On 2015-01-05 16:42, Alicuota618 wrote:
Dear Alexander,

About poem, yes, I agree, but spanish songs translators generally dont
care about original rythm (in other words, they dont do the job right
- but the songs are known this way) and there are songs with different
rythm from stanza to stanza too. So this is better to have the text
under music, at least in this case, I suppose.

I see.  That's a fair exception...

How do you:
- set stanza # repeating at each new system?
- draw a line-separator between lyrics

Sorry, I think I can help with neither of those. I've got almost no idea at all about the second - except that you could add a special staff with no symbols and only one staff line, but that will look awful, I guess.
Maybe something like an artificial stanza containing
  { \markup \null __  %{ many %} _ \markup \null }?
But this looks quite cumbersome to use, and needs tweaking for the vertical distances, and probably also some horizontal shifting of the first and last empty markups...

For the first, StanzaNumber supports the item-interface, but unfortunately
  \override StanzaNumber.break-visibility = #begin-of-line-visible
does not work as expected; probably because the syllable is below the first note, which is not quite the first element in a line. My idea was to have a function which adds the stanza number to /each/ syllable of a stanza and use it with begin-of-line-visible to kill all but the first occurence per line. Perhaps an after-line-breaking callback inspecting the Y-parent of a LyricText element might work instead, but that's more than what I can test right now, sorry.


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