Re: Debian vs Red Hat??? I need info.

2000-05-18 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Chris" == Chris Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Chris> For mass installs, just make a standard issue CD, boot from that CD, and Chris> copy over the OS. Or you could even make a disk image and dd it onto the Chris> hard drive. That assumes you have the same hard drive in

Re: Changing user name

2000-05-18 Thread Brian
Cameron Matheson said: >Hey, > >I want to change my user name from fatmike to cmatheson. Is this >possible? This won't be entirely fool-proof, but... You might try adding the user cmatheson to your system (as root): $ adduser cmatheson Then (as root): $ cd /home $ mv fatmike cmatheson $ ch

Re: Debian vs Red Hat??? I need info.

2000-05-18 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Steve" == Steve Morocho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Steve> I agree, rpm is not a piece of crap. deb packages are a Steve> lot harder to create for the novice users. There is not Steve> much documentation to help in this area either. Also, when Steve> updates are released

Re: Help with the /etc/init.d/network

2000-05-18 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Ethan" == Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >> Pardon my ignorance. I had no idea that any mechanism for tracking threads >> existed other than the subject line. I'll keep that in mind. >> =20 >> Incidentally, how exactly does thread tracking work? I assume there is

Re: PCI 128...

2000-05-18 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "David" == David Henningsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: David> Okay, so I continue to try to get my PCI128 working. I had trouble with the kernel drivers for the PCI128. I tried the `alsa' modules from Debian, and those did not work either. I ended up useing CVS to get the latest

Re: x-server for ATI Rage Fury?

2000-05-18 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Ned" == Ned Harkey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Ned> I just purchased and installed Debian and there are no x-servers listed Ned> that are compatible with my Rage Fury 32Mb AGP video card. Is it Ned> possible to install the compatible x-server from another distribution Ned> i

Re: Maxima on debian

2000-05-18 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
I believe there is a Maxima package now, either in Woody or in the works. I have one installed that I grabbed out of `incoming' one day... Package: maxima Status: install ok installed Priority: optional Section: math Installed-Size: 10640 Maintainer: Camm Maguire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Version:

quickinstall for multiple debian machines

2000-05-18 Thread David Benson
Hi, I am looking for a package that will allow quick installation of a customized debian system, ie one in which i have selected a precise package list / ftp mirror. Preferably I could construct a single customized floppy which would do the rest of the install over a LAN. (the customized floppy

Re: GDM and 16bpp in X

2000-05-18 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "Kelly" == Kelly Corbin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Kelly> I can get 16 bit color working with xdm as listed in the HowTo, but Kelly> after switching to GDM, I can't figure out how to do it. I wan't it to Kelly> be a centralized fix, not user specific. If anyone has an idea,

Re: Help with the /etc/init.d/network

2000-05-18 Thread Ethan Benson
On Wed, May 17, 2000 at 10:13:51PM -0700, Karl M. Hegbloom wrote: > > "Ethan" == Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > >> Pardon my ignorance. I had no idea that any mechanism for tracking > threads > >> existed other than the subject line. I'll keep that in mind. > >> =20

Re: laptop booting potato

2000-05-18 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "cls--colo" == cls--colo spgs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: cls--colo> i'm just upgrading my slink lapbox to potato (on the cls--colo> 2.0.36 kernel). my boot hangs at scsi. cls--colo> i copied a scsi-free kernel into /boot. but it still cls--colo> tries to boot the scsi ke

Mass install / Autoinstall (Was: Re: Debian vs Red Hat??? I need info.)

2000-05-18 Thread Bulent Murtezaoglu
[...] KMH> The best way to do that that I've found so far is to set up KMH> a box with two removable hard drive racks, install and KMH> _configure_ everything on one drive, then use `cfdisk', KMH> `mkswap', and `mke2fs' to partition and format the second KMH> drive. [...] I

Re: hide the commabd executed from ps,who

2000-05-18 Thread Joey Hess
w trillich wrote: > 1) write a script to do the deed & supply the args, and call it >as your command; then your command-line will only be the script name. >set (restrict) permissions as needed on the script file. No that doesn't work. Your script still runs a program with some arguments; t

Re: The /source of the problem...or is that the /src?

