says a couple of his games work, so that's something. I
don't know if a large program like dbt would work, and I don't have a copy to
try out. For what it's worth, the project is based on the W
Have you tried the vo and F to search for the start of the page such as
searching for sort. Sometimes that works. If not what about setting the rotor
for static text and using VO and U to see if it would pick it up that way. It'd
be a bit of a pain but it might work.
On Jul 30, 2012, at 4
Hello, I am using Friendly for Facebook. I have been looking for a accessible
iPhone Facebook app, to no luck. Then I started to look at apps on the Mac, and
I dove into Friendly for Facebook, and it is a great app so far.
On Jul 30, 2012, at 11:19 PM, Shawn Krasniuk wrote:
> Hi Alex, I don
Safari is much better now an it was under Lion. I believe in all the platforms
although at home I only use windows for Scanning, the occasional web site if
Safari can't handle it. I'm no wiz on the Mac but one can only do their best
and I learn something new using the Mac all the time. I am usin
hello list is there a full size wireless keyboard that has home and end keys
and if yes could you please send me the link
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googl
For me, mountain Lion is much faster, and much more reliable; says me
who's writing this email on a PC.
Incidentaly, someone said that selecting text is easier now in
Mountain Lion. I have a very hard time selecting text in Safari. How
do people do it? What happens when you want to select a few
I am using my I phone at present. I don't have a PC at home only Fusion. So I
am very reliant on Apple E-mail which works great thanks to a Beta tester I
know as the person gave valuable input so we can all have excellent mail on the
Mac Ah men!
On 31 Jul 2012, at 04:09 PM, David Eagle
I don't know about selecting text, but why not just use textedit for
programming? I haven't found a way to get vo to report indentation
automatically, but I don't think you will have any problems aside from that.
On Jul 31, 2012, at 11:09 AM, David Eagle wrote:
> For me, mountain Lion is much f
Does the Apple Wireless keyboard have these keys? If not I stand corrected.
- Original Message -
From: "Wayne Coles"
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 3:56 PM
Subject: keyboards
hello list is there a full size wireless keyboard that has home and end
keys and if yes could you please s
Can I just ask, are we saying with ML you can ask it what day etc it is, if so,
in what manner…? I thought ML only had dictation available in it at this time?
Neil Barnfather
Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather
TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, as wel
sorry, where do you enable that bit though, I mean I can dictate no issue, but,
how does one ask what day it is etc?
Neil Barnfather
Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather
TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, as well as an Apple iOS,
Macintosh and Android
What you are talking about is speakable items. Go to system preferences,
accessibility, and find it in the table of options. From there, select the tabs
you want and configure things as necessary. I recommend going to the commands
tab, then the table of command sets, and turning on everything.
Nope, and I wonder what they have that the others don't? Depending on
how much you value your time, it might be better just paying a bit more
for Fusion (about $40) which has an accessible UI and there are a lot of
tips in this email archive on making it work well with Jaws/VO. You can
also pla
To select text, use standard OS X text selection commands. All of these can be
found in the ""various help files.""
On 2012-07-31, at 11:16 AM, Alex Hall wrote:
> I don't know about selecting text, but why not just use textedit for
> programming? I haven't found a way to get vo to report
The Apple one does not and instead overloads the arrow keys for this
with the function key.
On 7/31/12 11:23 AM, chris hallsworth wrote:
Does the Apple Wireless keyboard have these keys? If not I stand
- Original Message - From: "Wayne Coles"
Sent: Tuesday, July 31
I have found it thank you, my question now is why is it not working!
I have enabled it all, and turned the feature on, yet, even by changing the
command key and restarting nothing happens.
what is unclear, is am I supposed to press and hold down the key I nominate?
thanks for any hands on pract
Thanks, I might have a look at virtualbox, I didn't know it was free. The
advantage to winonx is that you don't need windows, just the windows program
you want to run, so no licenses or million-character codes to mess with. I
don't think I even have my windows code anymore, so I couldn't authori
Hi Alex:
I forgot to mention that it happens in Safari only, where it is not necessary
to interact. What I do to reproduce the bug is the following:
1. Go to a web page that has tables.
2. Get to one of them by using the VO command for next or previous table.
3. Move through the table using t
Yes, you need to press and hold the key. I have also found that it helps to
hold it for about a half second before you start speaking. Also, in system
prefs make sure you have the right listening method checked. It's in
Accessible Items under Listening key tab. You have two choices, o
Yes, the key acts like a push-to-talk, so it works as long as you hold it down.
