On 10/4/24 20:39, 'yy.wayne' via deal.II User Group wrote:

I'm solving a time-dependent wave equation, and dt is the time step. For backward Euler time integration, I get M+dt^2*K = (v,u) + (\delta T)^2*(\nabla v, \nabla u). The time step
dt does not scale with mesh size h, so the condition number is not bounded.

I see. It's of course true that for an implicit discretization you don't *have* to choose dt proportional to h. You can then get into a situation where indeed the condition number grows.

But from a practical perspective, for accuracy (not stability) reasons, you will want to choose dt \approx h/c where c is the wave speed. You just won't get accurate solutions otherwise.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:                 bange...@colostate.edu
                           www: http://www.math.colostate.edu/~bangerth/

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