First - the example I sent is a stripped down sample just to demonstrate the question I have.

For the actual score the intent is two fold.

Intent one.

The resulting score may be used by multiple instruments and vocalists.  In the case of the guitar player they only need the lyrics and chords to strum to.

Other instruments should have the melody and lyrics to follow.

Vocalists typically just need the lyrics.

This score may be reused in different scenarios with varying instruments. Sometimes just a guitar player.  Sometimes other instruments in addition.

This may be part of a collection and I don't want to take up page space where it is not needed.

Intent two:

Since I'm typing the melody in anyway for some instruments I might as well leverage the lyrics alignment feature instead of putting duration on the lyrics.


On 9/20/2024 6:29 PM, David Wright wrote:
On Fri 20 Sep 2024 at 15:05:51 (-0700), Walt North wrote:
Am I missing something?  It seems like using devnull to align lyrics
to does pay attention to ties.  Ties do seem to be honored when using
voice for alignment.

Below is a stripped down example with screenshot.

\version "2.24.2"

\language "english"

\layout {
   indent = 0

verseLyricsMelody = \relative c' {
   c4 c c c~ | c c c c |

verseOneLyrics = \lyricmode {
   one two three four five six seven eight

\new Score {
     \new Voice = "verse" { \break \verseLyricsMelody }
     \new Lyrics \lyricsto "verse" { \verseOneLyrics }
     \new Devnull  = "verseB" { \break  \verseLyricsMelody }
     \new Lyrics \lyricsto "verseB" { \verseOneLyrics }
I could kind of see where you were going with
where you might have a guitarist strumming chords as they
follow the words and chords of a song whose rhythm they know.

But now I'm lost. Say the alignment /was/ in perfect accordance
with your intent: what's the function of the duplicate set of
lyrics? Is that measure number "3" an honest annotation, or just
something that you're going to eliminate?

IOW, can you describe the score that you're trying to produce?


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