Re: printing bar numbers on every odd measure

2010-09-24 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-09-24 13:56, eluze wrote: Am 23.09.2010, 16:52 Uhr, schrieb Phil Holmes : Snippets need to be marked approved before they are visible. I can do this, so if you want one checking and approving, please ask here. yes, please - is it usual to mention the author? if yes, then Alexander

Re: Optimising output for screen.

2010-09-24 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-09-24 17:42, Phil Holmes wrote: It's my understanding (correct me if I'm wrong, somebody) that LilyPond is optimised neither for screen or print - it outputs as PDF, and so the quality of the image seen depends on the quality of the program that interprets the PDF. LilyPond is essentially

Re: Repeating the same clef

2010-10-15 Thread Alexander Kobel
You're missing the bit I hadn't said. I've already had about 6 explicit clef changes, using \clef "treble_8" and \clef "treble". It's a situation where I've been a bit lazy and copied the original score exactly, with 2 singers, a tenor and an alto, sharing a staff. (stave? :-) ). The final change

Re: fine-tuning Lyrics size

2010-10-20 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-10-20 13:48, Werner LEMBERG wrote: Folks, using \override LyricText #'font-size = #'-1 to make the lyrics smaller is too coarse for me. Hi, Werner, sorry if I misunderstood you - the solution just seems to obvious to imagine that you could not have found it. You can use decimal

Re: Changing stencil of full measure rest (R1, not r1)

2010-10-27 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-10-27 18:23, joemaffei wrote: I'm new to Lilypond and I've been working on a project notating chord charts (slash notation). In Sibelius, I notate song sections that are repeated verbatim (i.e. "Chorus") using a bar with a hidden full measure rest. Above it, I add boxed text with the sec

Re: Determining paper size of PDF via command-line tools?

2014-01-21 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 01/21/2014 08:27 PM, David Kastrup wrote: Jim Long writes: I have been lax in enforcing a paper size in my engraved files. This has been invisible to me, since apparently XPDF prints A4 files on a US letter-sized printer without complaint. But some folks that I send PDFs to have noticed (a

Re: Adjustments to lyrics alignment

2014-01-29 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 01/29/2014 03:38 PM, Gonçalo Nogueira wrote: Is there a way I can define a music function so that I can write \alignLyrics #0.7 syllable The attachment shows what I have tried but is not compiling. Try the following: alignLyrics = #(define-music-function (parser location alignment t

Re: Anybody near a library posessing the "Old Schumann Edition"

2014-01-30 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 01/30/2014 09:57 AM, Urs Liska wrote: I wanted to get my hands on a volume of Clara Schumann's edition of Robert Schumann's works. Unfortunately I realized that we don't have this at all in my city. Is there anybody having convenient access to a library that owns this edition (not the one rev

Re: vertical spacing inside a \right-column

2014-01-31 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 01/31/2014 10:29 AM, Martin Tarenskeen wrote: Hi, I am creating a header with something like composer = \markup { \tiny \right-column { [...] What should I do if I want the lines inside the composer column to be vertically spaced closer to each other, so that the column takes less ver

Re: \fill-line while respecting natural widths

2014-02-09 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 02/08/2014 11:22 PM, Kieren MacMillan wrote: Hi David, Hmm--do you think it should be added as an option to \fill-line? DEFINITELY! As just one example: I’m going to use it in the musical theatre scores I’m engraving right now, to [evenly] space two columns of dialogue above a system of

Re: Possible bug with volta repeat

2014-02-10 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 02/10/2014 04:47 PM, Peter Gentry wrote: The issue is when grace notes [...] The magic word... I haven't found this in the list of bugs afetr a search. Yet another incarnation of . Also see

Re: Horizontal note spacing

2014-03-14 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 03/14/2014 01:34 PM, Benjamin Fluehr wrote: I am re-engraving music based on the attached image. Notice that the original editor tightened the horizontal spacing between the notes on the syllables "De-" and "Pa-." This was done to mimic the Gregorian chant neumes on which the music is based.

Re: How do I write this in chordmode?

