Hello, I would appreciate some help with this music function.
The end goal is have a define function produce a glissando after a note
going either up or down to
undetermined second note. For example a guitar slide down off the note.
I can get the behavior I want with a line of code directly
I have found how to highlight notes in the music. Similarly is there
anyway to highlight either individual lyric words or perhaps one stanza?
of text in lyrics like this:
% --
\version "2.25.7"
\relative c' {
c4 c
} \addlyrics {
Hello \once\override LyricText.color = #red world
On 4/23/24 23:18, Walt North wrote:
I have found how to highlight notes in the music. Similarly is there
anyway to highligh
some words in lyrics wouldn't be that uncommon. That
type of feature is currently available for staff notes.
Thanks for the help.
On 4/24/2024 8:21 PM, Aaron Hill wrote:
On 2024-04-24 4:05 pm, Walt North wrote:
Thanks, that's close enough to what I wanted. I was originally f
Hello, I have a case where I'm putting together something will be
mostly chordnames and lyrics with a few music expression hints needed
here and there.
I've been able to get most of what I want using \markup. The only issue
I've come across is that the inserted markup seems to also add to th
tinct layout block in each of the two scores. If tried several
different coding lines based on things I've found on google but have not
found the correct coding yet. Nothing seems to be affected. Here are
things I've tried so far.
Walt North
_\version "2.24.2"
\paper {
David, thanks, this did indeed accomplish my goal - so I'm happy. It
sounds like my original approach was the right idea but apparently this
is a known issue.
On 5/18/2024 4:56 PM, David Wright wrote:
On Sun 19 May 2024 at 01:24:44 (+0200), Jean Abou Samra wrote:
Hi. I have a case where I w
but that seems like a waste of space when some may be very short.
Thanks, Walt North
In the first case below I'm geting vertical spacing I want but no notes
showing up and I don't know what the horizontal alignment will look like.
In the second case the notes are showing inline to
thing with markup?
Walt North
e,4 e e e | e e e e
And here is a screen shot of the result.
On 6/5/2024 11:03 PM, David Kastrup wrote:
Walt North writes:
I occasionally write out Tab notation parts for 6 or 8 string lap
steel guitar. I have created tuning entries for these and it work
e e e
\relative c {
\set Staff.stringTunings = \test
e,4 e d a
\relative c {
\set Staff.stringTunings = \steelGuitarSixStringCSixTuning
e,4 e e e | e e e e
On 6/6/2024 1:15 AM, Walt North wrote:
ok - here is a made up example. Code and screenshot are below.
ag, 6. Juni 2024, 19:25:45 MESZ schrieb Walt North:
Well... I'm getting closer.
I got the alignment to work by adding two dummy string values at the
top. That looks like it makes the result line up without showing the two
dummy lines at the top.
Now if I could just the get lines to show f
ly leaving chords out of the intro section - I want them to
come in when the voice starts..
Thanks for any insight
Walt North
\version "2.24.2"
chrds = \chordmode {
a1:m | }
verseOneNotes = \relative c' {
\partial 2 e4 g |
a2. c4 |
verseOneLyric = \lyricmode {
Is it possible to remove empty tabstaff lines similar to removing empty
staff lines using \RemoveAllEmptyStaves?
Is it possible to use partcombine with TabStaff?
2024 at 6:31 PM Walt North wrote:
Is it possible to remove empty tabstaff lines similar to removing
staff lines using \RemoveAllEmptyStaves?
d customization. The function \partCombine creates Voices that
it uses, and TabStaff uses TabVoices. Whether there would be issues
beyond that, I'm not sure.
On Mon, Sep 2, 2024 at 6:42 PM Walt North wrote:
Is it possible to use partcombine with TabStaff?
Thanks, that is working. I must have had a typo in my original attempt.
On 9/2/2024 11:33 PM, Xavier Scheuer wrote:
On Tue, 3 Sept 2024 at 06:28, Walt North wrote:
> Thanks.
> It didn't work when I tried (comparing an empty Staff line to an
empty TabStaff line) so though
I have a case where I need to create separate output files using the
\book block. I would like to reuse the \paper block in each of the blocks.
