>>>>> "cls--colo" == cls--colo spgs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
cls--colo> i'm just upgrading my slink lapbox to potato (on the cls--colo> 2.0.36 kernel). my boot hangs at scsi. cls--colo> i copied a scsi-free kernel into /boot. but it still cls--colo> tries to boot the scsi kernel and then hangs. cls--colo> i renamed /boot/linux to /boot/vmlinux-2.0.36, the name cls--colo> of the kernel that i had been using. ...still "no go." cls--colo> q: where might i find the kernel that comes with cls--colo> potato?--what directory is it in? Look in "/etc/lilo.conf", and see that it's got something like: image=/vmlinuz label=Linux ... ... and that there's a symlink in "/" something like: /vmlinuz -> /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.XX OR... the image line can point to /boot/vmlinuz, and the analagous symlink can be in /boot. Then run `lilo' once, and reboot. -- Those who do not study Lisp are doomed to reimplement it - Poorly. A few months in the laboratory often saves several hours at the library. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegbloom)