On Thu, May 18, 2000 at 11:36:20AM -0700, Brian Hazelwood wrote:
> Good Morning,
> I new to Linux and intalling debian 2.1 for the first time.  I have not had 
> any problems untill this point.  After I am prompted for my "debian login" 
> and password, I recieve the date, time and copywrite info.  However after 
> this I recieve a line  "debian:~#" with the curser waiting for a reply.  I 
> have typed in numerous characters and numbers to no avail.  
> Is this a licence #?  What should I do from here?  

You need no license to use Debian GNU/Linux :)

What you have before you is the most powerful state of the machine. Most
commonly known is the "command prompt". You should really read up on some
common unix commands. This is very similar to (but don't be misleaded into
thinking it is as useless as) the DOS prompt.

To navigate the filesystem try simple things like:

debian:~# ls -la
debian:~# cd /
debian:~# ls -la

Like I said, you sound like you need to brush up on Unix commands, so find
some good texts on-line (sorry, I don't have a URL).


/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

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