Hi all,

On 4/6/22 20:17, Jean Abou Samra wrote:
> Le 06/04/2022 à 14:33, Werner LEMBERG a écrit :
>> Is someone taking care of bugs in the magnetic snapping lyrics
>> engraver?  Here is an example where it fails to position lyrics
>> correctly (see last system in the image).
>>      Werner
>> PS: I've attached a version of `magnetic-lyrics.ily` that actually
>>      works with the current development version (using an updated
>>      `add-grob-definition` routine).
> To be honest, I don't know why the snippet is so complicated.
> I'd just have done:

One of the reasons might be that all participants have been 8 years younger and 
less experienced back then, and *some* later touches (at least mine) have been 
made by the trusted techniques of shotgun debugging and interpreter 
error-driven (rather than test-driven) development. And folks like Harm only 
had so much chance to tidy up my mess. ;-)

My literally last exposure to Lilypond was meeting you folks in Jan 2020 in 
Salzburg, and I'll need to dig out my old tests, but I'll give it a shot; 
having this integrated would be such an amazing improvement.

When it comes to LyricHyphen handling, some pieces in this thread might be 
relevant as well:

Unfortunately IMHO, Knut's work on automatic LyricExtenders has never reached 
its prime time...


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