you did not read my email. The approach to compute the norm of the residual goes through *integration with FEValues*, not with computing nodal values. You are stuck thinking about how the approach you are trying to use can be made to work; but the approach you are using is not the right approach.

Then, i would like to compute the elementary residual at each cell <R(u),v>, that is to say compute
For each cell, {R(u)} = 2*a(grad v, grad u) - a(v,f) - [Kup][Kpp]^-1[Kpu]{u}

This formula does not make sense. The terms
  a(grad v, grad u)
are numbers (they are the result of integration) whereas
is a vector. You cannot add numbers and vectors.

std::vector<double>        weights(support_points.size(),1);
const Quadrature<dim> node_quadrature_formula(support_points,weights);
FEValues<dim> fe_node_values (fe, node_quadrature_formula,
         date_values   | update_gradients |
         date_quadrature_points | update_JxW_values);

But then i will work with the type "std::vector<Tensor<1,dim>>" which is difficult to handle with the "FullMatrix" of the extracted submatrix, as i have to compute [Kpu]{u}.

You have a conceptual misunderstanding. The std::vector<Tensor<1,dim>> are the vector-valued values of the velocity at the evaluation points. But when you want to compute...

Then how can i compute [Kpu]{u} ?

...the {u} are the *nodal values* of the velocity. These are not the same. It is not a problem of how these two things are represented in data structures, but that they are conceptually different. You simply cannot multiply [Kpu] by a collection of velocity vectors; [Kpu] needs to be multiplied by a vector of nodal values.


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