2000-05-18 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
> "montefin" == montefin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: montefin> But*, one tiny, core question remains. Which is it: /usr/src, montefin> /usr/local/source, /usr/local/src? montefin> Some docs and HOWTO's say to build Linux in /usr/local/source; some montefin> mail, even from t

Re: on master and slave DNS servers

2000-05-18 Thread Nate Duehr
It's been quite a while since I read/posted stuff from debian-user due to too much work at the office, so my apologies if you've already received this info. I run a number of servers in the configuration you detailed below, and they work fine. You may want to add an "also-notify" statement to t

Re: Help: my /var/log/lastlog's as big as Canarsie!

2000-05-18 Thread Ethan Benson
On Wed, May 17, 2000 at 09:21:50PM +, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote: > Yes. Try this: > > % dd if=/dev/null of=bigfile bs=1k seek=1024 > 0+0 records in > 0+0 records out > % ls -l bigfile > -rw-r--r--1 miquels staff 1048576 May 17 23:19 bigfile > % du bigfile > 0 bigfile > > T

Re: hide the commabd executed from ps,who

2000-05-18 Thread David Karlin
On Wed, May 17, 2000 at 10:25:19PM -0400, David Z Maze wrote: > Eric G Miller writes: > EGM> On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 12:57:18AM +0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > >> But for example,what if I want to write a shell script which will login > >> to the remote server automatically?e.g..for some cgi...e

Re: man --> info?

2000-05-18 Thread Fabrizio Polacco
On Wed, May 17, 2000 at 10:06:33AM -0500, Gregory Guthrie wrote: > At 05:19 PM 05/17/2000 +0300, Fabrizio Polacco wrote: > >On Tue, May 16, 2000 at 06:50:43AM -0500, Gregory Guthrie wrote: > > > Why are man pages abandoned for info? > > > >Only FSF do that. Debian _requires_ manpages for all. > --


2000-05-18 Thread Karl M. Hegbloom
I was just reading /. and a strange idea struck me... Have you ever seen that Unix utils joke where you type in `ar god' and it says "god does not exist"? [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~ % host does not exist, try again Exit Status: [0] [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

Re: WindowMaker .61 in Slink

2000-05-18 Thread kmself
Try starting X from a console prompt as follows: startx wmaker -- 1> startx.log 2>&1 & If it works, cool. If it doesn't, look at startx.log and maybe post it. On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 04:24:00PM -0600, Cameron Matheson wrote: > Hey, > > I long time ago I used to use the new version of Windo

Re: laptop booting potato

2000-05-18 Thread matthschulz
Just copying isn't enough, AFAIK, You have to tell the bootloader where the kernel physically is. I dont remember how to do without lilo - with lilo is clear - rerun lilo. Matth On Wed, 17 May 2000, cls--colo spgs wrote: > debs, > > i'm just upgrading my slink lapbox to potato (on the > 2.0.36

newbie plip question

2000-05-18 Thread russell simmons
I have an old 486 (dx 33/210mb hd/12mgs ram/) with a base install of slink on it, that I want to network with my main dual-boot system (166mmx overclocked to 200mhz/5.1gig hd/96mgs ram/windoz98/linux) via a plip connection. I have attempted to do this with rh 6.1, and mdk 6.0, but have had no suc

leafnode and Gnus

2000-05-18 Thread Stephan Engelke
Hi everyone, last night I set up leafnode on my home system (Potato as of two days ago) in order to retrieve news from my ISP (works like a charm). At work I use Gnus as my news reader, and I'd like to use it at home, too. I set the follwing variables in my ~/.gnus-file to use the local spool, r

Debian 2.1 on Athlon / AHA-2940 ?

2000-05-18 Thread Oliver Schoenknecht
Hi there, when I boot the installation CD of Debian 2.1 on my 600 MHz Athlon (with Adaptec 2940, 3C905 NIC), my system stops after having downloaded the instructions for the AHA-2940 - is this any specific problem one of you have encountered before? --- Mit freundlichem Gruss

Re: man --> info?

