Re: [deal.II] cmake flag to skip a specific example?

2025-02-06 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
purposes too. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.dea

Re: [deal.II] cmake flag to skip a specific example?

2025-02-06 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
g, and how does the error message you get look like? Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II p

Re: [deal.II] Spherical coordinates output

2025-02-04 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 2/3/25 22:45, giuseppe orlando wrote: thanks a lot for you answer. My goal would be able to reproduce images like these ones, which are a cross-section at a fixed latitude. Hence, I coulde use 'slice' type functions if I have spherical coordinates, but not with Cartesian ones. Giuseppe: I

Re: [deal.II] Spherical coordinates output

2025-02-03 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
Giuseppe: > I would have a question about the output when using concentric_hyper_shells

Re: [deal.II] FETools::interpolate with PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector

2025-02-03 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 2/3/25 06:20, Matteo Malvestiti wrote: Problem on my side. Input vector must be GHOSTED Output vector must be NON-GHOSTED I might be nice to add this to the documentation for clarity. According to a user on the related github issue this works not only for PETSc but also for Trillinos. Mat

Re: [deal.II] PETSc distributed: stuck in execute_coarsening_and_refinement()

2025-02-03 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 2/3/25 10:15, Matteo Malvestiti wrote: But here it breaks... sometimes. Let me explain my bewilderment: It may go well for 6 refinement cycles and break at the 7th. Does anybody have any hint at what I should investigate to figure out the problem? A good starting point is to clearly artic

Re: [deal.II] Re: Using CharManifold to implement an Ellipsoid surface gives strange results

2025-01-31 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 1/30/25 22:01, Amit Singh wrote: I was concerned about some elements of very high aspect ratio occurring at the chart boundaries. They appear like ridges on the surface. I have shown examples for both a sphere and an ellipsoid. Also, the mesh loses symmetry i.e the y-plus and the y-minus p

Re: [deal.II] Understanding Laplace-Beltrami Operator on a 3D surface

2025-01-30 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
Amit: I studied tutorial 38 that demonstrates the use of Laplace-Beltrami operator in deal.ii. In the "Possibilities for extension" section of the tutorial an example of a 3d surface obtained by transforming a half- sphere is given. It has also been mentioned that because of the transformat

Re: [deal.II] Re: Using CharManifold to implement an Ellipsoid surface gives strange results

2025-01-30 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 1/30/25 08:56, Amit Singh wrote: I am able to get Ellipsoidal shapes but the meshes have highly distorted elements at some points as shown below. Any suggestions for a better implementation for this manifold will be helpful. From the picture, it actually looks like a fairly decent mes

Re: [deal.II] Are there any tips for using Trilinos AMG preconditioner?

2025-01-29 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
Timo: I don't have "general rules", but I do have questions: I have been using the dealii Trilinos API of ML to generate an AMG preconditioner for MPI distributed sparse system matrix quite a while. It roubustely works for most computing of a damped Newton method on clusters. However, casua

Re: [deal.II] ContinuousQuadratureDataTransfer error

2025-01-20 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
Junxiang: I am using the CellDataStorage class to record my history state variable and try to interpolate it onto my refined mesh. Therefore, the history data can be accessible for my analysis of the refined mesh. You might want to compare to compare with the implementation in this new code

Re: [deal.II] deal.II and complex numbers

2025-01-20 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 1/20/25 09:00, Lucas P wrote: Thanks Wolfgang for your answer. But I'm surprised to see that some work should be done regarding the iterative solvers. I would expect that deal.ii relies on PETSc to use iterative solvers. And since PETSc can handle complex numbers, I would not have expected t

Re: [deal.II] FETools::interpolate with PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector

2025-01-17 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
tually fix the issue, but we can at least tell you where one might have to look to fix it! Best Wolfgang -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: http://www.