2014-03-18 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 03/18/2014 04:25 PM, Daniel Rosen wrote: \version "2.19.3" { } \chordmode { e:m8^7 } HTH, Alexander ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Re: Discussing typographical standards

2014-03-25 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 03/25/2014 01:10 AM, Simon Albrecht wrote: The following is completely off-topic, but I’d like to share some observations I often make and thoughts I have and ask for your opinion: Hi Simon, just a few random thoughts to your remarks; I'll try to keep it short. – For what I know of best p

Re: How to split system?

2014-04-30 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 04/30/2014 04:12 AM, Rus wrote: Hello! How to make a split system, like in the attached file? Hi Rus, this is going to be a few pointers to semi-solutions, that's all I can offer. The closest I know which can be achieved (fairly) easily is what Simon Bailey used for the coda here: ht

Changing how a font style is requested

2014-07-11 Thread Alexander Kobel
Dear all, I like to use the Romande ADF font family [1] in one of my scores. I do the usual rule-of-three with \paper { ... (make-pango-font-tree "Romande ADF No2 Std" "Romande ADF Std" "monospace" (/ myStaffSize 20)) ... } (If you wonder, No2 is condensed, a

Re: Suggestion for improvement

2014-07-15 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 07/15/2014 03:58 PM, Urs Liska wrote: Am 15.07.2014 15:56, schrieb Knute Snortum: Any other thoughts? Nothing constructive, only the observation (for the record) that this is a Windows-only issue. Just for the record, it's not a Windows issue rather than an Adobe-Reader-on-Windows issue

Re: Suggestion for improvement

2014-07-15 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 07/15/2014 04:30 PM, Knute Snortum wrote: Is there an OS-agnostic way of checking if the PDF is locked and issuing a more user-friendly message? I assume so, yes; but judging from the error message, you'd rather have to ask the GhostScript people to add it. IMHO it makes sense for LilyPon

Re: Suggestion for improvement

2014-07-15 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 07/15/2014 04:19 PM, Alexander Kobel wrote: Fortunately, other readers exist which don't lock the file and even take notice of file updates automagically. SumatraPDF [2] is the one recommended most often. Oh, and if you don't desperately need a bunch of buttons to click on, ch

Re: Setting accidentalStyle for all Score contexts

2014-08-20 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 08/20/2014 05:14 PM, Richard Shann wrote: The documentation shows how to set the accidental style for a Score context, but when there are several movements I find that putting \layout{\conte

Upbeat as full measure or not?

2014-09-02 Thread Alexander Kobel
Dear all, I wonder whether a "large" partial measure should be notated as a full measure (rest+upbeat) or a partial measure. More specifically, it's the beginning of the following piece: - version 1, as partial

Re: Upbeat as full measure or not?

2014-09-02 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 09/02/2014 12:36 PM, Malte Meyn wrote: I think this is not a matter of engraving rules but you should follow the composer. (If I was the composer I would prefer a version with a full measure beginning with a rest in this case. But I’m not Albert Becker.) I’ve seen both versions in different pi

Re: postscript point

2014-09-11 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 09/11/2014 12:44 PM, Martin Tarenskeen wrote: Hi, I wanted to remove the indentation at the start of a score, and found \paper { indent = 0\cm } in the manual. Wondering why to use \cm I soon discovered that it doesn't matter if I use 0\cm or 0\in or 0\pt or simply 0 without any unit. It

Re: \override #'(font-series . medium) doesn't work anymore?

2014-09-20 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 09/19/2014 08:02 PM, Abraham Lee wrote: Have you tried accessing it via 'font-name? That should work since it bypasses LilyPond's font selection code and funnels it through to Pango directly. I like this approach (without a better mechanism in place) because you can add: \override '(font-na

Re: how to get half-bar used in Bach Music?

2010-11-21 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-11-21 13:55, Marc Mouries wrote: thanks Ted, that could do it. The tricky part though is that Bach uses a half-bar every other measure. I ttried this but got 2 issues: 1) 5.0 is not the normal height of the bar line. Would you know what it is? 2) i put a second override to get a normal

Re: how to get half-bar used in Bach Music?