2000-05-18 Thread Dave Thayer
On Tue, May 16, 2000 at 09:20:17PM -0500, Gregory Guthrie wrote: > At 05:35 PM 05/16/2000 -0700, Eric G . Miller wrote: > >On Tue, May 16, 2000 at 09:10:16AM -0500, Gregory Guthrie wrote: > > > At 05:53 AM 05/16/2000 -0700, Eric G . Miller wrote: > > > >. Perhaps you'd enjoy the dhelp > > > >packa

Re: Debian vs Red Hat??? I need info.

2000-05-18 Thread Andreas Rabus
Hi.. I worked on debian (first private than at work) and redhat (and SuSe, only for money :), and my personal opinion ist, that debian Packages are much more smoother to handle than rpm's. As long as you don't build your own Packages. Mostly i can use make-kpkg. :) to make my kernel-images. I cre

Re: mailagent configuration problems

2000-05-18 Thread Tony
^Tony writes: ^> Another possible symptom - If I run mailagent with -f and point it to my ^> unix mail directory, I get "insecure configuration" and what looks like a ^> hang. ^ ^I assume that what you mean is that you point it at one of the files in ^your mail directory. What are the permissions

Re: Help: my /var/log/lastlog's as big as Canarsie!

2000-05-18 Thread Miquel van Smoorenburg
According to Ethan Benson: > /me boggles, i have not heard of this one before, this is wacky! > where can i find more info on this, and what uses/advantages it has? Try and enter "unix sparse files" That returns e.g. Mike. -- Denial. It's n

Re: Debian vs Red Hat??? I need info.

2000-05-18 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 10:42:17AM +0200, Andreas Rabus wrote: > - Hard to build. There is a large doc about this task , but it still > takes a long time to learn. so does system administration for *nix. as it should be, learning takes time and is something no one should ever shy away from

RE: Debian vs Red Hat??? I need info.

2000-05-18 Thread Andreas Rabus
The "monkeys" ar not very polite, but ... :) My experience is not that bad, but some of the rpm i installed were a real mess, too. But i liked to see some companies to release there software in various flavours of package formats. ar PS: you never learn NT. If you learnd on Version, yo

Re: Debian vs Red Hat??? I need info.

2000-05-18 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 11:19:31AM +0200, Andreas Rabus wrote: > > The "monkeys" ar not very polite, but ... :) considering the quality of most .rpms i found in places like /contrib i don't think that is at all unfair. ;-) `monkeys' is about as polically correct as your going to get from me,

Re: Debian 2.1 on Athlon / AHA-2940 ?

2000-05-18 Thread Ron Rademaker
Yep, I had something similar with my athlon 500, just use the tecra-image and all should work fine! Ron Rademaker On Thu, 18 May 2000, Oliver Schoenknecht wrote: > Hi there, > > when I boot the installation CD of Debian 2.1 on my 600 MHz > Athlon (with Adaptec 2940, 3C905 NIC), my system stops

Re: Debian 2.1 on Athlon / AHA-2940 ?

2000-05-18 Thread Vicente Torres
I had the same problem installing Debian 2.1 on an Athlon. The problem is the kernel of the installation CD: 2.0.36 It does not seem to work with this kind of new computers. I took out the hard disk and installed it on another computer (pentium II). The installation went fine. I compiled the 2.2.

Re: transfer files

2000-05-18 Thread Daniel Reuter
Hello Chris, On Wed, 17 May 2000, Chris Mason wrote: > I'm used to transferring whole directory trees with ws-ftp under windows. > When using Linux fom the shell, what's the easiest way to do the same thing? You might have a look at wget. It can do all the transfer in the background (so suited f


2000-05-18 Thread steven
i dont know if you can help me but i got a 486 that i am installing windows into i have upgraded the cdrom to a creative 40x and i can only setup 3.1 from my cd using a win98 bootdisk it lets me install it and says close down to dos and type win to enter but it says invalad dos version

Re: newbie plip question

2000-05-18 Thread Daniel Reuter
Hello Russell, You wrote: > I have been given a 2 cd copy of slink, that I am going to put on my > main box. Is there anything special that I should install/be aware of > in order to run a plip? plip setup on slink (with kernel 2.0.x) step by step: I suppose you have the plip module compiled. 1

Re: quickinstall for multiple debian machines

2000-05-18 Thread Robert Varga
If you find one in which you can preselect even the partition sizes, then notify me as well :) If you can bear the manual setup of the base setup, then you can use 1. (on an installed box) dpkg --get-selections > filename 2. transfer file to other machine after the base install is complete (no

Berlin - an addition to or replacement of X11?

