On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 10:42:17AM +0200, Andreas Rabus wrote:

>       - Hard to build. There is a large doc about this task , but it still
> takes a long time to learn.

so does system administration for *nix.  as it should be, learning
takes time and is something no one should ever shy away from.

while learning to admin NT is faster, you don't really end up learning
to do much other then reboot and reinstall till it works.  

programming also takes time to learn, the more time you take to learn
the better the results.

the thing with RPM, while it may be easier for any monkey with a
keyboard to make a .rpm, those .rpms often have about as much quality
as you could expect from something made by a monkey.  when i used
redhat i encounted many very broken .rpms, some of which literally
damaged my system. 

personally i would prefer to build a package from source and install
it in /usr/local/ then to get some easy to install but very broken
.rpm made by someone who does not really have a clue how to properly
build packages.

I also believe that packaging systems lacking a unified, and certified
set of developers (like the debian project itself is) to make policy
compliant packages will continue to be the miserable mess that
redhat.com/contrib/ is.  

IMO upstream authors should not be making .debs or .rpms unless they
are prepared to truely learn how its done and make policy compliant
packages, if they cannot or will not spend the time learning the art
of packaging then they should leave it to someone who can.

Ethan Benson

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