What would be the correct way to code something that has a short intoduction followed by stanzas that have singer names specific for each stanza?

The MWE starts with an example from the documentation and then adds an intro.  If I comment out the intro the names are shown. If I uncomment the intro the names disappear.

Walt North

\version "2.25.22"

theScore = {

%  \new Staff \new Voice {c1 \break }
    \context Voice \relative {
      \time 3/4 g'2 e4 a2 f4 g2.
    } \addlyrics {
      \set vocalName = "Bert "
      Hi, my name is Bert.
    } \addlyrics {
      \set vocalName = "Ernie "
      Oh, ché -- ri, je t'aime

\score {

If I uncomment what would be an introduction the names disappear.

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