2000-05-18 Thread Wojciech Zabolotny
Hi All, Following the links on the Debian site, I found the home page of Berlin project . It looks very promissing, however I have a few questions. - Is this system designated to be an addition to or the replacement of the X11? - What will be th

HP SureStore tape drive on slink

2000-05-18 Thread Denis J. Cirulis
Hello ! i'm running Oracle on debian slink and now i have brand new HP SureStore T20i tape drive. I wanted to know is this tape device supported and is there any howtos on using tape drive to backup data ? The purpose of this tape drive is to backup Oracle database. -- Denis J. Cirulis <[E

FTP yes, Telnet no

2000-05-18 Thread Mats Rynge
Hi! How can I limit some of my users to be able to use FTP but not be able to use Telnet. I thought this was possible by changing the shell to /bin/true, but I didn't work. I'm running potato and I'm using proftp as FTP server. TIA Mats

Virusscan / Exim

2000-05-18 Thread Dirk Allard
Hi, does anybody know of a automated virusscan (like amavis) working with exim? Dirk -- Dirk Allard BUGH Wuppertal - Polymere Materialien email [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tel +49-202-4393873 Fax +49-202-4393880

Re: Transfer data between two comps without network

2000-05-18 Thread Dariush Pietrzak
> I've used schemes such as piping data across an SSH process to achieve > this without having to encrypt the files on disk. In fact, that's how our That was the original scheme, but bosses hmmm, after some consultations said that we should transfer data on cd-roms with armed guardian. so now we'

/var/spool/mail/user_name missing...

2000-05-18 Thread Oliver Schoenknecht
Hey everyone, as you may have noticed I am just struggling around with new sendmail. After some work I got it to work but still I don't have the user-directories in /var/spool/mail, for example if naming the user jim I am missing the /var/user/mail/jim... Could anyone help me (quite a newbie i

Re: Transfer data between two comps without network

2000-05-18 Thread Dariush Pietrzak
> Assuming you are worried by people with promiscuous ethernet cards, > packet-sniffing. Put in a second NIC, run a crossover UTP? I assume the .. encrypting would solve that problem. or private network between two comps. And - if I could connect those two comps by some network daily data trans

Re: FTP yes, Telnet no

2000-05-18 Thread Ethan Benson
On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 10:45:43AM +, Mats Rynge wrote: > Hi! > > How can I limit some of my users to be able to use FTP but not be able > to use Telnet. I thought this was possible by changing the shell to > /bin/true, but I didn't work. I'm running potato and I'm using proftp as > FTP server

Re: Transfer data between two comps without network

2000-05-18 Thread Vlad Harchev
On Thu, 18 May 2000, Dariush Pietrzak wrote: > > > Assuming you are worried by people with promiscuous ethernet cards, > > packet-sniffing. Put in a second NIC, run a crossover UTP? I assume the > .. encrypting would solve that problem. or private network between two > comps. > And - if I coul

Gimp-print plugin + ghostscript?

2000-05-18 Thread Jonathan Markevich
Has anyone compiled the ghostscript driver included with gimp-print? There are vague incomplete instructions for doing it on a Debian system, but I don't know enough to surmise the rest. I'd love to NEVER have to reboot to use my Epson Photo 700... -- Jonathan Markevich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http

Re: Changing user name

2000-05-18 Thread Chanop Silpa-Anan
Once upon a time, I heard Brian say > Cameron Matheson said: > > >Hey, > > > >I want to change my user name from fatmike to cmatheson. Is this > >possible? I think the easierway is edit your /etc/password and change username and home directory feild, you should find it easily :) Then renam

