>>>>> "Ethan" == Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Pardon my ignorance. I had no idea that any mechanism for tracking threads >> existed other than the subject line. I'll keep that in mind. >> =20 >> Incidentally, how exactly does thread tracking work? I assume there is a >> header of some kind. Maybe I'll hack it out. Interesting. Ethan> most non-broken mailers include a reference header, i see you use MS Ethan> Worm+Virus Develop... er Outlook. i am quite impressed they actually Ethan> bothered to implement this feature correctly... Is that what does all that weird line splitting with the equal signs and stuff? -- Those who do not study Lisp are doomed to reimplement it - Poorly. A few months in the laboratory often saves several hours at the library. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Karl M. Hegbloom)