If you find one in which you can preselect even the partition sizes, then notify me as well :)
If you can bear the manual setup of the base setup, then you can use 1. (on an installed box) dpkg --get-selections > filename 2. transfer file to other machine after the base install is complete (no preselected package combos are selected, answer N to the question, do an update in dselect, _skip_the_select_menuitem_, and select install this will put up) set /etc/apt/sources.list to your mirror. 3: apt-get update; dpkg --set-selections < filename This will download and install the appropriate packages. Unfortunately, you still need to answer the questions, but the whole install goes down in about 20 minutes. X server conflicts can arise. You can even try putting all the config files of the packages (you can probably obtain them from debian package info) in a tarball and extracting them on the other machine, although you must take care of hostname problems. Regards, Robert Varga On Wed, 17 May 2000, David Benson wrote: > Hi, > > I am looking for a package that will allow > quick installation of a customized debian system, > ie one in which i have selected a precise package > list / ftp mirror. > > Preferably I could construct a single customized > floppy which would do the rest of the install > over a LAN. (the customized floppy would contain the appropriate > sources.list files ...) > > Has anyone had experience doing such things? > > Thanks very much for your time, > Dave Benson > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > -- > Unsubscribe? mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null > >