On 12/9/24 08:46, Rishabh Saxena wrote:
                   cell.vertices = {vertex_map[std::make_tuple(i, j, k)],


When I compile the code, I get the following errors:

/home/saxenar/local/programs/tortuosity_github/source/ tortuosity_parallel_FDM_discriptor_MPI.cc:957:26: Fehler: »struct dealii::TriangulationDescription::CellData<3>« hat kein Element namens »vertices«

the error message says that TriangulationDescription::CellData simply does not have member variables 'vertices', 'material_id', etc., and that is true: https://dealii.org/developer/doxygen/deal.II/structTriangulationDescription_1_1CellData.html The general description of the class also explains why it does not need to store the geometric information you are trying to describe.

I believe that Peter Munch posted a piece of code here on this forum a while ago that creates an xyz-uniform fully distributed triangulation like the one you are setting up here. You might want to search through the archive and see if you can find it!


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