Re: Changing user name

2000-05-18 Thread Jesse Jacobsen
On 05/18/00, Chanop Silpa-Anan addressed "Re: Changing user name": > Once upon a time, I heard Brian say > > > Cameron Matheson said: > > > > >Hey, > > > > > >I want to change my user name from fatmike to cmatheson. Is this > > >possible? > > I think the easierway is edit your /etc/password

Re: Changing user name

2000-05-18 Thread Robert Waldner
On Thu, 18 May 2000 07:56:24 CDT, Jesse Jacobsen writes: >The last time I changed my username, I just left my home directory the >way it was, to avoid the headache. The names don't *need* to be >identical. Works fine for me. Just make sure it's properly reflected >in /etc/passwd. or you just

RE: FTP yes, Telnet no

2000-05-18 Thread Peter Good
Ahhh, exactly the same i ran into. Make sure that in the file /etc/pam.d/login the line account required is uncommented. Then edit your /etc/security/access.conf to suit You can have either of users groups or hosts in this file i believe, i found it easier for the users i want

Re: Unreal 1 on Linux

2000-05-18 Thread Mental
On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 03:07:31PM -0600, Cameron Matheson wrote: > Hey, > > I know you can get Unreal Tournament working for Linux with a patch, but > I was wondering if their was a patch for Unreal 1 too. > There's no linux port. However there has been some success running it under wine. Have

Re: Maxima on debian

2000-05-18 Thread Boris Veytsman
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegbloom) > Date: 17 May 2000 22:25:14 -0700 > > > I believe there is a Maxima package now, either in Woody or in the > works. I have one installed that I grabbed out of `incoming' one > day... Interesting. Does it work well? Here are some problems with the

Re: man --> info?

2000-05-18 Thread Gregory Guthrie
At 02:33 AM 05/18/2000 -0600, Dave Thayer wrote: I think that the package you're looking for is dwww. It needs an httpd installed (boa is nice and lightweight), but it is well worth it. Dave, thanks a lot. I want to try it, but apt-get wants to re-install an entire server and tools for me, I

Re: Program for both win98/dos and Linux

2000-05-18 Thread Keith G. Murphy
David Henningsson wrote: > > Since I'm going to use both win98 and Linux for a while, it would be nice > to have programs working in both OS's, that is, they share the same data, > on perhaps a FAT16 partition. > > I have a program for fidonet - mypoint works under Linux' DOS-emulator. > Word 97

Linux Telephony is it real?

2000-05-18 Thread VEVE ROUDY
Hello! Linux is a great headache that I support for longtime I never know how to make a free/cheap long-distance call on linux like net2phone, dialpad applet on windows then I think linux is not ready for telephony. I have readen almost the totality of ONLINE linux Internet telephony documents, b

Re: Berlin - an addition to or replacement of X11?

2000-05-18 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
> Following the links on the Debian site, I found the home page of Berlin > project . It looks very promissing, however > I have a few questions. > - Is this system designated to be an addition to or the replacement of > the > X11? look at the FAQ. ;-)

Fetchmail question: How to get the mail where it belongs?

2000-05-18 Thread Ron Rademaker
Okay, here's the situation: I got a server that is connected to the internet using ISDN, I want it to use fetchmail to get the mail from a distant popbox, that should be easy, but here's the problem: A lot of different mail addresses are forward to that box (eg. [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED

Re: Fetchmail question: How to get the mail where it belongs?

2000-05-18 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
> All the mail sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] should be sent to user abcde > All the mail sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] should be sent to user linux > etc. > All the mail sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] should be sent to every user except > bill :) > etc. > i would use procmail. put this in your ~/.forward (wit

thinkpad install prob

2000-05-18 Thread Michael Skipper
I formatted this for submission to the bugs list, but it seems such a basic problem that I suspect it stems from my status as an absolute novice with linux--and so I'm posting here. package: boot floppies version: linux 2.0.36 (kernel-image-2.0.36_2.0.36-3) arch: i386 (pentium I) model: IBM Think

Email Q

2000-05-18 Thread Jay Kelly
What mail program should I use to recieve mail from my pop3 server. Also what generates the quotes at the end of the emails???