I set mine up to listen for a keyword, but then I'm on a desktop so don't have
to worry about battery life or heat. It's pretty neat, though; I can just call
out, "Alex, what time is it" and get told, or tell it to o
I've not gone with the F10 idea, as F10 is also mute on the Mac, which can
cause issues for obvious reasons…
I've used the key directly below esc, however, whilst I can make it work every
now and then not any other time… I tried the alternative of using the
constantly listen option, bei
Hi there!
Sorry but I did not see you mention if you calibrated the Mac to your voice
this should be helpful!
And that feature has been around for a long time It is on my iMac Still on
snowy kitty which I got 2009 and it was there then!
On 31 Jul 2012, at 16:59, Neil Barnfather - Tal
I did not, but, is this accessible?
Neil Barnfather
Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather
TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory and Sendero dealer, as well as an Apple iOS,
Macintosh and Android accessibility specialist. For all your
accessible phone, PDA and GPS relat
Hi Neal,
I also tried using the accent key, but couldn't get that to work either, so
went with F10. I have a keyboard shortcut to mute speech, so don't use the F10
mute all that much.
I also found that the keyword "computer" doesn't work. I had better luck using
Victoria, which is the name o
Hi Neal,
Yeah, it is. If the Mac recognizes the phrase you spoke, it will make the
little wit sound.
On Jul 31, 2012, at 11:12 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav
> Colin,
> I did not, but, is this accessible?
> Regards,
> Neil Barnfather
> Talks List Administrator
> Twi
I will give that a go, the issue with the calibration aspect, which some have
suggested is that I do not see how you can use that with Voice Over enabled…
I'll keep trying! :)
Neil Barnfather
Talks List Administrator
Twitter @neilbarnfather
TalkNav is a Nuance, Code Factory
Yeah, but it works much better now than it ever did in SL or Lion. :)
On Jul 31, 2012, at 11:10 AM, Red.Falcon
> Hi there!
> Sorry but I did not see you mention if you calibrated the Mac to your voice
> this should be helpful!
> Colin
> And that feature has been around for
Hi folks,
is dictation new to mountain lion? if so, does it also exist on things
like the i-pad?
On Tue, 31 Jul 2012, Alex Hall wrote:
Yes, the key acts like a push-to-talk, so it works as long as you hold it down. I set
mine up to listen for a keyword, but then I'm on a desk
Yes, it is new to Mountain Lion. It is on the iPad, but only the third
generation one. Of course, it is also on the iPhone 4S, in the form of Siri.
On Jul 31, 2012, at 12:29 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
> Hi folks,
> is dictation new to mountain lion? if so, does it also exist on things like
> t
To select text within Safari is the exact same way you would do it on Windows.
Just use the arrow keys and shift and then the standard copy and paste.
On 31 Jul 2012, at 16:48, Matthew Campbell wrote:
> Hi.
> To select text, use standard OS X text selection commands. All of these can
> be foun
hi Karen yes dictation is new in Mountain lion. The other one first equal items
is different in Mountain lion, but I understand that it's not new. As for the
iPad, you have to have the new iPad for it to work.
Eugenia Firth
On Jul 31, 2012, at 11:29 AM, Karen Lewellen
I see. Anything you cannot control with this feature?
On Tue, 31 Jul 2012, Alex Hall wrote:
Yes, it is new to Mountain Lion. It is on the iPad, but only the third
generation one. Of course, it is also on the iPhone 4S, in the form of Siri.
On Jul 31, 2012, at 12:29 PM, Karen Lewellen
There are two different speech features. You can activate, one, both, or
neither of them.
