There lies heartbreak. If you use meshes with different partitioning, you
    cannot easily transfer information from one mesh to another because the
    information you need from one mesh to interpolate onto the other is no 
    guaranteed to live on the same MPI process.

    It's possible to do this (there are tools such as FERemoteEvaluation), but 
    becomes *much* more difficult and expensive to have meshes that are
    partitioned differently.

Sorry, what I meant is using different refinement (number of cells along each direction), but where each point "lives" in the same MPI process for the two meshes.  Does this change things?

I must admit that I don't understand what you mean. What I want to say is that it is difficult if on one process you need the value of a function defined on a mesh at a point that is not within a cell owned by the same process.

    It could. Why don't you find out? Either way, the error message tells you
    FEFieldFunction is trying to evaluate a vector that does not have the right
    ghost elements. It's your job then to next figure out why that is so. If you
    have confirmed that the vector is not ghosted, the next step is to make sure
    that you pass a vector instead that *is* ghosted.

I see, I will look into this.

That'd be a good start. After all, the error message is actually quite explicit about what is wrong.


Wolfgang Bangerth          email:       

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