Stephan Engelke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >too. I set the follwing variables in my ~/.gnus-file to use the local >spool, rather than use nntp to localhost > >(setq nnspool-spool-directory "/var/spool/news")
Leafnode is supposed to be used via its NNTP server, and doesn't work very well, if at all, if you read articles directly from the spool. The articles are there in a standard format, but some important metadata (like an "active" file specifying what articles and newsgroups exist) is not in the standard news server format. And, more importantly, leafnode's automatic expiry and group-fetching works properly only if you read news via the leafnode NNTP server. For reading news with Gnus via NNTP, this should be enough: (setq gnus-select-method '(nntp "localhost")) (that might actually be the default setting) If you're concerned about security, you can restrict connections to the leafnode server to be allowed only from the same host, if you wish. See the hosts_access(5) manual page. -- -=- Rjs -=- [EMAIL PROTECTED]