2010-11-22 Thread Alexander Kobel
[ with cc to lilypond-user; please keep the discussions on the mailing list, others might have the same problems and can find the solutions in the mailing list archives ] On 2010-11-22 12:38, Martin Kemp wrote: I've just been struggling with this too. All else having failed, I faked it by usin

Re: an emacs question

2010-12-12 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-12-12 09:48, James Bailey wrote: How can I pass an argument to the emacs compile command? Usually, when I compile something on the command line, I include a directory with tons of style sheets with the -I argument. Is it possible to add this to emacs, or can I only do it on the comman

Re: an emacs question

2010-12-12 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-12-12 10:07, Alexander Kobel wrote: On 2010-12-12 09:48, James Bailey wrote: How can I pass an argument to the emacs compile command? [...] Hi, James, C-h v LilyPond-command-alist gives me this: [...] Value: (("LilyPond" "Lilypond %s" "%s" "%

Re: How to print less measures to each system

2010-12-17 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-12-17 14:19, Akira wrote: For instance, now I have 12 measures per each system (line) and 8 systems per one page. The music which I want should have 8 measures per each system and 12 systems per one page. [...] \paper{ #(define page-breaking ly:optimal-breaking) systems-per-page =11 }

Re: beautifully reworked wiki page

2010-12-17 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-12-17 14:09, Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote: Hi, Han-Wen noticed the new and reworked which is much more factional, informational and more beautiful. Thanks for all the work that has gone into it! Beautiful. But really stunning is the fact th

Re: beautifully reworked wiki page

2010-12-17 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-12-17 16:20, wrote: Hey all, I believe those are two different files. At first I was under the same impression, but upon repeated jostling between the images, I see that the treble clefs, tempo markings, and taglines are different. Or are they in fact the same an

Re: Chords symbols for Function Theory (Riemann)

2010-12-17 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-12-17 16:58, Music Teacher wrote: Hi, This mail never arrived, it seems. So i send it again... Hi, Francois, it actually arrived - you can check this in the mailing list archives. I would like to know if there is a way (i search quite a while whithout success) to write chords accordi

Re: ways of using Lilypond?

2010-12-19 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-12-19 10:30, Jan Warchoł wrote: 2010/12/19 Ludo Beckers: I guess I asked this question because I'm not sure whether or not I should first learn Lilypond syntax and then see if I want/need to use tools besides it. I recommend doing so. I'm not a very skilled user yet, but it appears cer

Re: printing A4 pages on A3 paper

2010-12-19 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-12-19 13:03, Federico Bruni wrote: Hi, in a print shop I was told that they couldn't directly print my A4 .pdf to A3 paper - using Adobe Reader - because in the pdf "pages are linked two by two" (I guess they meant to say "twoside"). [...] I just want to be sure that my pdf is ok and u

Re: A small but vexing problem (fermatas in several voices)

2010-12-30 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2010-12-30 22:44, Michael J. O'Donnell wrote: > Annoyance: the expressive part needs skips of the durations > corresponding to the notes in between the expressive marks. Someday, I > hope that LilyPond will have the facility to mark temporal points in > various parts so that they can be aligned

Re: Alternate style sheets

2011-01-04 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2011-01-04 12:29, Phil Holmes wrote: > The LilyPond web site ( and the > documentation (e.g. > > both have alternate style sheets, which means that we have 4 more style > sheets to maintain than we

[off-topic] (Scandinavian?) MP3 store for contemporary music

2011-01-06 Thread Alexander Kobel
Dear all, I'm looking for a place where I can get a (good, i.e. not a handycam live performance on Youtube) record of Thomas Jennefelt's great piece "Warning to the Rich", which we are to study with our choir. The composer himself links [1] a short sample of the piece, performed by the Chamber Cho

Re: [off-topic] (Scandinavian?) MP3 store for contemporary music

2011-01-06 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2011-01-06 15:02, James wrote: > hello, > > On 06/01/2011 09:27, Alexander Kobel wrote: >> So, does anybody know of a store which offers contemporary music for >> download? Or by chance, does anyone know another record of "Warning to >> the Rich" a

Re: Spurious Repeat Symbol

2011-01-09 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2011-01-09 21:03, Ted Stanion wrote: > How can I get rid of the extra repeat symbol in this example? I'm sure > it is caused by the rest at the beginning of the repeat. I've tried > hiding an extra note along with a skip, but I can't figure out how to do > this and get the rest back. [...] > >

Re: do narrow and bold-narrow font-series exist? How can i squish Lyrics horizontally?

