Thank you for asking.

I don't know that it is a matter of adding index entries. They are fairly complete as is. And the documentation is fairly complete. It's more a matter of finding the right word search for a given need.

For my own personal needs usually a straightforward score does the job and lilypond is great for that.

But once a week or so I'm creating scores for the same music for a group of diverse people each with their own needs/wants. In those cases I often find myself looking through documentation to do one specific thing or another.

What I often find is that once I do enough google searches/asking questions/looking through lilypond docs I find the right keyword to search for.  From there I usually find what I need - though sometimes it take a bit of fiddling to get the syntax right.

This forum is a great help for asking questions and getting good answers.

What I have started doing for my own use when I come across something in the reading that I may find useful currently or in the future is creating a cheat sheet for related keywords.

For example in the case of this thread where I hadn't come across or noticed the keyword StrokeFinger I will have a line something like below - just enough to remind me of related keywords to search for:


    FIngering_Engraver (can be applied to TabVoice)

    New_Fingering_Engraver (can be applied to TabVoice)



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