Re: Portuguese translation of base system for the new debian installer

2003-11-26 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
There goes the attachment this time (i hope). Miguel On Friday 21 November 2003 13:20, you wrote: > * Miguel Figueiredo > > | I'm sendind you the file: > | /debian-installer/tools/base-installer/debian/po/ pt.pot > > It seems like you forgot to attach the file. A

file for debian installer PT

2003-12-17 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
I'm sending file debian-installer/anna/debian/po/pt_PT.po to the Debian Installer. Please commit to the installer. Is this the best way to send files? -- Best regards, Miguel pt_PT.po Description: application/po

translation file pt

2003-12-18 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
File debian-installer/main-menu/debian/po/pt.po attached. Please include in the Portuguese translations of Debian Installer. Miguel pt.po Description: application/po

another translated file for d-i PT

2003-12-18 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
debian-installer/retriever/cdrom/debian/po/pt.po please commit to d-i Miguel pt.po Description: application/po

another file por PT translation

2003-12-19 Thread Miguel Figueiredo are taking this job. Best regards, Miguel Figueiredo pt.po Description: application/po

one more... pt translation

2003-12-19 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
i'm sending the PT translation for for /debian-installer/retriever/net/debian/po/pt.po best regards, Miguel Figueiredo # Translators, if you are not familiar with the PO format, gettext # documentation is worth reading, especially sections dedicated to # this format, e.g. by running: # in


2003-12-19 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
here goes the file for debian-installer/utils/debian/po/pt.po another file to commit to the PT translation of the d-i Best regards, Miguel Figueiredo pt.po Description: application/po

PT translators score again

2003-12-20 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
PT translators score again! Here goes debian-installer/utils/debian/po/pt.po Best regards, Miguel Figueiredo pt.po Description: application/po

1 more file 4 PT translation

2003-12-20 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes debian-installer/tools/bugreporter-udeb/debian/po/pt.po Best regards, Miguel Figueiredo # Translators, if you are not familiar with the PO format, gettext # documentation is worth reading, especially sections dedicated to # this format, e.g. by running: # info -n '(gettext)PO

Another file for PT translation

2003-12-20 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes /debian-installer/tools/baseconfig-udeb/debian/po/pt.po Best regards, Miguel Figueiredo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Portuguese [PT] translation file

2003-12-21 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes one more file from the Portuguese team, debian-installer/tools/netcfg/debian/po/pt.po Beam me up, scotty! -- Best regards, Miguel Figueiredo pt.po Description: application/po

2 more files for PT translation

2003-12-21 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Hello again, these 2 files are for: /home/elmig/debian-installer/tools/aboot-installer/debian/po/pt.po and debian-installer/tools/autopartkit/debian/po/pt.po Best regards, Miguel Figueiredo aboot-installer-pt.po Description: application/po autopartkit-pt.po Description

Portuguese PT translation

2003-12-21 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes the file for debian-installer/tools/lilo-installer/debian/po/pt.po from the d-i PT translation team. -- Miguel Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pt.po Description: application/po

Portuguese PT translation - debian-installer/tools/base-installer/debian/po

2003-12-23 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes debian-installer/tools/base-installer/debian/po/pt.po please commit Towards world domination! -- Miguel Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pt.po Description: application/po

Portuguese PT translation

2003-12-23 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
, translating like there's no tomorrow! -- Miguel Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pt.po Description: application/po

Portuguese PT translation file

2003-12-23 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes debian-installer/tools/ia64/elilo-installer/debian/po/pt.po Yes, team still translating like frantic. -- Miguel Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pt.po Description: application/po

Portuguese PT 6 pack, ermm.... 6 files

2003-12-23 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
If anyone want to help us (and please do) please check and tell us what files for translation are missing in this list. That would improve our work, and be a _great_ help. Best regards, -- Miguel Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]&

Portuguese PT translation

2003-12-23 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes debian-installer/tools/cdrom-detect/debian/po/pt.po to be included in the PT translation. "One small step for man, a giant leap for translators" -- Miguel Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pt.po Description: application/po

Portuguese PT translation

2003-12-24 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes debian-installer/tools/partconf/debian/po/pt.po from the PT translation team. After a few problems with charsets i hope this time i get it right: msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics pt.po 42 translated messages. "I have a dream, i dream of a world with translations..."