I have found the \paper block can be put in a variable and the variable
reuses successfully. However for some if I use the variable then the
book suf
I think I got it. By putting the score and paper block inside a
bookpart it seems to allow the book suffix to work.
\book {
\bookOutputSuffix "One"
\bookpart {
On 9/4/2024 3:50 PM, Walt North wrote:
I have a case where I need to create separate output files
Is there any way to do this? What follows is a made up example. I have a
melody that may be shared across different string instruments.
I'd like to be able to reuse the melody notes and not repeat that for
each instrument. The different instruments may require different
restrain option, minimu
Excellent - exactly what I was looking for..
On 9/10/2024 11:58 AM, Xavier Scheuer wrote:
On Tue, 10 Sept 2024 at 17:04, Walt North wrote:
> Is there any way to do this? What follows is a made up example. I
have a melody that may be shared across different string instruments.
\markup Banjo
\score {
\new TabStaff \with {
stringTunings = #banjo-open-g-tuning
} {
\new TabVoice {
On 9/10/2024 12:05 PM, Walt North wrote:
Excellent - exactly what I was looking f
\new TabStaff {
\new TabVoice {
\markup Banjo
\score {
\new TabStaff \with {
stringTunings = #banjo-open-g-tuning
} {
\new TabVoice {
On 9/12/20
Yes, transpose will do that for sections of notes. However that means
putting the original section of notes into one set of tweaks and the
transposed section into the other set of tweaks and putting more skips
into the original melody line. Which partially defeats reusing one
melody line beca
I have a case where for vocalist I want to show melody and lyrics while
for guitar player just the chords and lyrics. I was thinking I could
use nullvoice to align the lyrics for Both. But Nullvoice is insisting
on showing an empty staff. I've tried using removeallemptystaves. Is
there any w
That works. Thanks.
On 9/17/2024 1:34 AM, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi Walt,
I have a case where for vocalist I want to show melody and lyrics while for
guitar player just the chords and lyrics. I was thinking I could use nullvoice
to align the lyrics for Both. But Nullvoice is insisting on
\new TabStaff {
\new TabVoice {
Walt North
Thanks, that works for what I need. And helps me understand how this
works in general a bit more.
On 10/13/2024 1:22 PM, David Kastrup wrote:
Walt North writes:
ah =
#(define-music-function (sfrt note hfrt ) (number? ly:music? string? )
% \harmonicByFret #sfrt g4\3 ^\markup
I don't have a specific problem here but I'm curious about this
behavior. I believe understanding why things behave the way they do
make for better end results.
So... in the code below if I have two layout block at the global level
they get merged and the result is what I expected. But I pu
I have tried \noPageBreak at various places but none seem to have any
impact on the automatic page break between book parts (\bookpart)..
On 10/2/2024 10:55 AM, Knute Snortum wrote:
On Wed, Oct 2, 2024 at 7:10 AM Walt North wrote:
I have some use cases where I may want to change one or
of the remainder of the
piece just to put it under volta 2.
Thanks, Walt North
Simple sample below.
\version "2.24.4"
\layout {
\context {
\override BarLine.bar-extent = #'(0 . 2)
\consists "Bar_engraver"
ch = \chordmode {
c1 c
volta just to show where to carry on forward., The
coding I have only shows volta 1. but not the (empty) volta 2. I don't
want the entire remainder of the piece to be under volta 2. I rather
not split out just the first measure of the remainder of the piece just
to put it under volta 2.
mmands = #'((volta #f))
\score { \new ChordNames {\ch} }
On 9/29/2024 8:25 PM, Walt North wrote:
Well after I sent this I find one way to do it though not ideal.
Perhaps there is something better but this will suffice though it
still means basically splitting one me
Is it possible in someway to get some sort of markup behavior in
chordmode? They are cases where I want to add a remark for the rhythm
guitar player for one reason or another for some chords.
Simple minded example below. For a staff note I can add text. But
lilypond throws an error when I tr
\score {
\new ChordNames
\with { \consists "Text_engraver" }
{ \theChords }
\new Staff { \theNotes }
\new Lyrics {
On 10/5/2024 12:20 PM, Robin Bannister wrote:
Walt North wrote:
I can't add markup to the chordmode.