2011-01-10 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2011-01-10 22:01, Janek Warchoł wrote: > Hi, > > according to internals > ( > there is something like "bold-narrow" font-series. However the > following snippet doesn't work as expected - ? Hi, Janek, the point is that the defaul

Re: do narrow and bold-narrow font-series exist? How can i squish Lyrics horizontally?

2011-01-10 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2011-01-11 00:30, Janek Warchoł wrote: > Ok, thanks. > What about compressing words? I mean, is it possible to change the > amount of space between the letters? I don't think so, and I don't think it's to come: this is not even a feature too common in amateur-grade DTP applications. But if you

Re: Bug in ties over barlines

2011-01-31 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2011-01-31 11:04, Jan Warchoł wrote: > [...] If the last note in the > following example doesn't get a natural, it's *impossible* to tell > that it's not another ces: > > ces'1~ | ces' > ces'1( | c') > > It may be argued that the slur looks different than the tie, but it's > not enough. > I'm

Re: Bug in ties over barlines

2011-01-31 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2011-01-31 21:06, James Lowe wrote: > -Original Message- > From: Alexander Kobel >> By the way: if you have { r2.. cis8( | c2!) r2 } all over the place, >> and then there suddenly comes a { r2 cis2~ | cis2 r2 }, you'd expect an >> additional sharp t

Re: \grace makes instrumentName disappear?

2011-02-22 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2011-02-22 11:15, Rodolfo Zitellini wrote: > Hello, > I'm transcribing a piece that starts with a \grace, more like the > following snippet: > > [...] > \score { > \new Staff << > \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Violino P[rimo]" > \context Staff << > [...] > I noticed that when

Re: Complicated duration

2011-06-06 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 06/06/2011 05:14 PM, Christopher Culver wrote: I am typesetting a peace of music and trying to align the lyrics to the melody. While this is generally simple, one climactic syllable lasts for a whole note plus an eighth note plus the first note of the following tuplet: \times 2/3 { a8[ aes8 g

Re: combine voices dot/nodot

2011-10-12 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2011-10-12 15:03, Jan-Peter Voigt wrote: Hello List, on p. 307 of Elaine Gold's book ("behind bars") she writes, it is an accepted keyboard convention that notes of unequal duration may share a notehead to save space. Hi, Jan-Peter, \mergeDifferentlyDottedOn is what you're after (see

How to announce user installed fonts on MacOS X?

2011-10-13 Thread Alexander Kobel
Dear all, I switched back from Linux to OS X on one of my machines recently, and now I'm puzzled how to use user-installed fonts with LilyPond. I did the usual thing: grab a .ttf (Gentium in this case), double-click (opens in, click "install". The font file is copied to $HOME/L

Re: How to announce user installed fonts on MacOS X?

2011-10-14 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2011-10-13 10:58, Henning Hraban Ramm wrote: Am 2011-10-13 um 09:23 schrieb Alexander Kobel: Dear all, I switched back from Linux to OS X on one of my machines recently, and now I'm puzzled how to use user-installed fonts with LilyPond. [...] The font file is copied to $HOME/Library/

Re: scaled lyrics

2011-11-15 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2011-11-15 10:29, Jan-Peter Voigt wrote: Hello list, when I am typesetting christian/latin or german music, there are often passages with short notes and a lot of long syllables. The character 'M' is a quite long one and if you have the german word "schlem -- men", it also takes a lot of spac

Re: Most popular French users request : bar numbering of alternatives

2011-11-28 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2011-11-28 09:44, Colin Hall wrote: On Mon, Nov 28, 2011 at 01:04:06AM +0100, Xavier Scheuer wrote: Dear LilyPond developers, Dear Bug Squad members, could you add this enhancement request to the tracker? Thanks! This is by far the most popular enhancement request from the French users ma

Re: Footers outside the type area

2012-02-07 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2012-02-07 16:04, -Eluze wrote: Hannes Kuhnert-2 wrote: [...] Especially the notes should fill the same area on every page, regardless if there is a footer or not. [...] I don't think this is possible by now - I'll wait a while to see if somebody know a way, and will add a an enhancement req