Portuguese PT translation

2003-12-24 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes another PT translated file debian-installer/tools/kbd-chooser/debian/po/pt.po please commit. msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics pt.po 11 translated messages. "It's not what translations can do for you, it's what you can do for translations" -- Miguel Figueire

Portuguese PT translation

2003-12-24 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Hello there, here goes debian-installer/tools/mips/arcboot-installer/debian/po/pt.po please commit. "My mind is glowing. So are our translations." -- Miguel Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pt.po Description: application/po

Portuguese PT translation

2003-12-24 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Hello again, here goes another file from the Portuguese translation team. "Translating beyond humanity" -- Miguel Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pt.po Description: application/po

Portuguese PT translation

2003-12-24 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Hello again, again and again, ... here goes debian-installer/tools/cdebconf/debian/po/pt.po msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics pt.po 33 translated messages. We're almost there! -- Miguel Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] wit

Portuguese PT translation

2003-12-24 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Re-hello re-again, here goes debian-installer/tools/iso-scan/debian/po/pt.po msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics pt.po 18 translated messages. I think it's the last file from the d-i. If it's true champagne will flood our twisted minds! -- Miguel Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]&

Portuguese PT translation

2003-12-24 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
i found that the commited debian-installer/anna/debian/po/pt.po had wrong charset. Here goes corrected version -- Miguel Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pt.po Description: application/po

Portuguese PT translation

2003-12-24 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes a Christmas gift: base-config/po/pt.po msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics pt.po 10 translated messages. Please commit after spending christmas with the family. Merry Christmas everybody! -- Miguel Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pt.po Description: application/po

Portuguese PT translation

2003-12-25 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
base-config/debian/po/pt.po msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics pt.po 107 translated messages. -- Miguel Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pt.po Description: application/po

Portuguese PT translation

2003-12-26 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes debian-installer/tools/grub-installer/debian/po/pt.po translated before christmas and forgot to send to the proper place. -- Miguel Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pt.po Description: application/po

Portuguese PT translation

2003-12-26 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Good morning, here goes debian-installer/retriever/choose-mirror/debian/po/pt.po msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics pt.po 82 translated messages. -- Miguel Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pt.po Description: application/po

Portuguese PT translation

2003-12-26 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes another one, lying on the hard drive debian-installer/retriever/choose-mirror/debian/po/pt.po msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics pt.po 82 translated messages. -- Miguel Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pt.po Description: application/po

Portuguese PT translation

2003-12-26 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes base-config/po/pt.po, i hope i get it right this time. msgfmt -o /dev/null --check --statistics pt.po 10 translated messages. Miguel pt.po Description: application/po

Portuguese PT translation

2003-12-26 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes debian-installer/tools/hppa/palo-installer/debian/po/pt.po msgfmt -o /dev/null --check --statistics pt.po 2 translated messages. Miguel pt.po Description: application/po

Portuguese PT translation

2003-12-26 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes debian-installer/tools/partitioner/debian/po/pt.po msgfmt -o /dev/null --check --statistics pt.po 8 translated messages. After this file, we are 1 file from 100% of the PT translation (i think)! Ladys and gentlemen prepare your champagne! Best regards, Miguel pt.po Description: appl

Portuguese PT translation

2003-12-26 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
translated messages. Now we'll be waiting for the commits of the last files sent today. I'dd like to thank you all guys for the support, especially Christian Perrier for the tips, the reports, the commits and the comments about our translation team. "Portuguese do it better" ;-) B

Portuguese PT translation

2004-01-07 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Hello guys, here goes base-config/debian/po/pt.po please commit to base-config. msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics --check pt.po 107 translated messages. This fuzziness correction is making me dizzy. It's not easy to identify the damn errors. -- Best regards, Miguel Figueiredo

Portuguese PT translation

2004-01-26 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Hello, here goes debian-installer/partman/partman/debian/po/pt.po please commit. msgfmt -o /dev/null --check --statistics pt.po 24 translated messages. -- Miguel Figueiredo # #Translators, if you are not familiar with the PO format, gettext #documentation

Portuguese PT translation

2004-01-26 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Hello guys, here goes debian-installer/tools/aboot-installer/debian/po/pt.po please commit. msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics --check pt.po 11 translated messages. -- Miguel Figueiredo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe"

Portuguese PT translation

2004-01-26 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Hello guys, here goes debian-installer/tools/base-installer/debian/po/pt.po please commit. msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics --check pt.po 53 translated messages. -- Miguel Figueiredo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe"