Aha! Yes, that works. Now I've been able to go in and the rest of my
markup stuff.
On 10/1/2024 3:12 PM, David Kastrup wrote:
Walt North writes:
Thank. well that got me a step farther. However now I see that this works
without curly braces around the \markup...Examples
VerticalAxisGroup created by the Lyrics context.
On Sat, Oct 5, 2024, 11:19 AM Knute Snortum wrote:
On Sat, Oct 5, 2024 at 7:51 AM Walt North wrote:
For example I was hoping to change the system system spacing
and or the system separator between different sections. These
are in
What would be the best way to indicate to the rhythm guitar that a chord
is to be strummed and held for a couple of measures? This only happens a
couple of times so I'd rather not set up Pitch_squash_engraver if I can
avoid it. For the rhythm guitar player I would be leaving out the note
Perhaps someone could tell me what this informatiokn in the annotated
view is trying to tell me.
On 10/20/2024 6:54 PM, Walt North wrote:
Additional info in case it matters. I did turn on annotate spacing but
it didn't tell me much.
On 10/20/2024 6:01 PM, Walt
On 10/20/2024 7:09 PM, Walt North wrote:
Perhaps someone could tell me what this informatiokn in the annotated
view is trying to tell me.
On 10/20/2024 6:54 PM, Walt North wrote:
Additional info in case it matters. I did turn on annotate spacing
but it didn
Additional info in case it matters. I did turn on annotate spacing but
it didn't tell me much.
On 10/20/2024 6:01 PM, Walt North wrote:
Maybe it's just because it's been a long day but I'm just not seeing
what I'm missing. I've tried a lot of different things
Maybe it's just because it's been a long day but I'm just not seeing
what I'm missing. I've tried a lot of different things but I've
simplified a sample down below.
I'd like to have more space between the Staff and the TabStaff.
\version "2.24.4"
nts = \relative {c''4 d e f }
\score {
post for one such example.
On Fri, Oct 4, 2024, 10:18 AM Knute Snortum wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 4, 2024 at 9:31 AM Walt North wrote:
>> I have tried \noPageBreak at various places but none seem to have any
>> impact on the automatic page break between book parts (\bookpart)..
g the final one or two chords. Then I merge them for the
first two verses. It seems like it would be more convenient to have
something that can split off parts of a chordmode.
But it is not a huge deal for the most part so I'm just curious.
Walt North
I'm willing to be a guinea pig for any work you do. I had been thinking
about tackling this topic myself but was a bit hesitant to dive in since
pedal steel has it it's own idiosyncrasies for tabbing.
I think these can all be dealt with by Lilypond but may be a challenge
to get working well t
ust a general question because I've been hesitant so far to dive into
tabs for my pedal steel. I've also have not experimented yet with
non-re entrant E9 tuning. I have found tabstaff works fairly well for
lap steel tabs with c6th and D7.
Walt North
I am trying to show fingering but can't seem to get it working. Here is
simple test with Staff and TabStaff.
\version "2.24.4"
\layout {
\context {
\clef moderntab
\revert TextScript.stencil
\score {{\new Staff {\relative { c'1-1
\score {{
and that sort of works but seems like extra work that shouldn't
need to be one.
Actually... Second question is there any way to scoot the bar line over
so it is not on top of the last word of the previous measure?
Thanks, Walt North
\version "2.24.4"
\layout {
\context {
You mention deferring interpretation. I'm not familiar with that and I haven't
found information on that in the docs. Can you point me?
"you would still need to defer polly's interpretation"
Typically I use variables for reuse to create one sheet for piano and
one sheet for rhythm guitar. I would hide the staff from guitar player
with nullvoice (saving paper space). The lyrics are aligned with the
melody the piano sees.
In this case I'm using single staff polyphony for a section f
Is it possible to show guitar bends on regular staff in addition to the
Or would that need to a glissando or slur type of thing.
Example taken from lilypond documentation.
