Any reason they wouldn't use Debian for the mySQL server? I'm a newbie, but does it have something to do with the quad CPU box?
Robert C. Ramsdell -----Original Message----- From: Steve Lamb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2000 10:24 AM To: Debian Users Subject: Hmmmm, Slashdot. "All the boxes are VA Linux Systems FullOns running Debian (except for the SQL box). Each box (except for the SQL box) has LVD SCSI w/ 10,000 RPM drives. And they all have 2 Intel EtherExpress 100 LAN adapters." From: -- Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your ICQ: 5107343 | main connection to the switchboard of souls. -------------------------------+-------------------------------------------- - -- Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null