Well, its a bit cumbersome but I was able to get this to work with
markup... Maybe I could put this in a function.
see code and screen shot.
\version "2.25.22"
#(define RH rightHandFinger)
\layout {
\context {
\revert TextScript.stencil
\override Fingering.color = #red
\override Fingering.font-size = #-10
\context {
\remove "Script_column_engraver"
\consists "New_fingering_engraver"
\consists "Script_column_engraver"
\omit StringNumber
\override Fingering.color = #red
\override Fingering.font-size = #-10
\context {
\remove "Script_column_engraver"
\consists "New_fingering_engraver"
\consists "Script_column_engraver"
\omit StringNumber
\override Fingering.color = #red
\override Fingering.font-size = #-10
theNotes = \relative c {
\clef "treble_8"
\set strokeFingerOrientations = #'(down)
<c-3\5\RH 1 >4
<e-2\4\RH 2 >4
<g-0\3\RH 3 >4
<c-1\2\RH \markup { \with-color "red" \normalsize "x"} >4
\score {
\new Staff { \theNotes }
\new TabStaff { \theNotes }
On 1/23/2025 7:33 AM, Walt North wrote:
Thanks. That works for the left hand fingering but not the right hand.
On 1/23/2025 1:24 AM, Timothy Lanfear wrote:
\override Fingering.color = #red
\override Fingering.font-size = #-10