\version "2.24.2"
bend-styles = {
f'4\^ g'4\^ f'2
<>^"up and down"
f'4\^ g'4 f'2
ight wrote:
On Fri 20 Sep 2024 at 15:05:51 (-0700), Walt North wrote:
Am I missing something? It seems like using devnull to align lyrics
to does pay attention to ties. Ties do seem to be honored when using
voice for alignment.
Below is a stripped down example with screenshot.
\version "2.2
" { \verseOneLyrics }
On 9/20/2024 7:25 PM, Saul Tobin wrote:
The easiest way to get the staff not to appear would be to put
NullVoice inside a Staff or similar context that you want to appear.
On Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 8:19 PM Walt North wrote:
Thanks, that took care of
The easiest way to get the staff not to appear would be to put
NullVoice inside a Staff or similar context that you want to appear.
On Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 8:19 PM Walt North
Thanks, that took care of the alignment.
However now I see an empty staff.
Excellent. That does work. Thank you.
On 9/20/2024 8:43 PM, Saul Tobin wrote:
I think you misunderstood. If you allow Score to accept NullVoice, you
don't need to explicitly instantiate a Staff, you can just do it the
way you initially wanted.
On Fri, Sep 20, 2024 at 11:01 PM Walt
Excellent. That is working. Thanks for helping me understand the issue.
On 9/22/2024 11:07 PM, Peter Chubb wrote:
"Walt" == Walt North writes:
Walt> I'm just checking if this is
Walt> expected behavior. My goal was to have ChordNames above the
Walt> matching rhythm
I am using annotate spacing to review my vertical spacing. Most of the
values are self explanatory. However can someone explain what
extent-estimate represents?
Sample screen shot below.
My guitar players are a bit finicky on font size. Is it possible to set
a specific chordname and lyric font size? I see that \markup can
specify an abs font size. I think I'm close with using font size #3.5
to get to a 16pt font for example. Is that the only say to specify font
size in Chord
Am I missing something? It seems like using devnull to align lyrics to
does pay attention to ties. Ties do seem to be honored when using voice
for alignment.
Below is a stripped down example with screenshot.
\version "2.24.2"
\language "english"
\layout {
indent = 0
That should have read:
Am I missing something? It seems like using devnull to align lyrics to
does NOT pay attention to ties. Ties do seem to be honored when using
voice for alignment.
On 9/18/2024 4:34 PM, Walt North wrote:
Is it possible to show guitar bends on regular staff in
ed for alignment of
lyrics because it does not have the necessary engraver to create the
invisible grobs used for alignment. It appears to me in your example
that actually the lyrics are just being spaced evenly without
alignment to anything. Nullvoice is intended for your use case.
On Fri, Sep 20, 2
go and put the function in
an include file. And if I can get this to work there are some things I
could use the same type of approach on.
Here is the trimmed down same. It does not produce any heading.
Walt North
\version "2.24.4"
hdr =
#(define-void-function (nam
Is this possible? I have a case where I want to have a Chord and Lyrics
sheet with some occasional hints to Guitar player on melody fills
scattered here and there. The lilypond docs show examples with Staff
but not with Lyrics.
This gives me the staff but the notes do not show.
I've also tr
On 9/17/2024 12:24 PM, Xavier Scheuer wrote:
On Tue, 17 Sept 2024 at 21:12, Walt North wrote:
> Is this possible? I have a case where I want to have a Chord and
Lyrics sheet with some occasional hints to Guitar player on melody
fills scattered here and there. The lilypon
<1>: error: syntax error, unexpected end of input
On Tue, Oct 1, 2024 at 2:23 PM Timothy Lanfear wrote:
> On 01/10/2024 22:06, Walt North wrote:
> I may be thinking about define-void-function i
using the system separate as an example. The
result spreads across two pages.
Thanks, Walt North
\version "2.24.4"
ch = \chordmode { c1 c c c }
lyA = \lyricmode { \repeat unfold 4 {wordA4 wordA wordA wordA }}
lyB = \lyricmode { \repeat unfold 4 {wordB4 wordB wordB wordB }}
\book {
For some reason not all my screen shots made it over to the mailing
list. Trying again.