Portuguese PT translation

2004-01-26 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Hello guys, here goes: debian-installer/tools/cdrom-detect/debian/po/pt.po please commit. msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics --check pt.po 21 translated messages. -- Miguel Figueiredo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe"

Portuguese PT translation

2004-01-26 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
"Project-Id-Version: grub-installer-0.30\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-01-15 09:32+0100\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2004-01-26 19:40+\n" "Last-Translator: Miguel Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>\n" "Language-Team: Portugues

Re: Portuguese PT translation

2004-01-26 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Miguel Figueiredo wrote: Hello guys, here goes debian-installer/tools/aboot-installer/debian/po/pt.po please commit. msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics --check pt.po 11 translated messages. -- Miguel Figueiredo sorry guys, here goes the file. # #Translators, if you

Re: Portuguese PT translation

2004-01-26 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Miguel Figueiredo wrote: Hello guys, here goes debian-installer/tools/base-installer/debian/po/pt.po please commit. msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics --check pt.po 53 translated messages. -- Miguel Figueiredo sorry guys, here goes the file. # Translators, if you are

Re: Portuguese PT translation

2004-01-26 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Miguel Figueiredo wrote: Hello guys, here goes: debian-installer/tools/cdrom-detect/debian/po/pt.po please commit. msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics --check pt.po 21 translated messages. -- Miguel Figueiredo # Translators, if you are not familiar with the PO format

Portuguese PT translation

2004-01-26 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes debian-installer/tools/iso-scan/debian/po/pt.po please commit. This time with the attachment =) msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics --check pt.po 18 translated messages. -- Miguel Figueiredo # #Translators, if you are not familiar with the PO format, gettext

Portuguese PT translation

2004-01-26 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes debian-installer/tools/kbd-chooser/debian/po/pt.po please commit. msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics --check pt.po 11 translated messages. -- Miguel Figueiredo # Translators, if you are not familiar with the PO format, gettext # documentation is worth reading

Portuguese PT translation

2004-01-26 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes debian-installer/tools/netcfg/debian/po/pt.po please commit. msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics --check pt.po 68 translated messages. -- Miguel Figueiredo # Daniel Costa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 21-12-2003 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-

Portuguese PR translation

2004-01-26 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes base-config/po/pt.po please commit. -- Miguel Figueiredo # Base-config translation to Brazilian Portuguese # Copyright (C) 2003 Software in the Public Interest # This file is distributed under the same license as the base-config package. # André Luís Lopes <[EM

Portuguese PT translation

2004-01-27 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Hi guys, here goes debian-installer/tools/nobootloader/debian/po/pt.po, please commit. Miguel Figueiredo # #Translators, if you are not familiar with the PO format, gettext #documentation is worth reading, especially sections dedicated to #this format, e.g. by running

d-i PT transalation - please commit

2004-01-29 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Hello guys, 6 partman files to commit translated by Nuno SÃnica. iso_3166 country codes translated by Miguel Figueiredo. Please commit. -- Miguel Figueiredo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PT translation - please commit

2004-01-30 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Hello guys, here goes debian-installer/tools/countrychooser/debian/po/pt.po please commit. -- Miguel Figueiredo [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of

Re: PT translation - please commit

2004-01-30 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Miguel Figueiredo wrote: Hello guys, here goes debian-installer/tools/countrychooser/debian/po/pt.po please commit. i know i forgot (again) the attachment. -- Miguel Figueiredo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PT translation - please commit

2004-01-30 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes tasksel-1.43/po/pt.po please commit. msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics pt.po 39 translated messages. -- Miguel Figueiredo [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a

PT translation - please commit

2004-01-30 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes tasksel-1.43/tasks/po/pt.po please commit. msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics pt.po 80 translated messages. -- Miguel Figueiredo [EMAIL PROTECTED] # tasksel Portuguese translation # Copyright (C

PT translation - please commit

2004-01-31 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes debian-installer\partman\partman-basicfilesystems\debian\po\pt.po msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics pt.po 36 translated messages. please commit -- Miguel Figueiredo [EMAIL PROTECTED] # Portuguese

PT translation - please commit

2004-01-31 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
debian-installer/partman/partman-ext3/debian/po/pt.po translated by Nuno SÃnica. please commit. msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics pt.po 21 translated messages. -- Miguel Figueiredo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PT translation - please commit

