On 12/16/24 16:12, Sclah wrote:
I am using step-46 as starting point to implement a time dependent fsi problem
using block vectors and block matrices.
I successfully written the time iteration and changed everything to block
structures but I am struggling to find a method to impose the fluid velocity
equal to the displacement velocity at the interface (i.e. setting a fsi
kinetic coupling).
My approach is to use AffineConstraints::add_entry and
AffineConstraints::set_inhomogeneity to write something like v=(u - u_old) /
time_step, where u_old is the previous time step solution.
The problem is to find the right column index j required by these class
methods. Is there a way to find it?
Where do you need them, specifically? Can you use
for example to query the DoF indices on the face of a cell, where you're only
doing this on faces that separate the two kinds of materials?
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