On 10/2/2024 7:09 AM, Walt North wrote:
I have some use cases where I may want to change one or more \paper
block values for some system lines. I tried \bookpart but that is
forcing page breaks
So far neither the lilypond documentation nor any any google searches is
helping me understand how font families are set other then the three
that seem to work. I'm hoping someone can help make it click for me.
Walt North
\version "2.24.4"
Thank you. That is working great for a "slide into" function. How I'm
trying to create a "slide out of" function. I thought using /afterGrace
woiuld be the ticket.
But I find that it works until I hide then grace notes. Then it has the
following bar check message.
In my testing I see that the glissando is happening after the notes
instead of between the grace note and the notes.
Walt North
warning: Unattached GlissandoEvent
\slideC 4 1 |
The log has t
lines? That don't look like
apostrophes and don't take up time?
Walt North
I have a case where I will be printing out tablature for two guitarist
that use different tunings.
I will be reusing the same melody notes saved in variables and just need
to supply different tunings and minimum frets for the different results.
Below is a MWE example of what I'm trying to do.
And in case it makes any difference. Some sections will lyrics. Some
will have polyponic parts. Etc. So not all sections will look the same
which is why I am doing multiple sections.
On 1/5/2025 7:38 PM, Walt North wrote:
I have a case where I will be printing out tablature for two
Thank you. I will try this. It was for maintenance reasons I was
avoiding the skip because I did not realize it could be used that way.
I thought it had to be a hard number and that would be a pain to
maintain. After reading your reply I looked at the documentation again
and found this:
intro the names disappear.
Walt North
\version "2.25.22"
theScore = {
% \new Staff \new Voice {c1 \break }
\context Voice \relative {
\time 3/4 g'2 e4 a2 f4 g2.
} \addlyrics {
\set vocalName = "Bert "
Hi, my
I have found my issue. Using the short vocal name got me part way there.
But I was being lazy and not using a correct partial measure. Instead I
was being lazy and starting the first measure of the verse with a skip.
It seems that if the start of the measure is a skip or a rest then
neither l
Thank you that works. So the next question is how to control font
size and color.
Is there any way to get TabStaff to show the same type of finger
notation as Staff?
Or do I need to do it with text as in the second measure below?
\version "2.25.22"
#(define RH rightHandFinger)
\layout {
\context {
\revert TextScript.stencil
Thanks. That works for the left hand fingering but not the right hand.
On 1/23/2025 1:24 AM, Timothy Lanfear wrote:
\override Fingering.color = #red
\override Fingering.font-size = #-10
\override Fingering.font-size = #-10
theNotes = \relative c {
\clef "treble_8"
\set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(down)
\score {
\new Staff { \theNotes }
\new TabStaff { \theNotes }
Aha. Thanks.
StrokeFinger was the key piece I was not finding. Sometimes in lilypond
documentation it's a matter of finding the right keyword to search for.
On 1/23/2025 1:06 PM, Timothy Lanfear wrote:
On 23/01/2025 15:48, Walt North wrote:
Well, its a bit cumbersome but
Thank you for asking.
I don't know that it is a matter of adding index entries. They are
fairly complete as is. And the documentation is fairly complete. It's
more a matter of finding the right word search for a given need.
For my own personal needs usually a straightforward score does the jo
I have a case where I'm trying to use tags to either show or not show
the Staff line.
Here is a MWE. The first line in the screen shot shows the desired
results when staff is to be printed.
The next desired results should look the same except that only chords
and lyrics are to be shown (don
stripped down examples of the problem I'm having.
First is what is working from a basic flow point of view. Both code and
screen shot.
After that is what I was hoping to get to work using /break and a screen
shot. But the \break is causing the start-repeat to be ignored (or hidden?).
Well... after sending this I started thinking about a different question
I had asked a while back and realized I could leverage that to get what
I need. it's not really ideal but it will work.
Refer to code below and the screen shot. Once i get the structure laid
out I'll work on making it p
Ahh... on further reading I see that the tick mark is a commonly used
indication for a breath. Perfect.
person into when a breath will be taken
(at the same time as other singers who may have the actual note staff in
front of them).
Walt North
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