I have some use cases where I may want to change one or more \paper
block values for some system lines. I tried \bookpart but that is
forcing page breaks.
* Is there anyway to suppress the page break?
* Is there anyway to temporarily change some \paper values?
Below is minimum example using the system separate as an example. The
result spreads across two pages.
Thanks, Walt North
\version "2.24.4"
ch = \chordmode { c1 c c c }
lyA = \lyricmode { \repeat unfold 4 {wordA4 wordA wordA wordA }}
lyB = \lyricmode { \repeat unfold 4 {wordB4 wordB wordB wordB }}
\book {
\bookpart {
\paper {
system-separator-markup=\markup{ \lower #0.5 \column{\draw-hline}}
\new ChordNames { \ch }
\new Lyrics { \lyA }
\bookpart {
\paper {
system-separator-markup=\markup{ \lower #3.5 \column{\draw-hline}}
\new ChordNames { \ch }
\new Lyrics { \lyA }
\new Lyrics { \lyB }