One is Dictation. this is new to ML. It allows you to dictate what you want
to write any time that you are in a text field. This feature is also on the
newest iPad, and the iPhone 4s. You ca
Ahh, so it emulates the APIs of Windows, not Windows itself. In that
respect it's more like Crossover, also based on WINE. I've not used it
but they target gamers who want to run Windows games without having to
buy a full seat of Windows in addition to the emulator. Crossover is $60
from a comp
I'm certainly thinking of trying this. I don't think programs like
that have really been too successful, but for 5 dollars? Well...
On 8/1/12, Alex Hall wrote:
> Thanks, I might have a look at virtualbox, I didn't know it was free. The
> advantage to winonx is that you don't need windows,
I use primarily vim to program. Just regular vim (I don't like macvim as much).
If I want to do something real quickly, I use TextEdit. Sometimes I'll write
something in TextEdit and then reformat it for indenting and such in vim. In
vim you can reformat an entire file with: gg=G - and I find th
Hi Donna,
profound thanks. That does make things more clear for me. Its funny as I
have been meaning to ask about dragon dictate, may still for a different
However this moves me closer to a new mac, since I would have to use a
full sized keyboard otherwise. the smaller laptop keyboar
Hi Karen,
Do I read your message correctly that you're still using DOS? If that's the
case, by all means get a Mac. Once you get used to it, you will love it.
On Jul 31, 2012, at 12:03 PM, Karen Lewellen wrote:
> Hi Donna,
> profound thanks. That does make things more clear for
Hi all,
I am writing this using dictation. Regarding the question about getting the
date, I think there is some confusion.
Dictation is not what is used for getting the answer to your question what is
the time or what day is it you need to use speakable objects.
For dictation, you will be double
Hi all,
Has anyone got a fix workaround for VO spacebar being non-responsive?
Also has anyone got a workaround for theV O F5 toggle not working is there
some other way or
Assignment for the voice over to be turned off and on?
On 2012-07-31, at 12:28 PM, Donna Goodin wrote:
> Ye
It's Command+f5 to turn VO off and on.
-Original Message-
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Sharon Ballantyne
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 12:21 PM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Has anyone got fix for voice over space
Can't find iPhone app read to go
On Monday, July 30, 2012, Christine Grassman wrote:
> Didn't know that; I frankly haven't looked at the membership info since
> joining five years ago. :) This makes me very happy, since my daughter is
> off to college next year and her brother will follow suit in
Search for read2go. Note that there are no spaces, and they use the number two
in place of the word.
On Jul 31, 2012, at 1:25 PM, "Krysti .Power" wrote:
> Can't find iPhone app read to go
> On Monday, July 30, 2012, Christine Grassman wrote:
> Didn't know that; I frankly haven't looked at the
Yes Donna, very happily productively and successfully using dos to run my
two businesses every day.
In fact there is very very little I actually desire doing that I cannot
do in dos. My machines are tools not toys. there is one thing I can
firmly do given the discussion here, I have one of th
Hi Krysti,
It is read the number 2 go no spaces.
From: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
[mailto:macvisionaries@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Krysti .Power
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 10:26 AM
To: macvisionaries@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Bookshare update
Can't find i
Just heard from apple about what safari is supposed to notify you about but
their phrase does not make sense to me. Thought I'd ask you first before I
bother them with this.
Websites using html5 will be able to show alters in notification center, if the
users allows. Currently I don't know
pressing shift and the arrow keys does absolutely nothing, and it
never has for me. And Text Edit is too convoluted for what I want it
to do. If I want to to just copy the text in a webpage in windows,
then I will just select what I want and then paste it into notepad. If
I do this in Text Edit the
My responses are below. Sorry I can't be more specific.
On Jul 31, 2012, at 2:14 PM, David Eagle wrote:
> pressing shift and the arrow keys does absolutely nothing, and it
> never has for me. And Text Edit is too convoluted for what I want it
> to do. If I want to to just copy the text in a webpa
A few people asked me to do a demo of audio hijack pro. here it is. :)
Ricardo Walker
You received this message because you are subscribed to t
Okay, so i have been definitely playing with too many keys and buttons! command
F5 is indeed the toggle. :) Thanks!
Peace and Positivity,
On 2012-07-31, at 1:21 PM, "Daniel Miller" wrote:
> It's Command+f5 to turn VO off and on.