Re: quickinstall for multiple debian machines

2000-05-18 Thread Fraser Campbell
David Benson wrote: > I am looking for a package that will allow > quick installation of a customized debian system, > ie one in which i have selected a precise package > list / ftp mirror. We did something like this. We could build a running system with X in probably 15 minutes on 486s. The co

Hmmmm, Slashdot.

2000-05-18 Thread Steve Lamb
"All the boxes are VA Linux Systems FullOns running Debian (except for the SQL box). Each box (except for the SQL box) has LVD SCSI w/ 10,000 RPM drives. And they all have 2 Intel EtherExpress 100 LAN adapters." From: -- St

Tar for Idiots Question

2000-05-18 Thread Bob Bernstein
I have a slew of tar.gz files in a directory, and I want to unpack them in that directory. I can't seem to "wildcardize" the usual commands I use to do this: tar xzvf *tar.gz (and) gzip -dc *gz | tar xvf - both fail to do it. Any help, praise, or blame would be welcome at this point! -- Bob

Re: Tar for Idiots Question

2000-05-18 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
> tar xzvf *tar.gz (and) > for i in *.tag.gz; do tar -xzvf $i; done -- Hi! I'm a .signature virus! Copy me into your ~/.signature, please! -- If Windows is the answer, I want the problems back!

Re: help

2000-05-18 Thread John Bagdanoff
On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 03:01:50AM -0700, steven wrote: > i dont know if you can help me but i got a 486 that i am installing windows > into > i have upgraded the cdrom to a creative 40x and i can only setup 3.1 from my > cd using a win98 bootdisk > it lets me install it and says close down to do

RE: Hmmmm, Slashdot.

2000-05-18 Thread Robert C. Ramsdell
Any reason they wouldn't use Debian for the mySQL server? I'm a newbie, but does it have something to do with the quad CPU box? Robert C. Ramsdell -Original Message- From: Steve Lamb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, May 18, 200

Re: Email Q

2000-05-18 Thread Oswald Buddenhagen
> What mail program should I use to recieve mail from my pop3 server. netscape supports pop3 directly, however, on unix systems you usually would use something like fetchmail. > Also what generates the quotes at the end of the emails??? not sure, that you mean by "quotes". i assume signatures. put

apt-get install or upgrade from stored archive

2000-05-18 Thread Antonio Rodriguez
I had installed slink 2.1, which I upgraded through a my moden connection after a few days to frozen. I made a backup of the /var/cache/apt/archives folder in to another partition. After that I messed up my system, so I had to reinstall 2.1 again. How can I apt-get upgrade my system to the previous

Re: thinkpad install prob

2000-05-18 Thread Gary Hennigan
Michael Skipper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I formatted this for submission to the bugs list, but it seems > such a basic problem that I suspect it stems from my status > as an absolute novice with linux--and so I'm posting here. > > package: boot floppies > version: linux 2.0.36 (kernel-image-2

Who has a Eicon ISDN Card 2.01?

2000-05-18 Thread -={ Menno Slaats }=-
Do you have an Eicon ISDN Card 2.01?   Do you have drivers for it?   If you have, please send me an email!   Thanks,   Menno Slaats

Re: ppp connection failure

2000-05-18 Thread John Gould
Hello everyone, I am running potato with kernel 2.2.15 installed. Whatever I do I cannot get ppp to connect to the local RAS server. Another box running 2.1r4 works perfectly. I have re-built the kernel several times and stripped out ppp and pppconfig and re-installed. Still I get th

Re: Tar for Idiots Question

2000-05-18 Thread Gary Hennigan
Bob Bernstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I have a slew of tar.gz files in a directory, and I want to unpack them in > that directory. I can't seem to "wildcardize" the usual commands I use to do > this: > > tar xzvf *tar.gz (and) > > gzip -dc *gz | tar xvf - > > both fail to do it. > > Any

Re: thinkpad install prob

2000-05-18 Thread Robert Waldner
>Michael Skipper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >> When I try to boot from the rescue floppy (downloaded from the >> > ch-install-methods.en.html#s-file-descs> area and written to >> floppy with rawrite2 in DOS), the install hangs after the following: Did