Re: [deal.II] Compile deal.II test Source file

2025-01-17 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
the necessary steps. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at htt

Re: [deal.II] Postprocess history variable

2025-01-16 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ut. This information can then be visualized alongside the field data you output separately via DataOut. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: w

Re: [deal.II] deal.II and complex numbers

2025-01-09 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
case, and then *auditing* what it actually does. Making the necessary fixes is likely going to be quick; it's knowing where something needs to be fixed. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Re: Error with Simplex and adaptive mesh with FESubfaceValues

2025-01-09 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see

Re: [deal.II] Nested loop over cells in a parallel distributed triangulation

2025-01-09 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
expect it. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see https

Re: [deal.II] Debugging Second-Order Scheme for Allen-Cahn Equation

2025-01-08 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
be affecting the overall accuracy. Have you tried computing the energy in the (numerical) solution to test whether that is an issue? Best Wolfgang -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: bange

Re: [deal.II] deal.II TRILINOS_WITH_SEACAS fail

2025-01-08 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
st W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see

Re: [deal.II] merging unmatching triangulations

2025-01-03 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
"Adaptivity"). Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at

Re: [deal.II] Iterating over two DoFhandlers for a thermo-elastic problem

2025-01-03 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
-- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see

Re: [deal.II] Time dependent Step 46, implementing non-homogeneous kinetic coupling

2025-01-03 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
that mapping. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing

Re: [deal.II] Handling NaN Values in TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix with Amesos_SuperluDist

2024-12-19 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
messages from your code. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at http://www

Re: [deal.II] Time dependent Step 46, implementing non-homogeneous kinetic coupling

2024-12-18 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
x(). Best WB -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see

Re: [deal.II] Handling NaN Values in TrilinosWrappers::SparseMatrix with Amesos_SuperluDist

2024-12-18 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
s NaN, you know something is amiss. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is

Re: [deal.II] Time dependent Step 46, implementing non-homogeneous kinetic coupling

2024-12-17 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 12/16/24 16:12, Sclah wrote: I am using step-46 as starting point to implement a time dependent fsi problem using block vectors and block matrices. I successfully written the time iteration and changed everything to block structures but I am struggling to find a method to impose the fluid v

Re: [deal.II] Re: Convergence issues faced in strain L2 function

2024-12-15 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
alar? Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/for

Re: [deal.II] read_msh()

2024-12-12 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 11/27/24 23:54, 王艺康 wrote: ** I was reading a surface mesh with gmsh and drawing the body mesh based on the surface mesh, then was reading the mesh with read_msh(), but dealii reported an error I was trying to figure out where this error comes from, but the code seems to have substantial

Re: [deal.II] vtk

2024-12-12 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 11/23/24 20:35, 王艺康 wrote: I am using gridin, read vtk file, in read_vtk to verify the line in the vtk file, the first line must be # vtk DataFile Version 3.0, because of the update of the vtk version, I am now using the new version 5.1 to read and write, I can only write the old ver

Re: [deal.II] Matrix Free 1D Adaptive Mesh Problem

2024-12-10 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
testing. Thanks for your time, Sean Johnson On Wednesday, November 6, 2024 at 4:54:32 PM UTC-7 Wolfgang Bangerth wrote: On 11/5/24 13:53, Sean Johnson wrote: > > In 1D for adaptive meshes, the matrix

Re: [deal.II] Help with TriangulationDescription and parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation

2024-12-10 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 12/9/24 08:46, Rishabh Saxena wrote:                   cell.vertices = {vertex_map[std::make_tuple(i, j, k)], >[...] When I compile the code, I get the following errors: /home/saxenar/local/programs/tortuosity_github/source/ Fehler: »str

Re: [deal.II] Absorbing boundary conditions in different velocity domains still result in reflections.

2024-12-06 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
  Thanks all. I need to simulate seismic wave propagation in media with different wave velocities, and step-24 is a great starting point. If seismic waves propagate through different velocity media,  I only modify the mass_matrix and boundary_matrix. However, there are still reflections occ


2024-12-04 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 12/3/24 08:53, yushut wrote: I am installing dealii an a new machine with Ubuntu 24 .  I succeed wIthout MPI, but when I run cmake -DDEAL_II_WITH_MPI=ON ../CMakeLists.txt I get the following error: CMake Error at cmake/setup_sanity_checks.cmake:99 (message):    Configuration error: Cannot