Re: conditionally eliminating lyric extender

2012-06-12 Thread Alexander Kobel
Hi all, digging out a very old thread: It was about conditionally killing lyric extenders if they are in the source, but the engraving turns out too tight for them to be necessary. Several months ago, I wrote the followi

Re: conditionally eliminating lyric extender

2012-06-12 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2012-06-12 09:40, Alexander Kobel wrote: s/twice/thrice/ below. Anybody knows of issues with (I can't remember to have changed anything affecting this mail address or the mailing list in the past few years...) On 2012-06-11 17:49, Alexander Kobel wrote: Looks like

Re: conditionally eliminating lyric extender

2012-06-12 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2012-06-11 17:49, Alexander Kobel wrote: Looks like this message has not made it to the list; not sure if the problem was on my or on the side. I apologize in advance if it appears twice now. Hi all, digging out a very old thread: <h

Re: Different sized fermatas

2012-07-27 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2012-07-27 13:31, Nick Payne wrote: If I use \mark\markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.ufermata" } to get a fermata over the final barline, that fermata is larger than is obtained by using \fermata. Looks rather odd when I have a normal fermata a few bars before the final one. Strangely, if I use

Re: fonts on Mac 10.7.4

2012-09-02 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2012-09-02 08:58, Curt wrote: Hi, I'm using 2.16 on Mac 10.7.4. (The change log says 10.7 is supported now.) lilypond -dshow-available-fonts x shows that I have Gloucester MT Extra Condensed available as a font for me. Font Book shows it as being in True Type and Open Type f

How to select condensed style from font family?

2013-06-25 Thread Alexander Kobel
Dear all, I often use a condensed font for lyrics, for obvious reasons. It's "ITC Garamond by Bitstream" in its condensed variant (for those who have it: it's in the CorelDRAW font collection). The issue of global font change aside, that's how I can use the TrueType version of the font: #(

Re: Feta font modifications by Janek

2013-09-05 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 09/05/2013 11:49 PM, David Rogers wrote: There are (were?) situations where multiple-masters are useful. But music isn't one of them IMO. Lyrics are, I suppose, but only for character width. But how many multiple master fonts are there in existence? And how many free ones? Alas, I found on

Re: Feta font modifications by Janek

2013-09-05 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 09/06/2013 06:54 AM, David Kastrup wrote: Werner LEMBERG writes: Alas, I found one: "FUSE 11 has pornography as theme. My contribution to this issue is a MultipleMaster font. [...] Five characters are converted to small FREE PORNO MOVIES. New versi

Re[surrecting]: Version Control and Public Repository

2013-09-27 Thread Alexander Kobel
Dear all, long time ago there was this thread about version controlling Lily scores, and much more recently Urs' excellent essay and tutorial on the LilyPond blog [1]. Now, that surely is a great read, but I'm left with one question. Over time, I've collected a few scores, made with differen

Re: Re[surrecting]: Version Control and Public Repository

2013-09-27 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 09/27/2013 10:53 PM, Curt wrote: This is a common problem in software engineering. [...] I assumed so; I don't experience it in the projects I'm currently involved in, but I am sure it is well studied. For a git-only approach, the *classic* way of handling this - and I haven't yet tried

Re: Center Lyric Syllables (ignoring punctuation)

2013-09-29 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 09/28/2013 11:23 PM, Thomas Morley wrote: To the author of the new LSR-snippet "Center Lyric Syllables (ignoring punctuation)" Many thanks for your code. I did some slightly reformatting of code and description. It's now approved as Really nice. For

Re: Center Lyric Syllables (ignoring punctuation)

2013-09-29 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 09/29/2013 07:52 PM, Alexander Kobel wrote: On 09/28/2013 11:23 PM, Thomas Morley wrote: To the author of the new LSR-snippet "Center Lyric Syllables (ignoring punctuation)" Many thanks for your code. I did some slightly reformatting of code and description. It's now a

Re: Center Lyric Syllables (ignoring punctuation)

2013-09-29 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 09/29/2013 08:47 PM, Thomas Morley wrote: Hi Alexander, 2013/9/29 Alexander Kobel : On 09/29/2013 07:52 PM, Alexander Kobel wrote: On 09/28/2013 11:23 PM, Thomas Morley wrote: To the author of the new LSR-snippet "Center Lyric Syllables (ignoring punctuation)" Many thanks for

Re: Re[surrecting]: Version Control and Public Repository

2013-09-30 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 09/30/2013 10:23 AM, Urs Liska wrote: Am 28.09.2013 00:10, schrieb Franciszek Boehlke: 2013/9/27 Alexander Kobel I have not real experiance in using git that way, but can imagine a bit how does it work. I think there are two main ways you can go, and possibly using submodules is the third

Re: missing bar numbers after manual line breaks within incomplete measures: bug or feature?