Re: Email Q

2000-05-18 Thread David Karlin
On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 08:14:51AM -0700, Jay Kelly wrote: > What mail program should I use to recieve mail from my pop3 server. Also fetchmail works great for this. (man fetchmail) > what generates the quotes at the end of the emails??? most email clients will append the contents of the file ~/

RE: Transfer data between two comps without network

2000-05-18 Thread wsuetholz
You could add a seperate network link between the two endpoints... With that kind of data requirements Gig Ethernet might be a good choice. You could also use SSL for the network transport in order to encrypt the data to make it more secure. DVD-RAM is nicer than ZIP as far as storage space goes

RE: Help with the /etc/init.d/network

2000-05-18 Thread A. Scott White
Ethan Benson wrote: > that is because outlook is broken and does not understand > RFC2015. What Linux MUA should I use. I'd like one that has a complete feature set and doesn't rely on X (I don't like X). Also, most of the MUA's I've looked at don't clearly define a way to specify checking a corp

obsolete packages in dselect

2000-05-18 Thread A. Scott White
I recently upgraded to Potato and Linux 2.2.15 Now, when I go into dselect->select several packages are listed as Obsolete. What, exactly, does this mean? Should I remove these packages? Thanks. A. Scott White Director of Information Systems a

Video display question.

2000-05-18 Thread Brent McMillan
I've been playing around with my xf86config and my window manager (afterstep) for a while trying to get images to appear as nice as when I view them in Windows. I have a ATI Rage IIc AGP with 8 Mb of RAM and I run X windows at 24 bpp and a resolution of 1024x768. My problem is that Netscape has

Who has the Eicon ISDN adapter card 2.01?

2000-05-18 Thread -={ Menno Slaats }=-

Re: obsolete packages in dselect

2000-05-18 Thread Gary Hennigan
"A. Scott White" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > I recently upgraded to Potato and Linux 2.2.15 > > Now, when I go into dselect->select several packages are listed as Obsolete. > What, exactly, does this mean? Should I remove these packages? If you don't need them then it's generally safe to delete

Re: /var/spool/mail/user_name missing...

2000-05-18 Thread Drew Bloechl
On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 12:59:41PM +0100, Oliver Schoenknecht wrote: > Hey everyone, > > as you may have noticed I am just struggling around with new > sendmail. After some work I got it to work but still I don't have the > user-directories in /var/spool/mail, for example if naming the user > j

Re: Debian vs Red Hat??? I need info.

2000-05-18 Thread Wichert Akkerman
Previously Chip Salzenberg wrote: > Actually, from what I've been told, rpm has at least one serious > technical flaw: The order of execution for pre-install and > post-install scripts is nonsensical for upgrades. I wouldn't call it nonsensical, but the way dpkg does it is definitely more robust.

Re: leafnode and Gnus

2000-05-18 Thread Mark Brown
On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 10:18:57AM +0200, Stephan Engelke wrote: > too. I set the follwing variables in my ~/.gnus-file to use the local > spool, rather than use nntp to localhost Any particular reason not to use NNTP? > Now when I start up, Gnus complains that it cannot find the active > file.

Re: Debian vs Red Hat??? I need info.

2000-05-18 Thread Michel Verdier
Steve Morocho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : | I agree, rpm is not a piece of crap. deb packages are a lot harder to | create for the novice users. There is not much documentation to help in | this area either. Also, when updates are released .debs are usually the | last to be released (because

Re[2]: Debian vs Red Hat??? I need info.

2000-05-18 Thread Steve Lamb
Thursday, May 18, 2000, 5:16:08 AM, Michel wrote: > .deb is already a standard package system in the industry. And again it > would be nice to have statistics to confirm this purely subjective > statement :) Purely anecdotal, but Earthlink uses dpkg and deb as their internal format for binary

Re: Debian vs Red Hat??? I need info.

2000-05-18 Thread Josip Rodin
On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 02:16:08PM +0200, Michel Verdier wrote: > | deb packages are a lot harder to create for the novice users. There is > | not much documentation to help in this area either. > > There is perhaps not much documentation but : > # ls /usr/man/man1/dh*|wc -l > 30 You people

Sound on a ASUS K7

2000-05-18 Thread Karsten Bolding
Hi On the ASUS K7 motherboard is a AC'97 V2.1 CODEC, Analog Devices 3D sound circuitry. Which selections do I have to do when compiling a new kernel to enable sound? Karsten PS: About a week ago I asked a question concerning redialing with ISDN - I'll write up my experinces during the weekend a

Re: Re[2]: Debian vs Red Hat??? I need info.