Re: [deal.II] DataOut

2024-12-04 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 12/4/24 07:27, 王艺康 wrote: ** I am using dealii to carry out a simulation using DataOut which is outputting my data as a vtu file, I would like to extract the surface data of the vtu file but when I open the vtu file using paraview, there is no information about my boundaries saved in it,

Re: [deal.II] Boost serialization

2024-12-03 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
oh, I know what Najwa's problem is" reaction in me. As I mentioned, create a minimal test case that illustrates the problem and nothing else -- then we can look at it. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth

Re: [deal.II] Boost serialization

2024-12-02 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
Najwa: I assume you have taken a look at step-83, the tutorial program that demonstrates serialization? Separately, the way to debug these sorts of problems is to create as small a program as possible that still shows the issue. It

Re: [deal.II] Periodic boundaries

2024-12-02 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 12/2/24 07:29, Yann Jobic wrote: Is there a way to elegantly change the hard coded tolerance ? Or is it possible to add a non mandatory tolerance parameter to the function collect_periodic_faces, with default value 1e-10 ? We are always happy to accept patches to the library! Just make it

Re: [deal.II] Data communication between dealii and other tools written in different languages

2024-11-30 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 11/28/24 16:08, Yiliang Wang wrote: I need to exchange data between dealii and another software written in different languages. To achieve the best efficiency, it is better to print and load data in a binary mode. I found an example of code (see here

Re: [deal.II] Periodic boundaries

2024-11-30 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
Yann: I do not know the function in question in detail, but have you tried reading through the implementation of that function and understanding where the error comes from? Oftentimes, understanding how an error comes about gets you 90% the way towards understanding how to fix the code (in yo

Re: [deal.II] why step-24 result is more "angular" than step-89

2024-11-30 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 11/29/24 22:10, meng deng wrote: I trid the same initial value in step-24 as step-89, but step-89 is smoother than step-24, and step-89 needs less grids. I also set the -> 3. Meng, can you explain in more detail what it is you tried, and how the result you get differs from your ex

Re: [deal.II] Getting cmake errors compiling programs

2024-11-20 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 11/20/24 21:28, Vinayak Vijay wrote:   The C++ compiler     "/home/omnipresent/Documents/github_repos/spack/lib/spack/env/gcc/g++"   is not able to compile a simple test program. That means it's still using a compiler spack builds itself. As I mention, I don't know how spack works. I'm

Re: [deal.II] Solution vector data transfer between different meshes not working in parallel

2024-11-20 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
icit about what is wrong. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see https://

Re: [deal.II] Getting cmake errors compiling programs

2024-11-19 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
missing. I really don't know anything about Spack (perhaps others here do), but my suggestion is to always rely on the compiler your system has. I see no reason not to use the compiler that comes with Ubuntu 24.04. Best W. -- ------

Re: [deal.II] Solution vector data transfer between different meshes not working in parallel

2024-11-19 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
uate a vector that does not have the right ghost elements. It's your job then to next figure out why that is so. If you have confirmed that the vector is not ghosted, the next step is to make sure that you pass a vector instead that *is* ghosted. Best W. -- --

Re: [deal.II] Solution vector data transfer between different meshes not working in parallel

2024-11-18 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
David: I have two distinct distributed meshes representing the same spatial domain and (for now) with equal refinement (number of cells), Do I understand correctly that these meshes are identical, but that you store them in separate variables? Why not just one mesh that two DoFHandlers build

Re: [deal.II] How to find the vertex index and its coordinate by using locla or global dof index within one element

2024-11-18 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 11/17/24 08:56, yijun chen wrote: may I know how to find the vertex index and its coordinate with the information of its local or global Dofs index within one element? I have the local/global dofs index , I need to determine if this dof stays at the prescribed boundary. Yijun: a key i

Re: [deal.II] mesh

2024-11-15 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
| faces, tolerance); What version of deal.II are you using? What happens if you try the latest release, 9.6? Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: bange...@colostate.ed

Re: [deal.II] vtk

2024-11-13 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
st W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see