2013-10-01 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 10/01/2013 04:17 PM, pls wrote: Hey all, according to the NR "bar numbers are typeset by default at the start of every line except the first line". In the following example the second line starts with an incomplete measure which automatically results in a missing bar number. I would expect

Pseudo [Re]-surrecting: is there a \RemoveEmptyLyrics

2013-12-03 Thread Alexander Kobel
Dear all, I want to typeset a little hymn with two stanzas and a common chorus. Easy-peasy if the chorus begins after a line break, tedious tweaking otherwise. I am aware of whic

Re: centering title and THEN adding something to the left of it

2013-12-16 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 12/16/2013 11:25 AM, Kieren MacMillan wrote: Hi all, Thanks for the help… until someone comes up with a truly “automated” method, [...] Hi Kieren, how about the following? Uses - \with-dimensions to fake zero extent for the markup that should not be considered for spacing, - \halign t

Re: centering title and THEN adding something to the left of it

2013-12-16 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 12/16/2013 12:14 PM, Kieren MacMillan wrote: Hi David and Alexander, These are extremely clever (and nearly identical) solutions — thanks! Welcome. Now I just need to figure out why it messes up when moving it from this minimal snippet to my full titling system. (It’s almost certainly an

Re: centering title and THEN adding something to the left of it

2013-12-16 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 12/16/2013 02:54 PM, Alex Loomis wrote: This is really minor, but I was noticing that the positioning of the spaces in "Fairy Tale Ending" gives it the illusion of being a little too far to the left. Is there a way to center lines on a word instead of centering the entire phrase? Hi Alex, I

Re: Increasing space for lyrics for one part of a verse

2013-12-16 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 12/17/2013 07:52 AM, bombcar wrote: Yes. It's hard to see in that short example [...] Hi Tom, well, it was non-existent there, at least with the versions I could check quickly (2.14.2 and 2.17.96). Some thoughts: For 2.16, it's probably okay to use \override LyricHyphen #'Y-extent = #'

Re: Setting to print articulations inside the staff

2013-12-18 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 12/18/2013 08:30 AM, Urs Liska wrote: Am 18.12.2013 07:53, schrieb Urs Liska: Interesting. I'll have to investigate the "Henle" stylesheet. Something has to be in there that produces this misbehaviour. OK, I've commented out anything that even looks like touching the Script layout, but with

Re: Century Schoolbook not italic

2014-01-07 Thread Alexander Kobel
Hi Joram, I'm not an expert in the topic, but I hope I can still shed some light on the issue. AFAIU this depends on how the font is shipped, and I am not aware of a proper fallback solution that will work in all cases. If the designer ships all fonts of a family (probably in a single .otf or

Re: Center Lyric Syllables (ignoring punctuation)

2014-01-07 Thread Alexander Kobel
Hi, I just recognized that this snippet does not work as-is in 2.18.0 (and 2.17.x for x large enough), but gives -inf.0 as X-offsets if no punctuation prefixes a syllable. IIUC empty text-markups now return empty instead of point stencils these days, and the width computation for the punctuat

Re: Center Lyric Syllables (ignoring punctuation)

2014-01-08 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 01/08/2014 04:10 AM, Alex Loomis wrote: Shouldn't this be the default output? Looking at hand-engraved examples, such as this lied , words tend to be centered ignor

Re: kerning/ligatures in opentype fonts

2014-01-16 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 01/16/2014 12:02 PM, Kieren MacMillan wrote: Hi Simon, Does the font handling in Lilypond know about ligatures in opentype fonts? I don’t believe so… one of the many typographical features Lilypond lacks. It should, AFAIK. Using the same font p.s. What font is that? It’s lovely. I

