My response is simple.  If you are not going to report the issues as a bug and 
are unhappy with the Mac.  Then simply don't buy one, or just take your current 
one back if it is under the time limit of being able to get a full refund.  
Failing that, wipe it and stick Windows on the thing.

Bye bye 

On 31 Jul 2012, at 12:16, Ray Foret Jr <> wrote:

> And it ain't as if there's that much to complain about really.  Sure, 
> sometimes VO won't respond to pressing VO+space, and the time line issue; but 
> really, I think we're looking at an undercover Apple basher here.  You know 
> the type.  They get a Mac, give themselves perhaps a few  days with it and 
> expect it to be a windows machine.  So, when they find out it's not, they not 
> only take it back, they publicly condemn it to all their windows friends.
> Sincerely,
> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
> Now a very proud and happy Mac user!!!
> Skype name:
> barefootedray
> On Jul 31, 2012, at 5:15 AM, "Christopher-Mark gilland" 
> <> wrote:
>> Hear ye, hear ye!
>> I couldn't agree more.  That mail had me constantly over and over again, 
>> saying? Drama, drama, drama!
>> O, K, are there some bugs, yeah, granted I really haven't found any, but 
>> that isn't to say I won't eventually.  The point is, give Apple a break for 
>> God sake, and before you accuse any beta tester saying, it's too buggy, why 
>> did you all let the bugs come through... OK, Mister or Misses Smarty-Pants? 
>> why don't we give you the source code to OSX and see what you! can do!  In 
>> other words, in less blunt terms, the beta testers also are human.  Just 
>> because someone is on the dev beta team does not make them infalible.  They, 
>> like you and myself are human.  So cut out the bashing please.  I agree. 
>> It's ok to complain, but do so construtively.
>> Chris.
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Kawal Gucukoglu" <>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 4:42 AM
>> Subject: Re: Very Disappointed with Mountain Lion
>> Hello All.
>> Now what I might say may be something that people may not like but I am one 
>> for plain speaking and will not mince my words.  However, this is my opinion.
>> People say that they may be disappointed with one thing or another and it is 
>> their right to do so of course.
>> But when anything new is released, there is going to be bugs etc as I have 
>> been a beta tester and know how hard people work to get a product into shape.
>> So rather than people complaining as people seem to do, why not just send 
>> your concerns to Apple Accessibility and rather than bashing a product work 
>> with them to improve a producct?  It would be so positivve to do that and 
>> sit and be passive about things as everyone would make a difference.  If 
>> everything was plain sailing, life would be dull.  So chill and think to do 
>> something positive.
>> Kawal.
>> On 31 Jul 2012, at 04:41 AM, James Mannion <> wrote:
>>> And when the accessible web browsing experience on the mac at least
>>> matches windows, I'll buy it. busy busy busy, can't handel large
>>> amounts of text, ignores this and that on the page, the entire web
>>> thing was why I gave up on the mac thing and sold my mac mini. To do
>>> the web on the mac you have to put on those rose colored glasses that
>>> view everything from a pro Apple perspective and you can't require
>>> that it gets the job done.
>>> Jim
>>> On 7/30/12, Brian Fischler <> wrote:
>>>> Been reading all these posts the last few days about how amazed
>>>> everyone is with Mountain Lion, and not sure what all the amazement
>>>> iss about.
>>>> It only took three days as I just had to use the Force Quit for
>>>> Safari, and all it took was actually trying to login to my Yahoo
>>>> Fantasy Baseball Page. I pulled it up and first the first time ever
>>>> got a cookie message that said my safari cookie had expired, after I
>>>> got out of that window safari did nothing but Busy Busy Busy for the
>>>> better part of ten minutes before I went to force quit.
>>>> I already had been very unimpressed with Mountain Lion between the VO
>>>> space bar not properly selecting items I clicked on to the features
>>>> being very blah Seriously dictation is useless for anyone who knows
>>>> how to type. The notification center is useless especially if you keep
>>>> Night Owl open like I do to Tweet, and Imessage, I'm sorry but I fail
>>>> to see the point as most of us have our Iphone sitting right next to
>>>> us. I hate to be so negative, but considering how many people were
>>>> bashing Lion which didn't have that many problems, I fail to see where
>>>> the significant upgrade is.
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