Re: [deal.II] Matrix Free 1D Adaptive Mesh Problem

2024-11-06 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 11/5/24 13:53, Sean Johnson wrote: In 1D for adaptive meshes, the matrix free operator is not iterating over the face/point that is between refinement levels. I attached a code that basically just makes a mesh and refines the last cell. I use the dof_handler to print out all the coordin

Re: [deal.II] Printing PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix to a single file

2024-11-06 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 11/4/24 21:43, Sparsh Sinha wrote: *Is there any way to print the system_matrix to a single file either by using 'print()' or ‘write_ascii()’ function? Or do I need to use some other method for printing to a single file?* I would suggest to let every process print into its own file (say

Re: [deal.II] mesh

2024-11-04 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 11/4/24 03:00, 王艺康 wrote: ** In step-54 a mesh is a two-dimensional cell located in three-dimensional space that provides the corresponding line and surface manifolds based on the input iges file. But in my case the stl file has only face sheet information, I give the manifolds from the

Re: [deal.II] mesh

2024-11-03 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
you post the code you are using, along with all input files? Best WB -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal

Re: [deal.II] mesh

2024-11-02 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
() function of step-54 does is setting up a manifold with the help of OpenCASCADE. You have to do the same, where you need to get a CAD geometry from the STL file. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email

Re: [deal.II] Getting zero determinant for the stokes problem

2024-10-30 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 10/30/24 08:25, Abbas Ballout wrote: Yeah I was aiming to compute the smallest eigenvalue. I guess my tittle was off. I was just trying to aim to the fact that the stiffness matrix I wrote to an output file and then I read was singular. Abbas: what I wanted to point out is that it's ha

Re: [deal.II] mesh

2024-10-28 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
e? In other words, I'm not quite sure what your concrete question is :-) Best Wolfgang -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: http://www.math.col

Re: [deal.II] Getting zero determinant for the stokes problem

2024-10-28 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 10/28/24 15:26, Abbas Ballout wrote: I wanted to look at the determinant that results from discritizng the stokes problem so I started out with step22 and added this line right at the end of the assembly: { std::ofstream out("matrix.txt"); system_matrix.print(out); out.close(); } After w

Re: [deal.II] Re: access coordinates of quadrature points

2024-10-28 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 10/28/24 15:24, Yann Jobic wrote: I found my mistake. The written code works fine, but i cannot inspect the values directly in the debugger. That confused me. Sorry for polluting the mailing list. Shall both email erased ? You can, but you don't need to. I'm glad you found the issue. My

Re: [deal.II] mesh

2024-10-24 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
two geometries, you actually have to provide the transformation from one to the other. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: http

Re: [deal.II] Missing follower force stiffness term in Step 44

2024-10-22 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
owing much about large-deformation modeling and not having written the program. But perhaps someone else knows an answer to your question. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: bange...@col

Re: [deal.II] mesh

2024-10-22 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
o the other. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at http://www.deali

Re: [deal.II] MPI with METIS causes memory leak

2024-10-21 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 10/21/24 03:58, 'Alexander Greiner' via deal.II User Group wrote: For step-17 I get the same error message indicating that the memory allocation failed, for step-18 and my personal code it just fills up the system RAM until one aborts it. (Everything works using only 1 core though.) Simi

Re: [deal.II] Membrane problem and locking free method with deal.ii

2024-10-18 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 10/18/24 03:09, Léonhard YU wrote:  I am working on a bending problem of membrane or thin plate, which is involved to the locking problem. I found a discussion in deal.ii gmail group in 2018 that Prof. Bangerth mentioned the mixed method which was available in deal.ii. I am wondering if t

Re: [deal.II] residual for a static condensation problem

2024-10-16 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
Yann, you did not read my email. The approach to compute the norm of the residual goes through *integration with FEValues*, not with computing nodal values. You are stuck thinking about how the approach you are trying to use can be made to work; but the approach you are using is not the righ

Re: [deal.II] FENothing and `VectorTools::integrate_difference`

2024-10-16 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 10/16/24 09:53, Davit Gyulamiryan wrote: Error on the initial grid is ~1.6e-3 Error on the second grid is ~9.2 Error on the third grid is ~11.5 My function: 1.578e-03 3.956e-04 1.021e-04 My implementation is rather long and is not really relevant to the question itself. It seems to be wo