Re: kerning/ligatures in opentype fonts

2014-01-16 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 01/16/2014 02:25 PM, Werner LEMBERG wrote: hmm. I wasn't actually aware of that. But it makes sense. ;) Note that the German support for LaTeX goes even one step further: The command "| (to be inserted between the two non-ligature characters) adds some small horizontal space to avoid gl

Re: kerning/ligatures in opentype fonts

2014-01-16 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 01/16/2014 03:28 PM, Werner LEMBERG wrote: [...] As mentioned by Urs, there is even a (semi)automatic solution called `selnolig' which uses a dictionary of German words to find and handle such non-ligatures properly (this is, you don't have to insert "| any more). Amazing. IIUC, that requir

Re: kerning/ligatures in opentype fonts

2014-01-16 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 01/16/2014 03:38 PM, David Kastrup wrote: Werner LEMBERG writes: If for a font "ff" leads to collisions, and the ligature is not correct at that point, is it recommended to insert space or to switch the font? Yes, at least for German. Uh, I mean you should insert space. Virtually no fo

Re: many-lyrics separator (slightly OT)

2015-01-05 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2015-01-05 15:03, Alicuota618 wrote: Hello, Considering a choir-setting with many stanzas, the text makes this is a little bit ugly to read, specially for amateur-choirs in stressing situation (concert...). How does engravers eventually make these lyrics more readable? I think of four possib

Re: many-lyrics separator (slightly OT)

2015-01-05 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2015-01-05 16:42, Alicuota618 wrote: Dear Alexander, About poem, yes, I agree, but spanish songs translators generally dont care about original rythm (in other words, they dont do the job right - but the songs are known this way) and there are songs with different rythm from stanza to stanza

Re: determining which font is selected by \bold, 'font-series 'bold, etc

2015-01-06 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2015-01-06 12:44, Wilbert Berendsen wrote: Hi, I have a font (Lexicon No1) that comes in 4 weight variants (A, B, C, D). Roman font selects A. But \bold and '(font-series . bold) do select the D variant. How can I make LilyPond choose C instead? [...] Thanks for any pointers. Hi Wilbert, I

Re: Centering score and chord names horizontally

2015-01-09 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2015-01-09 09:41, Anton Curl wrote: Hi everyone! Hi Anton. I can't find how to center horizontally the \score bloc I create to display chord diagrams on top of my score. The trick here is to put the score into a markup, which can be positioned arbitrarily. In particular, \fill-line can

Re: EB Garamond font-series

2015-02-09 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2015-02-09 05:58, tisimst wrote: This is correct. LibreOffice does fake italic, bold, and bold-italic if that variant doesn't exist. LilyPond, however, makes no attempt at this and just reverts to the closest one that is installed, which is usually the "regular" variant. [...] On Mon, Feb 9,

Re: EB Garamond font-series

2015-02-09 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2015-02-09 11:56, Simon Albrecht wrote: Hello everybody, then it seems I have been deceived by the fact that there is a separate file for each bold, italic and bold italic in the .zip provided via the download link I sent along. Thanks for the information. Huh? The on Bitbu

Re: How to determine if a font is a fallback font?

2015-04-28 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2015-04-28 10:16, Urs Liska wrote: Am 28.04.2015 um 10:12 schrieb Thomas Morley: 2015-04-28 9:48 GMT+02:00 Urs Liska : Am 28.04.2015 um 09:38 schrieb Werner LEMBERG: For TTFs and TTCs (either with TrueType outlines or embedded CFFs) you can use `ly:ttf-ps-name'. [...] Again, on an outdate

Re: How to determine if a font is a fallback font?

2015-04-28 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2015-04-28 10:51, Werner LEMBERG wrote: What is the result of ly:ttf-ps-name when you pass it the full path to a real emmentaler file (I can't see where they are on your system of course)? #(display (ly:font-config-get-font-file "/home/harm/lilydevel/usr/share/lilypond/current/fonts/otf/em

Re: How to determine if a font is a fallback font?

2015-04-28 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2015-04-28 11:45, Urs Liska wrote: Am 28.04.2015 um 11:41 schrieb Werner LEMBERG: family Alegreya Alegreya:style=Regular family DejaVu Sans DejaVu Sans:style=Book family Emmentaler-11 Emmentaler\-11:style=11 [...] Hmm... No `hmm' here :-) Lilypond adds its own font directories to

Re: How to determine if a font is a fallback font?

