
Boris Veytsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegbloom)
> > Date: 17 May 2000 22:25:14 -0700
> > 
> > 
> >  I believe there is a Maxima package now, either in Woody or in the
> >  works.  I have one installed that I grabbed out of `incoming' one
> >  day...
> Interesting. Does it work well? Here are some problems with the Maxima
> I compiled. I wrote a letter to Schetler, but he did not respond :(((

Seems to work pretty well, though there are still some known issues
with the demo() functionality.  Also, can't strip the binary with the
latest binutils.  The package is currently at

> Here is the copy of my letter.
> ==================================================================
> Date: Fri, 5 May 2000 13:21:15 -0400
> From: Boris Veytsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: A couple of questions about maxima-5.4
> Dear Prof. Schelter:
> I just compiled and installed gcl-2.3 and maxima-5.4. They are
> great. Many thanks for your great work. It was nice to hear that after
> all the year DOE saw the light and allowed the GPL-like distribution
> of Maxima code. 
> I have been using Macsyma from Macsyma, Inc. for several years. I am
> glad to see that the free version is very much comparable to the
> commercial one.
> The graphic capabilities are awesome. The mgnuplot program is very
> good: something which I need badly for a long time.
> I have a couple of problems and wishlist for enhancements. 
> I compiled gcl & maxima on a Linux system (glibc-2.1.3, kernel
> 2.2.14). It compiled fine, and `make test' gave succesfull
> results. However, there are still some glitches:
> 1. The `make install' command does NOT install mactex.lisp and
>    manual.demo in /usr/local/lib/maxima-5.4, I ought to copy them
>    manually. 

OK, I'll check into this.

> 2. The demo command seems to be broken:
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> (C1) demo(array);
> batching #/usr/local/lib/maxima-5.4/demo/array.dem
> (C2) 
> (C2)                           SUBSCRMAP : TRUE
> _
> (D2)               /usr/local/lib/maxima-5.4/demo/array.dem
> (C3) 
> --------------------------------------------------------
> It puts me into command line mode again instead of prompting

I don't know how to fix this.

> 3. Example command is also broken:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> (C5) example(romberg);
> /usr/local/lib/maxima-5.4/doc/manual.demo:315:Incorrect syntax:
> Illegal use of delimiter &&
> &&
> ^
> (C6) 
> -----------------------------------------------------

Same here.

> Now, some enhancements I'd like to see -- if it is possible to
> implement.
> 1. mactex.lisp outtputs plain TeX. Most people nowadays use LaTeX. The
>    main difference is in fractions -- TeX syntax {a\over b} is taken
>    over by \frac{a}{b}. Here is a small diff I did to mactex.lisp to
>    enable this behavior:
> 3d2
> < ;; Changes by Boris Veytsman, May 2000: changedd \over to \frac.
> 479c478
> < ;;(defprop mquotient ("\\over") texsym)
> ---
> > (defprop mquotient ("\\over") texsym)
> 485c484
> <   (setq l (tex (cadr x) (append l '("\\frac{")) nil 'mparen 'mparen)
> ---
> >   (setq l (tex (cadr x) (append l '("{{")) nil 'mparen 'mparen)
> 487c486
> <       r (tex (caddr x) (list "}{") (append '("}")r) 'mparen 'mparen))
> ---
> >       r (tex (caddr x) (list "}\\over{") (append '("}}")r) 'mparen 'mparen))

Perhaps we could have a maxlatex.lisp as well, and leave the original
maxtex.lisp alone?

> 2. Is it possible to enable readline in gcl and maxima? It would be
>    great to use arrows to edit the command line and use history.

Great idea.  Perhaps I'll see if I can make a patch.

> =================================================================
> Another question: does the Camms' package include mgnuplot -- a really
> cool tcl wrapper for gnuplot? It is included in the upstream Maxima. 


> -- 
> Good luck
> -Boris

Take care,

Camm Maguire                                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah

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