On 11/5/24 13:53, Sean Johnson wrote:

In 1D for adaptive meshes, the matrix free operator is not iterating over the face/point that is between refinement levels.

I attached a code that basically just makes a mesh and refines the last cell. I use the dof_handler to print out all the coordinates of the faces. It does iterate over all the faces. However, the matrix free operator in its face iterator doesn't recognize the point between refinement levels as a face so I have it print out all the coordinates of faces and its obviously missing one.

The "mesh" is just a line from [0,16]. First it is divided into 4 cells. Then the final cell is further refined so there should be faces at: 0,4,8,12,14,16.

Again, feel free to correct me if I made a dumb mistake somewhere, but I did try the code in 2D and there were no problems there. The code is super simplistic and will not give you enough information about coordinates if you step up to 3D.

I don't know much about the matrix-fee framework, and so can't say much about whether it does what it's supposed to -- someone else will have to chime in here.

But can you describe what the code you attach outputs, and how that differs from what you *expect* it to output? It's often difficult for those who didn't write the code to say what is expected, and how what you get differs from the expectation.


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