> -Original Message-
> From: macvisionaries@goo
Hi, thanks for that. I've now turned quicknav off but when I use shift
and down, or Shift Option left or right, nothing happens. It does
work if I interact with the text, but then what if I want to select a
few paragraphs? I tried selecting a line of your reply, and it
wouldn't do it. Also, I don'
I'm not sure what happened. I hit shift-option-down in your reply and it
selected the line just fine. If you want a few paragraphs, I imagine you'd copy
and paste them one at a time. I never have to copy text out of a webpage so
can't say for sure there.
On Jul 31, 2012, at 2:33 PM, David Eagle
Hi all,
I would love to find out which is the default button in dialogue box other than
pressing return and seeing what happens.
Is this possible?
Please check out my cd on www.ioanagandrabur.com on iTunes and most online
You received this message because you are s
Well, when you move to a button that is default, vo says "[button name],
default button". Other than that I don't know, but one hint is that the default
button is almost always near the end of the dialog box. If you have wrapping
on, you can shift-tab or vo-left to find it faster.
On Jul 31, 201
Hello David,
To force a file to download rather than play, hold down the Option key and
press Return.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
"MacVisionaries" group.
To post to this group, send email to macvisionaries@googlegroups.com.
To uns
Hi all,
Because I reassigned the speakable items key to be
F10, I hold this key down and say "what time is it?"
The response from the Alex voice on my computer is"It's Tuesday July 31st."
For speakable commands I checked the box so it would tell me what action is
performed as a confirma
Thanks, I was told about this shortcut before, but I couldn't remember
it. I've checked the help files but I can't see anything about that
shortcut mentioned.
On 31/07/2012, Anne Robertson wrote:
> Hello David,
> To force a file to download rather than play, hold down the Option key and
> press
Well, I confess I'm astounded. I went kicking and screaming into Windows 95,
but I had to switch for my job, so switch I did. I've never had much love for
Windows, but you couldn't pay me enough to trade in my Mac for a DOS machine.
And I think that distinction you make between a computer bei
Hi Neil
When you can get it to work, you need to say the phrase "tell me what to say "
This will bring up a list of phrases because the words have to be exact
Eugenia Firth
On Jul 31, 2012, at 10:31 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav
> sorry, where do you enable tha
Hi Neil
When you are setting things up, there is a list of phrases that you can use.
The phrases have to be exact. Right now, I'm in the process of learning exact
words to be said.
Eugenia Firth
On Jul 31, 2012, at 10:31 AM, Neil Barnfather - TalkNav
> sorry
Hi Donna and Virginia
I don't even get any sound when I press and hold my speak key. I get nothing. I
know I'm not alone in this but can't figure it out at all. It's not a show
stopper for me if this can't work on my machine, but it would be nice.
On 1/08/2012, at 12:44 AM, Eugenia Firth wrote:
Found it thanks
On Tuesday, July 31, 2012, Shai wrote:
> Hi Krysti,
> It is read the number 2 go no spaces.
> Thanks
> Shai
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 'macvisionaries@googlegroups.com');> [mailto:
> macvisionaries@googlegroups.com 'ma
You won't get a sound when you do this, you will only get one if the command
you give is understood. Also, make sure the input source is set to the
microphone you will be using.
On Jul 31, 2012, at 3:49 PM, Lisette Wesseling
> Hi Donna and Virginia
> I don't even get any sound when I pr
Hi All,
Okay, I said a couple of the phrases in the calibration setup and I heard a
sound. So I'm guessing this should work now? I redefined the key again, now
it's Command Escape. I hold it down for about a second and speak, "What time
is it." I hear no response from the computer. Now wha
Hi Lisette and Les,
Are you guys sure you have the on button pressed in the Speakable items
settings? It's kind of hard to tell, so I would suggest going back in, and
pressing VO-Space to select Speakable Items On, then restarting your Mac.
On Jul 31, 2012, at 2:49 PM, Lisette Wesse
>>> Kind regards,
>>> William Windels
>>> --
>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>>> "MacVisionaries" group.
>>> To post to this group, send email to ma
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