2015-04-28 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2015-04-28 12:18, Werner LEMBERG wrote: On my openSuSE GNU/Linux box, I get different results. Given font name: Emmentaler-13 Determined font file: /usr/share/fonts/TTF/mplus-1c-medium.ttf Actual font in that file: mplus-1c-medium Given font is present: #f Given font name: Emmentaler-13

Re: a proper whiteout function

2015-04-29 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 04/29/2015 12:04 PM, Pierre Perol-Schneider wrote: Hi Kieren, Hi Carl, I don't think that a standard scaling will help in this case. Here's an illustration of what could happened : \markup { \combine \with-color #magenta \scale #'(1.2 . 1.2) \musicglyph #"clefs.G" \musicglyph

Re: a proper whiteout function

2015-04-29 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 04/29/2015 03:03 PM, Kieren MacMillan wrote: Hi Francisco, To achieve a whiteout that is useful for music, I think a thick default 'middle' stroke in white on a lower layer would work. See example. YES! This is exactly the kind of thing I’m hoping for. +1. Do you think this “function”

Re: my favorite bug :-)

2015-05-04 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2015-05-04 15:40, Carl Sorensen wrote: On 5/4/15 1:35 AM, "ArnoldTheresius" wrote: 2. the PS file, because it's used for another postprocessing: I generate a booklet layout PDF from it (this PDF uses the double sheet size, e.g. A3) How do you do this? This is something I'm very intereste

TimeSignatures over BarLines

2015-05-07 Thread Alexander Kobel
Dear all, I'm trying to move time signatures to print over bar lines for a modern piece, to allow for a proportional (or almost proportional) note spacing despite several time changes. The usual approach is to place them over the staff, like here: Howe

Re: TimeSignatures over BarLines

2015-05-08 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2015-05-08 02:29, Thomas Morley wrote: 2015-05-07 18:48 GMT+02:00 Alexander Kobel : Dear all, I'm trying to move time signatures to print over bar lines for a modern piece, to allow for a proportional (or almost proportional) note spacing despite several time changes. The usual approa

Re: Typesetting renaissance music

2015-05-13 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2015-05-14 05:09, Murray-Luke Peard wrote: [...] One is to use the Mensurstriche layout, which has bar lines between staves but not through them. My preferred option is to move the barline up or down if the note is low or high, and split it if the note is in the middle. I've been able to move

Re: Piano centered dynamics

2015-05-17 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 05/17/2015 08:04 PM, Marco wrote: How is possible to center perfectly dynamics symbols between the staves of a piano staff? Hi Marco, see :-( (And shame on me for withdrawing my bounty on that one...) Best, Alexander __

Re: Landscape output

2015-06-26 Thread Alexander Kobel
On 2015-06-26 16:51, Peter Gentry wrote: Hello My paper block is % --- % set the paper layout for binding % footer has title and page number % --- \paper { #(set-defa

Re: difficult question to ask about spacing

2015-07-24 Thread Alexander Kobel
Hi all, On 2015-07-24 04:06, Nick Baskin wrote: [...] some piano music [...] aha! [...] Anywho, I'm trying to break a system mid line and re start another one on the same line with a small amount of space between where the last one let off. I'm also trying to do it in a vocal context with l

Re: difficult question to ask about spacing

2015-07-24 Thread Alexander Kobel
Hi Stephen, hi everybody. On 07/24/2015 07:50 PM, Stephen MacNeil wrote: 1.) Use \stopStaff, spacer rests, and \startStaff, or 2.) Use a markup line with two scores and a horizontal space in between. Version 2 theoretically offers full flexibility, but all spacing (in particular, vertical spa

Re: bug in magnetic snapping lyrics engraver

2022-04-14 Thread Alexander Kobel
Hi all, On 4/6/22 20:17, Jean Abou Samra wrote: > Le 06/04/2022 à 14:33, Werner LEMBERG a écrit : >> Is someone taking care of bugs in the magnetic snapping lyrics >> engraver?  Here is an example where it fails to position lyrics >> correctly (see last system in the image). >> >> >> Werner >

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