On 2012-07-27 13:31, Nick Payne wrote:
If I use \mark\markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.ufermata" } to get a
fermata over the final barline, that fermata is larger than is
obtained by using \fermata. Looks rather odd when I have a normal
fermata a few bars before the final one.
Strangely, if I use \mark\markup\normalsize rather than just
\mark\markup, then the two fermatas *are* the same size:
Hm, in fact that's no surprise once you looked at the Internals
Reference: RehearsalMarks have font-size +2 by default, so roughly 26%
larger, see
That's why \normalsize helps.
I agree that it's odd at the first glance, but it's a tolerated side
effect of the deliberate decision that RehearsalMarks are printed larger
than most other stuff. I used to find it mildly annoying that LyricText
has a default font-size of +1, by the way...
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