Dear all,

I often use a condensed font for lyrics, for obvious reasons. It's "ITC Garamond by Bitstream" in its condensed variant (for those who have it: it's in the CorelDRAW font collection).

The issue of global font change aside, that's how I can use the TrueType version of the font:

#(define fonts (make-pango-font-tree
                "GarmdITC BkCn BT"
                "sans-serif" "monospace" 20)

Now, I (more or less accidentally) installed the Type1 version of the same font on another machine, but I'm not able to find out how to select the condensed variant.

After some guessing, I found out the following: The TTF claims to come in two font families, "GarmdITC Bk BT" and "GarmdITC BkCn BT", for normal and condensed. The Type1 advertises itself (somewhat more precisely) as just the "ITC Garamond" family, with the distinction of condensed as a style.

So `lilypond -dshow-available-fonts x` (and, for what it's woth, `fc-list`) show the TTF as

  family GarmdITC Bk BT
    GarmdITC Bk BT:style=Book
  family GarmdITC Bk BT
    GarmdITC Bk BT:style=Bold
  family GarmdITC BkCn BT
    GarmdITC BkCn BT:style=Book
  family GarmdITC BkCn BT
    GarmdITC BkCn BT:style=Bold

while the Type1 is announced as

  family ITC Garamond
    ITC Garamond:style=Book
  family ITC Garamond
    ITC Garamond:style=Bold
  family ITC Garamond
    ITC Garamond:style=Book Condensed
  family ITC Garamond
    ITC Garamond:style=Bold Condensed

`fc-match 'ITC Garamond:Book:Condensed'` or `fc-match 'ITC Garamond:style=Book Condensed'` return (as I expected)
  Garamdnc.pfb: "ITC Garamond" "Book Condensed"
However, the same strings as arguments of (make-pango-font-tree) don't work. I can select "ITC Garamond", but every "add-on" does not change the style. The obvious workaround is to use the TTFs, but somehow I feel that the naming scheme used in the Type1s is more elegant. Maybe the clumsy declaration in the TTFs is a technical restriction?

Long story short: Does anybody know a way to convince (make-pango-font-tree) to select a certain font variant or style from the family, or to find out how the string is interpreted? And, in particular: why doesn't it match fc-match's match?

Thanks in advance,

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