On 1/6/25 08:20, Lucas P wrote:

I'm considering starting to use deal.ii with a strong emphasis on complex numbers equations. I read in the FAQ <https://github.com/dealii/dealii/wiki/Frequently-Asked-Questions#can-i-solve-problems-over-complex-numbers> that it is recommended to split the problem into real and imaginary parts. I am not fully convinced by the argument given on the scalar product (which can be easily redefined, I think), for instance in FENICSx I directly use complex numbers. I saw in the tutorial 58 <https://dealii.org/current/doxygen/deal.II/step_58.html> that it's still possible not to split. On the Github issue tracker <https://github.com/dealii/dealii/issues/16364>, an user bumped into errors when trying to use the monolithic way. But since then I observe that additional work was done to ensure the compatibility with `std::complex<double>` (see for instance this <https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/16717>and that <https://github.com/dealii/dealii/pull/16754>). So my question is: how mature is now deal.ii with `std::complex`? Are there other arguments that the one on scalar product to justify the splitting (or maybe I missed why this argument is so important)?

I suspect that "almost everything" works, or could be made to work with relatively few changes, with the exception of iterative solvers. I don't think that any of the iterative solvers we have take into account complex numbers and how one needs to/must not take the complex conjugate in any of the operations involved. That's why step-58 works: It just bypasses the issue by using a direct solver.

If you wanted to give it a try to work in a monolithic formulation (i.e., using complex numbers rather than real/imaginary parts separately), I would say go ahead and see where you get stuck, then report back. Most things should be relatively easy to fix, but prepared for the fact that you might have to spend significant time in the iterative solvers figuring what a given solver *should* be doing in the complex case, and then *auditing* what it actually does. Making the necessary fixes is likely going to be quick; it's knowing where something needs to be fixed.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                           www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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