On 09/06/2013 06:54 AM, David Kastrup wrote:
Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> writes:

Alas, I found one:
"FUSE 11 has pornography as theme. My contribution to this issue is
a MultipleMaster font. [...] Five characters are converted to small
FREE PORNO MOVIES.  New versions use antialiasing and gif

Actually, this is one of the most brilliant uses of this
technology :-)  I would have never dreamt of such a usage.

Uh, you have seen what happened to the Internet?  The 98% of the
Internet traffic not wiretapped by the NSA is porn.  And some of the
remaining 2% as well.

That gives an entirely new meaning to "typophile"... ;-)

Too bad that you can't download this font somewhere...

Didn't Alexander name this as the only free MM font he was able to find?

Sounds like "free" just means "it's not sold for money" here. I could not find a download link either, and even if I had one I'm not sure how to use a MM font.

But it's not the only one: English wikipedia on Multiple Master fonts mentions 8 free ones, which probably is a massive understatement: One of the developers (Graham Maede) lists a ninth one (ChizzMM) on his website (again, I couldn't find links for any of them). On <http://apostrophiclab.pedroreina.net/>, you can actually download a few of them. Some more or less random site <http://www.slade.de/dmt/types/formate/multiplemaster.html> (in German) claims that roughly 50 MM fonts exist in the wild, including commercial ones. And I'm not all that surprised, when I imagine the amount of sweat and tears that has to go into a MM font to look nice in at least /some/ choice of parameters.


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