What would be the best way to indicate to the rhythm guitar that a chord
is to be strummed and held for a couple of measures? This only happens a
couple of times so I'd rather not set up Pitch_squash_engraver if I can
avoid it. For the rhythm guitar player I would be leaving out the note
staff so I don't want to attach markup to the staff notes. I tried
adding a dummy Lyric line above the chordname line but that causes
errors. I can't add markup to the chordmode.
For example in the below I want the "D" chord to be strummed and held
for two measures.
Can I just color or italicize or underline the "D" chords.
\version "2.24.4"
theChords = \chordmode {
c1 d d f }
theNotes = \relative c' {
c1 d d f }
theLyrics = \lyricmode {
Here1 are the lyrics
\score {
\new ChordNames { \theChords }
\new Staff { \theNotes }
\new Lyrics { \theLyrics }