2004-01-31 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
The battle against fuzzys goes on... please commit debian-installer/partman/partman/pt.po msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics pt.po 24 translated messages. -- Miguel Figueiredo [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PT translation - please commit

2004-01-31 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes debian-installer/tools/ddetect/debian/po/pt.po please commit. msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics pt.po 24 translated messages. -- Miguel Figueiredo [EMAIL PROTECTED] # #Translators, if you are

PT translation - please commit

2004-01-31 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes base-config base-config/debian/po/pt.po msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics pt.po 115 translated messages. "fighting the fuzzys" -- Miguel Figueiredo [EMAIL PROTECTED] # #Translato

PT translation, please commit

2004-02-01 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
debian-installer/partman/partman-basicfilesystems/pt.po please commit msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics pt.po 36 translated messages. -- Miguel Figueiredo [EMAIL PROTECTED] # Portuguese (Portugal

Pt translation, please commit

2004-02-03 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
../tools/grub-installer/debian/po/pt.po Translated by Nuno sÃnica, please commit. -- Miguel Figueiredo [EMAIL PROTECTED] # #Translators, if you are not familiar with the PO format, gettext

PT translation - please commit

2004-02-03 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
d messages. Please commit this 2 files. Miguel Figueiredo # Daniel Costa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 22-12-2003 msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: grub-installer-0.30\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2004-0

PT translation - please commit

2004-02-03 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes: debian-installer/tools/countrychooser/debian/po please commit. msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics pt.po 20 translated messages -- Miguel Figueiredo [EMAIL PROTECTED] # #Translators, if you

PT translation - please commit

2004-02-06 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes debian-installer/tools/cdrom-detect/debian/po/pt.po please commit. msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics pt.po 23 translated messages. -- Miguel Figueiredo [EMAIL PROTECTED] # Translators, if you are

PT translation - please commit

2004-02-06 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes debian-installer/tools/iso-scan/debian/po/pt.po please commit. msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics pt.po 18 translated messages. -- Miguel Figueiredo [EMAIL PROTECTED] # #Translators, if you

PT translation - please commit

2004-02-08 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Here goes: debian-installer/retriever/choose-mirror/debian/po/pt.po please commit. msgfmt -o /dev/null --statistics pt.po 82 translated messages. -- Miguel Figueiredo [EMAIL PROTECTED] choose-mirror

l10 whatever-no-mailing-list ;-) help

2004-03-04 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Hello guys, i'm Miguel Figueiredo, coord/translator for the Portguese d-i translation team and i need a tip. It appears we don't have tasksel translated (?). How do i get these files, so we can translate them? Another strange thing, languagechooser it was missing. It was translate

Re: Bug#762024: installation-guide-amd64: Please add caution warning to instructions to create a usb bootable stick

2014-09-17 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
D or DVD image file can be written to a USB stick -as follows, after having made sure that the stick is unmounted: +device as follows, after having made sure that the stick is unmounted: # cp debian.iso /dev/sdX Alexandros Prekates -- Melhores cumprim

Re: Bug#762024: installation-guide-amd64: Please add caution warning to instructions to create a usb bootable stick

2014-09-18 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
e stick is unmounted, do as follows: -- Melhores cumprimentos/Best regards, Miguel Figueiredo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact Archive:

"the the" on a sentence on the installation manual

2014-09-19 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
capacity for the kernel used in &debian; 8. Let me know if you want me to commit it. -- Melhores cumprimentos/Best regards, Miguel Figueiredo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists

Re: Bug#935069: installation-guide: remove mentions of floppies

2019-08-28 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Hello, On 18/08/19 23:44, Holger Wansing wrote: Package: installation-guide Severity: wishlist The installation-guide still mentions floppies as installation-media. Remove that. Filing this bugreport as a reminder. Holger -- Best regards / Melhores cumprimentos, Miguel Figueiredo diff

Bug#880122: remove all references to floppies on hw-detect

2019-09-01 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Hello, for review. -- Best regards / Melhores cumprimentos, Miguel Figueiredo diff --git a/debian/hw-detect.templates b/debian/hw-detect.templates index c413e88e..b9854bd1 100644 --- a/debian/hw-detect.templates +++ b/debian/hw-detect.templates @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ Default: false # :sl2

