On 2011-01-09 21:03, Ted Stanion wrote:
> How can I get rid of the extra repeat symbol in this example? I'm sure
> it is caused by the rest at the beginning of the repeat. I've tried
> hiding an extra note along with a skip, but I can't figure out how to do
> this and get the rest back. [...]
> melody = \relative c' {
>   c4 d e f
>   \repeat volta 2 {
>    r c d e 
>   } [...]
> words = \lyricmode  {
>   do re mi fa
>   \repeat volta 2
>   {
>     do re me
>   } [...]

Hi, Ted,

the repeat in the lyrics causes an additional repeat at the point of the
first syllable inside the repeat construct.  As you noticed, this causes
problems when the repeat starts with a rest, because the syllable comes
later, and I guess there's not much to do about that.
I can see no easy way to overcome this but to leave out the \repeat
construct in the lyrics entirely.  It may come to a surprise, but the
repeat does not really add anything but the repeat barlines and volta
brackets [*], and usually it's enough to do this at one point per score
(as long as you have common barlines per score, as normal, and not per
staff).  Any additional calls only ease you the orientation in your
source file.

[*] This is not entirely true; they encapsulate the logical structure of
the piece and music snippets, and can be useful for MIDI output via
unfoldRepeats.  If you don't need them there (very unlikely), just
ignore the issue; otherwise, you probably should use \tag to have the
repeat for MIDI only.


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