Re: [deal.II] residual for a static condensation problem

2024-10-15 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
, and just wrote the code matching your formula.) You might want to take a look at step-15 to see some of the parts I left out above. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Error GridIn::read_msh(), mesh with multiple transfinite regions

2024-10-15 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 10/15/24 09:27, Matteo Malvestiti wrote: Should I delete/close the discussion somehow? I'm sorry, it's my first time. Leave it in place -- it's a resource that may be useful to others as well! Best W. -- --

Re: [deal.II] Error GridIn::read_msh(), mesh with multiple transfinite regions

2024-10-15 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see

Re: [deal.II] residual for a static condensation problem

2024-10-14 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
;residual" is used in different meanings in numerical analysis. Can you define precisely what it is you want to compute? Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Import a mesh with generated grain structure

2024-10-14 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
format that deal.II can read. I don't know Neper -- what formats can it export? Best Wolfgang -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www:

Re: [deal.II] Parallization Step-40

2024-10-10 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 10/10/24 08:47, Junxiang Wang wrote: The program didn't proceed after I made a subroutine called              laplace_cell(cell,                                  cell_matrix,                                  cell_rhs); within the assemble_system() function. On a given MPI process, yo

Re: [deal.II] Re: FSI with separate grids.

2024-10-08 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at F

Re: [deal.II] Should cubic FE_SimplexP work in an FESystem on master?

2024-10-08 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
se? I can see that I fix this in the next week or so. Thanks for reporting! Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www:

Re: [deal.II] Suggestions for preconditioners of implicit time discretized wave equations

2024-10-04 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
! :-) Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum opti

Re: [deal.II] Suggestions for preconditioners of implicit time discretized wave equations

2024-10-04 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ility) reasons, you will want to choose dt \approx h/c where c is the wave speed. You just won't get accurate solutions otherwise. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Suggestions for preconditioners of implicit time discretized wave equations

2024-10-04 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
Yes, I'm solving a transient wave equation. Should the behavior between M + dt*K and M + dt^2*K be similar when solving the linear system? I can only understand them as positive helmholtz equation, the latter more dominated by mass matrix. The condition number of K is h^{-2}, so if you choose

Re: [deal.II] Suggestions for preconditioners of implicit time discretized wave equations

2024-10-04 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
whereas multigrid might be (expensive) * (constant). At some point, the latter will be better than the former. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Suggestions for preconditioners of implicit time discretized wave equations

2024-10-04 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see

Re: [deal.II] run the step-1 tutorial in Visual Studio 2019

2024-10-03 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ss is producing this error? Perhaps during linking? Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II

Re: [deal.II] Manifold without preserving vertex location

2024-10-03 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
Field myself and proceed. That's essentially right, except that the euler_vector is going to be the output of the elliptic solver that takes the boundary values as inputs. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth

Re: [deal.II] Suggestions for preconditioners of implicit time discretized wave equations

2024-10-03 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
SSOR? Best WB -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see

Re: [deal.II] Problems during the installation of an older version of deal.II (version 8.4)

2024-10-03 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 10/3/24 08:57, Nicolò Lontani wrote: What should I use? In theory in the Cmakelist of version 8.4 there is specified the correct version of the Cmake policies, so I really don't know where to put my hands on. Nicolo, deal.II 8.4 is by now more than 8 years old -- you're basically doing

Re: [deal.II] Using PetscWrappers::TimeStepper with LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector

2024-10-02 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 10/2/24 08:17, Praveen C wrote: The documentation says VectorType must provide a petsc_vector() function but the LA distributed vector does not seem to have this, right ? In C++20 we actually check which

[deal.II] Re: Announcing deal.II 9.6

2024-09-27 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
All: I have two follow-ups to the 9.6 announcement. This is the first: To every deal.II release, many many people contribute. The release paper at has 17 authors that have contributed in a major way to this release. It also lists 38 others who have co

[deal.II] Re: Announcing deal.II 9.6

2024-09-27 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
serialization functionality as a foundation. step-83 was written by Pasquale Africa, Wolfgang Bangerth, and Bruno Blais using step-19 as its basis. * step-86 is a program that solves the heat equation using PETSc's TS (time stepping) framework for the solution of ordinary differential equa

