On 2015-04-28 12:18, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
On my openSuSE GNU/Linux box, I get different results.
Given font name: Emmentaler-13
Determined font file: /usr/share/fonts/TTF/mplus-1c-medium.ttf
Actual font in that file: mplus-1c-medium
Given font is present: #f
Given font name: Emmentaler-13
Determined font file:
Actual font in that file: Emmentaler-13
Given font is present:
Given font name: Alegreya
Determined font file: /usr/share/fonts/TTF/mplus-1c-medium.ttf
Actual font in that file: mplus-1c-medium
Given font is present: #f
Given font name: Alegreya
Determined font file: /usr/share/fonts/truetype/Alegreya-Regular.ttf
Actual font in that file: Alegreya-Regular
Given font is present: #f/usr/share/fonts/truetype/Alegreya-Regular.ttf
Note that `ly:ttf-ps-name' returns the font's *PostScript* name. This
is *not* what fontconfig normally operates on (but see below).
I see. It's the same situation when I ask for "Alegreya-Regular" or
"DejaVuSans", though. No change at all.
Also, I wonder why M+ is offered in my case; because of
akobel@lap-11-06 ~/test % fc-match FOOBAR
DejaVuSans.ttf: "DejaVu Sans" "Book"
akobel@lap-11-06 ~/test % fc-list --version
fontconfig version 2.11.1
BTW, on my Debian stable, I get:
~/test % fc-match FOOBAR
Vera.ttf: "Bitstream Vera Sans" "Roman"
~/test % fc-list --version
fontconfig version 2.9.0
while the test.ly offers KanjiStrokeOrders as a substitute for what it
cannot find.
Since FontConfig version 2.11 (released October 2013), however, it is
possible to search for PostScript names also. Example:
$ fc-match "Alegreya"
Alegreya-Regular.ttf: "Alegreya" "Regular"
$ fc-match "AlegreyaRegular"
arial.ttf: "Arial" "Normal"
$ fc-match ":postscriptname=AlegreyaRegular"
Alegreya-Regular.ttf: "Alegreya" "Regular"
Ditto (on Arch, with FC 2.11.1).
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