Bug#939071: 6.4 Load Missing Firmware should mention unpacking zip/tar

2019-09-02 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
.bin. Baptiste -- Best regards / Melhores cumprimentos, Miguel Figueiredo

Re: Change templates: CD -> installation medium

2019-09-07 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
, which works for all media... What do others think? As it seems, "installation medium" wins ;-) I have collected all relevant messages from different packages and prepared a first proposal diff, attached. I would like to get some reviews and comments. Later, I plan to sent it to for review, too. Holger -- Best regards / Melhores cumprimentos, Miguel Figueiredo

Bug#939798: kickseed: remove floppy support

2019-09-08 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Package: kickseed tags: patch in attachment, patch to remove floppy support from the kickseed package. -- Best regards / Melhores cumprimentos, Miguel Figueiredo diff --git a/ b/ index 72dcd72..e1e3f74 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -28,12 +28,6

Bug#939799: hw-detect: remove floppy support

2019-09-08 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Package: hw-detect Version: 1.138 tags: patch in attachment, patch to remove floppy support from the hw-detect package. -- Best regards / Melhores cumprimentos, Miguel Figueiredo diff --git a/debian/hw-detect.templates b/debian/hw-detect.templates index c413e88e..b9854bd1 100644 --- a/debian

Re: Acer c720 OS replacement

2015-09-16 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
D image is appropriate for the Exynos 5250 GAIA ARM processor (haswell architecture). Could you give me any direction with this? Thank you! -J -- Melhores cumprimentos/Best regards, Miguel Figueiredo

Bug#740795: problems installing debian without internet connection

2014-03-05 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
explaining what went wrong when installing grub? Maybe you suffered from the first item documented in errata[1] and grub failed to get set up on the installation medium? 1. Mraw, KiBi. -- Melhores cumprimentos/Best

Bug#740795: problems installing debian without internet connection

2014-03-05 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
On 05-03-2014 22:05, Lennart Sorensen wrote: On Wed, Mar 05, 2014 at 09:49:41PM +, Miguel Figueiredo wrote: You can switch console by pressing Alt+Number of console, for example to switch to console 4: ALT+4 Unless something has changed, at least in the past it had to be left alt, and F4

Bug#721847: mkfs.btrfs -f

2014-03-18 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
guess the change should be made on partman-btrfs/commit.d/format_btrfs -- Melhores cumprimentos/Best regards, Miguel Figueiredo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact Arch

Bug#769996: debian-installer: Possible help text for win32diskimager users

2014-11-29 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
e from a non-Debian OS. Probably that's the public who most looks and needs for this guide. -- Melhores cumprimentos/Best regards, Miguel Figueiredo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas.

Re: erro no debian 7,7

2014-12-15 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Instalar a 32bit não deverá ser a solução. --8<--- Translation: Eduardo, with 7.7, is getting "no bootable device--insert boot disk and press any key" -- Melhores cumprimentos/Best regards, Miguel Figueiredo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-boot-requ...@lists.debia

Bug#774466: delete from mirrors list

2015-01-03 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
: -- Melhores cumprimentos/Best regards, Miguel Figueiredo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.o

Bug#542899: manpages for os-prober

2015-03-18 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Hello all, in attachment proposal for manpages for os-prober based on it's documentation. Please review and improve. Feel free to use it. -- Melhores cumprimentos/Best regards, Miguel Figueiredo .\" Manpage for os-prober. .\" Contact for impro

Bug#706438: installation-report: Perfect install on Toshiba Satellite C675

2013-04-30 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
) later. hitting cancel while the partition it's being wiped, skips the exhaustive wipe and jumps to the next step of the installation. BTW, this suggestion seems to be the same as in #678015. -- Melhores cumprimentos/Best regards, Miguel Figueiredo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian

Bug#707570: Error

2013-05-09 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Hi, From your description seems you login on a console based system, with success. Please describe what went wrong. -- Melhores cumprimentos/Best regards, Miguel Figueiredo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Troubl

Bug#707570: Error

2013-05-10 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
, without X. And I think, this is what the subscriber is missing: the graphical interface. Holger I've been discussing this by email with the OP and so it seems. If you don't oppose I will close the BR as it was a successful installation. -- Melhores cumprimentos/Best regards, Miguel

Bug#868869: debian-installer should not recommend to change password periodically (and more)