Re: [deal.II] Using DoFRenumbering::Cuthill_McKee and DoFRenumbering::component_wise in parallel

2024-09-27 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
structures which might illustrate that the renumbering retained the individual partition identity. Nihar: I believe that this should work. What happens if you try? Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

[deal.II] Announcing deal.II 9.6

2024-09-27 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
Slightly delayed, but still worth announcing: Version 9.6.0 of deal.II, the object-oriented finite element library awarded the J. H. Wilkinson Prize for Numerical Software, has been released. It is available for free under an Open Source license from the deal.II homepage at

Re: [deal.II] Help with modifying step-26 for non-linear part and semi-implicit time-stepping in FEM

2024-09-26 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
My name is Zoe, and I am new to deal.II. I’m currently working on a project where I need to solve a non-linear PDE using semi-implicit time-stepping with the Finite Element Method (FEM). I would like to use deal.II for this purpose. PDE: Screenshot 2024-09-26 at 16.51.14.png semi-implicit:

Re: [deal.II] Issue with missing symbolsin LAPACK when compiling deal.II using candi

2024-09-26 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 9/26/24 06:42, Guy Moebs wrote: It seems to me that a gfortran libray is missing at the link step, but where and what should I put something like "-lgfortran". Could someone give me a hint ? Guy: You could probably do export LDFLAGS="-lgfortran" before calling cmake, but a better solu

Re: [deal.II] Is it possible to do unmapped FE_DGP

2024-09-20 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 9/20/24 03:15, Eman Kabbas wrote: I would like to use a discontinuous Pk finite element space, similar to FE_DGP, but I need the shape functions to be defined *locally on each physical cell* without any mapping from a reference cell. Is it possible to implement such an unmapped finite ele

[deal.II] Research Software Engineer @Boston College

2024-09-19 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
I'm sending this on behalf of my colleague Mark Behn with whom I collaborate on this project together with Timo Heister and a bunch of others. It's a fun project -- if you are interested, please let me, Mark, or Timo know! ... *Position Title:* Research Software Engineer

Re: [deal.II] FESystem and FEInterfaceValues: how to get component

2024-09-16 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see

Re: [deal.II] Re: Q&A: Issue with Adaptive Refinement for Higher-Order Elements Q_k+1

2024-09-16 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
:// Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www:

Re: [deal.II] Re: FESystem and FEInterfaceValues: how to get component

2024-09-15 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
library! Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II project is located at For mailing list/forum options, see https://groups.

Re: [deal.II] Re: Q&A: Issue with Adaptive Refinement for Higher-Order Elements Q_k+1

2024-09-15 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ntation in detail :-( Do you get the expected convergence rate for uniform refinement? That's usually the first place to start -- make the problem simple -- before using adaptive meshes. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth

Re: [deal.II] Solving a system with lagrange multipliers

2024-09-10 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
. It shouldn't be terrible, though. Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: -- The deal.II proje

Re: [deal.II] Errors for temperature field occur in a multiphysics problems

2024-09-10 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
ght want to compare the matrix and right hand side you get from both implementations, on a very coarse mesh. If they are different, you should find out why they are. Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth em

Re: [deal.II] Lifting a Triangulation<2> to Triangulation<2,3>

2024-09-10 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
gained a better understanding of the more fundamental parts of deal.ii. Sounds good. Let us know if you have questions! Best W. -- Wolfgang Bangerth email:

Re: [deal.II] Re: Distributed Block-Gauss-Seidel (BGS) Preconditioning

2024-09-08 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
e of DoFs.) If you have any questions left, feel free to open a separate question! Best W. -- ---- Wolfgang Bangerth email: www: http://www.math.col

Re: [deal.II] ideas on making stiffness matrix time independent from sequential scheme

2024-09-05 Thread Wolfgang Bangerth
On 9/5/24 11:55, Mark Simmons wrote:  my question is: Is there a way that for the second variable y, that I only assemble the system matrix once on the first time step and then use this matrix in subsequent calculations? I have a proof that shows stability of this new method but I am not

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