
I just recognized that this snippet does not work as-is in 2.18.0 (and 2.17.x for x large enough), but gives -inf.0 as X-offsets if no punctuation prefixes a syllable. IIUC empty text-markups now return empty instead of point stencils these days, and the width computation for the punctuation prefixes barfs out. Maybe a side effect from the refined skyline computation? Anyway, attached is a modified version which works on 2.17.x and 2.18. Could you update the LSR snippet? I'm not allowed to. Thanks!


On 09/30/2013 10:29 PM, Thomas Morley wrote:
2013/9/30 Phil Holmes <em...@philholmes.net>:
----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas Morley"

I agree, although I don't expect Guile problems for anything but plain >
prime and double prime, but I might be wrong.
It's easy to tweak for people who want to use it, anyway; those were >
the glyphs for which I assume that everybody agrees they should be in >
YMMV, though.

Well, I could add a comment about how to extend the 'space-set' with
other characters.
Additionally it might be a thought to tag it docs.
@Phil: What do you think?


Not sure what you're asking my opinion about.

Sorry not been clear enough.

As to whether to tag is as docs?  If we do that, it will automatically
appear in the Snippets documentation
(http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.17/Documentation/snippets/index.html).  It will
become available for documentation authors to add to other documents.  So
the judgement call is simply - do I think this is of sufficient use to be
part of the LilyPond documentation set.  If so, tag it.

Phil Holmes

If I understand correctly, it's up to _me_ to decide whether I should
tag it doc or not.

So I'll add some more description/comments and do the doc-tag.


%% Note: Only characters of the string used to define space-set
%% are recognized by 'center-on-word'
#(define space-set
  (list->char-set (string->list ".?-;,:“”‘’–— */()[]{}|<>!`~&…")))

#(define (width grob text-string)
  (let* ((layout (ly:grob-layout grob))
           (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'text-font-defaults)))
         (X-extent (ly:stencil-extent
                    (ly:text-interface::interpret-markup layout props
                     (markup text-string)) X)))
   (if (interval-empty? X-extent)
    0 (cdr X-extent))))

#(define (center-on-word grob)
  (let* ((text (ly:grob-property-data grob 'text))
         (syllable (if (string? text) text ""))
          (if (integer? (string-skip syllable space-set))
           (string-skip syllable space-set)
          (if (integer? (string-skip-right syllable space-set))
           (+ (string-skip-right syllable space-set) 1)
           (string-length syllable)))
         (preword (substring syllable 0 word-position))
         (word (substring syllable word-position word-end))
         (preword-width (if (string? text) (width grob preword) 0))
         (word-width (if (string? text) (width grob word) (width grob text)))
         (notehead (ly:grob-parent grob X))
         (refp (ly:grob-common-refpoint notehead grob X))
         (note-extent (ly:grob-extent notehead refp X))
         (note-width (- (cdr note-extent) (car note-extent))))

   (if (= -1 (ly:grob-property-data grob 'self-alignment-X))
    (- 0 preword-width)
    (- (/ (- note-width word-width) 2) preword-width))))

\layout {
  \context {
    \override LyricText #'X-offset = #center-on-word
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