2017-07-26 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
On 24-07-2017 11:38, Hideki Yamane wrote: Hi, On Sun, 23 Jul 2017 10:49:53 +0200 Philipp Kern wrote: It seems to me that today at least the guidance of mixed character classes still makes some sense as a default, to avoid the most obvious blunder of just using a simple dictionary word and be

Bug#869932: QNAP TS-41x models - fix typo

2017-07-27 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Package: debian-installer Version: n/a Tags: patch Severity: minor Index: manual/en/install-methods/download/arm.xml === --- manual/en/install-methods/download/arm.xml (revision 70809) +++ manual/en/install-methods/download/arm.xml

Re: Não instala Debian 9.1

2017-07-31 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
instalação falhou. Eu baixei a iso via torrent. O que pode ser? Melhores Cumprimentos, Miguel Figueiredo

Bug#868900: iso-scan: should be able to copy the ISO into RAM before mount

2017-11-29 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Hi, On 19-07-2017 16:19, Raphael Hertzog wrote: Source: iso-scan Version: 1.57 Severity: wishlist Tags: patch When you use an ISO image stored on a disk, it makes it impossible to re-use that disk in the installation process (e.g. for automatic partitioning). In order to avoid this limitation,

debootstrap on manual?

2008-07-07 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
On d-i's manual, section about preseed: Where is "Whether to upgrade packages after debootstrap." I suggest to put debootstrap around a tag. As debootstrap it's a program, this may be helpful for translators. Com os melhores cumprimentos/Best regards, Mi

Re: Bug#493651: Failure building d-i images, bintutils fails - sid/experimental amd64

2008-08-04 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
an-boot so other people, who build the installer, can also take a look. -- Melhores Cumprimentos/Best Regards Miguel Figueiredo A Sunday 03 August 2008 23:57:35, Daniel Jacobowitz escreveu: > On Sun, Aug 03, 2008 at 11:37:02PM +0100, Miguel Figueiredo wrote: >

Re: [RFR] D-I Manual: new section on how to load firmware during installs

2008-10-03 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
bmit-bug - On 6.4.1 there is a sentence with: "or a USB stick", iirc 'a' before a vowel becomes 'an'. Better someone confirm this... Best regards, Miguel Figueiredo - Mensagem Original- De: Frans Pop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Re: [PROPOSAL] Identify tasks in the D-I team and "assign" them

2008-11-12 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
Reorganized in 3 main topics: - d-i Release Management - 'product' Development - Documentation Added a few topics marked with "+". - Mensagem Original- De: Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Para: Assunto: [PROPOSAL] Identify tasks in the D-I team and "as

Bug#457901: Installation report - HP pavillion 2585ep

2007-12-26 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
he relatime option and tried again the partitioning the same happened. - On 1st boot (another attempt) the keyboard did not corresponded to Portuguese, after manually installation of console-setup everything was fixed (tasks selected during installation: laptop, standard system) -- Com os melhores cumprimentos/With Best Regards, Miguel Figueiredo

Bug#457901: Installation report - HP pavillion 2585ep

2008-01-14 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
> > What does seem to happen is that with the graphical frontend, after > the "relatime" error, the frontend crashes. When the frontend is restarted > after that, it _does_ come back in English. > Does that match what you saw? > Yes, it does. > The frontend crash is

Re: [RFR] Release Announce draft at wiki

2008-03-04 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
That would be an help to identify new functional features and improvements. The content of the Release Announcement should be focused on the d-i itself or on the whole 'lenny'? -- Com os melhores cumprimentos/Best regards, Miguel Figueiredo

Bug#460824: realtime option

2008-03-15 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
s melhores cumprimentos/Best regards, Miguel Figueiredo -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Download do Debian 4 r3 ia64 - cd1

2008-04-10 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
the image 2 times always getting md5 mismatch and no boot. Com os melhores cumprimentos/Best regards, Miguel Figueiredo A Thursday 10 April 2008 14:09:05, Fred Oliveira escreveu: > Bom dia, > > Já fiz o download do CD1 duas vezes no site, uma daz vezes via

Re: Download do Debian 4 r3 ia64 - cd1

2008-04-10 Thread Miguel Figueiredo
le to help. Com os melhores cumprimentos/Best regards, Miguel Figueiredo A Thursday 10 April 2008 14:09:05, Fred Oliveira escreveu: > Bom dia, > > Já fiz o download do CD1 duas vezes no site, uma daz vezes via torrent, e a > outra via http/ftp, mas nas duas t

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