Once upon a time, I heard Brian say

> Cameron Matheson said:
>  >Hey,
>  >
>  >I want to change my user name from fatmike to cmatheson.  Is this
>  >possible?

I think the easierway is edit your /etc/password and change username and
home directory feild, you should find it easily :)

Then rename your old home dir to new homedir, that's it.
> This won't be entirely fool-proof, but...
> You might try adding the user cmatheson to your system (as root):
> $ adduser cmatheson
> Then (as root):
> $ cd /home
> $ mv fatmike cmatheson
> $ chown -R cmatheson.cmatheson cmatheson
> $ logout
> Then, from that moment on, log in as cmatheson instead of fatmike.
> When you're satisfied nothing else on the system is 'owned' by the user 
> fatmike:
> $ rmuser fatmike

 #Chanop Silpa-Anan                               #
 #gpg @ http://kenji.anu.edu.au/~chanop/chanop.asc#

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