2000-05-18 Thread Jeremy C. Reed
On Thu, 18 May 2000, Steve Lamb wrote: > Purely anecdotal, but Earthlink uses dpkg and deb as their internal format > for binary distribution for servers. Not much in the way of Debian machines, > just the packaging format. :) Apple's DarwinOS also uses the dpkg tools. (So maybe Apple OS X

Re: Linux Telephony is it real?

2000-05-18 Thread J.H.M. Dassen \(Ray\)
On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 09:54:58 -0500, VEVE ROUDY wrote: > A great number of companies on Internet talk about linux telephony, they > have all projects projects , projects which are never achieved., or > stay far from of linux End users. I think on this way, linux is a real > mess, my favorit

Re: Mass install / Autoinstall (Was: Re: Debian vs Red Hat??? I need info.)

2000-05-18 Thread Jeremy Hansen
Most of the answers I've been getting on this subject seem like total hacks, which may work but really are tricks to doing this. I was really looking for something within debian that's built to do "kickstart" type installations. Although what you suggest may work, it leave little flexibility bet

Re: leafnode and Gnus

2000-05-18 Thread Stephan Engelke
> Any particular reason not to use NNTP? Speed, pure speed. my first idea was to use nntp, but the Gnus manual says that using a local spool is recommended for speed reasons. Nntp works well, though. I guess I' just have to switch. > Leafnode's nearest equivalent to an active file is > /var/

Re: Maxima on debian

2000-05-18 Thread Camm Maguire
Greetings! Boris Veytsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegbloom) > > Date: 17 May 2000 22:25:14 -0700 > > > > > > I believe there is a Maxima package now, either in Woody or in the > > works. I have one installed that I grabbed out of `incoming' one > > d

Re: Video display question.

2000-05-18 Thread Touloumtzis, Michael
On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 04:36:42PM +, Brent McMillan wrote: > I've been playing around with my xf86config and my window manager > (afterstep) for a while trying to get images to appear as nice as when I > view them in Windows. I have a ATI Rage IIc AGP with 8 Mb of RAM and I > run X windows at


2000-05-18 Thread Brian Hazelwood
Good Morning,   I new to Linux and intalling debian 2.1 for the first time.  I have not had any problems untill this point.  After I am prompted for my "debian login" and password, I recieve the date, time and copywrite info.  However after this I recieve a line  "debian:~#" with the curser

Re: Linux prompt

2000-05-18 Thread Nate Duehr
On Sat, Apr 15, 2000 at 05:57:52PM -0400, John Anderson wrote: > In order to get x to work properly I downloaded the new frozen > distribution. After downloading, x now recognizes the graphics card, but > I do not like the prompt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. Is there anyway to get it > back to just a pla

Re: Stuck...

2000-05-18 Thread Ben Collins
On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 11:36:20AM -0700, Brian Hazelwood wrote: > Good Morning, > > I new to Linux and intalling debian 2.1 for the first time. I have not had > any problems untill this point. After I am prompted for my "debian login" > and password, I recieve the date, time and copywrite inf

Re: Video display question.

2000-05-18 Thread brian moore
On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 04:36:42PM +, Brent McMillan wrote: > I've been playing around with my xf86config and my window manager > (afterstep) for a while trying to get images to appear as nice as when I > view them in Windows. I have a ATI Rage IIc AGP with 8 Mb of RAM and I > run X windows at

Re: leafnode and Gnus

2000-05-18 Thread Riku Saikkonen
Stephan Engelke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >too. I set the follwing variables in my ~/.gnus-file to use the local >spool, rather than use nntp to localhost > >(setq nnspool-spool-directory "/var/spool/news") Leafnode is supposed to be used via its NNTP server, and doesn't work very well, if at a

changing default shells

2000-05-18 Thread Nick
i installed Tsch how do i get back to BASH thankx

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