The other announcement about this release: There are numerous new
tutorial and code gallery programs in this release that are perhaps
interesting to some of you:
* step-83 demonstrates how one can implement checkpoint/restart
functionality in deal.II-based programs, using the BOOST serialization
functionality as a foundation. step-83 was written by Pasquale Africa,
Wolfgang Bangerth, and Bruno Blais using step-19 as its basis.
* step-86 is a program that solves the heat equation using PETSc's TS
(time stepping) framework for the solution of ordinary differential
equations. Written by Wolfgang Bangerth, Luca Heltai, and Stefano
Zampini (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology), it
illustrates how PDE solvers for time-dependent problems can be
integrated with existing ODE solver packages to use advanced ODE solver
concepts (such as higher-order time integration methods and adaptive
time step control), all without sacrificing the things that have
traditionally led code authors toward writing their own time stepping
routines (like wanting to change the mesh every once in a while, or
having to deal with boundary conditions).
* step-87 was contributed by Magdalena Schreter-Fleischhacker and Peter
Munch. It presents the advanced point-evaluation functionalities of
deal.II, which are useful for evaluating finite element solutions at
arbitrary points on meshes that can be distributed among processes. The
presented mini-examples are motivated by the application to two-phase
flow simulations and demonstrate, for example, the evaluation of
solution quantities at a surface mesh embedded in a background mesh, as
needed in the case in front-tracking.
* step-89 was contributed by Johannes Heinz (TU Wien), Maximilian
Bergbauer (Technical University of Munich), Marco Feder (SISSA), and
Peter Munch. It shows how to apply non-matching and/or Chimera methods
within matrix-free loops in deal.II.
* step-90 was contributed by Vladimir Yushutin (Clemson University) and
Timo Heister. It implements the trace finite element method (TraceFEM).
TraceFEM solves PDEs posed on a, possibly evolving, (dim-1)-dimensional
surface Gamma employing a fixed uniform background mesh of a
dim-dimensional domain in which the surface is embedded. Such surface
PDEs arise in problems involving material films with complex properties
and in other situations in which a non-trivial condition is imposed on
either a stationary or a moving interface. The program considers a
steady, complex, non-trivial surface and the prototypical
Laplace-Beltrami equation which is a counterpart of the Poisson problem
on flat domains.
In addition, there are three new programs in the code gallery (a
collection of user-contributed programs that often solve more
complicated problems than tutorial programs, and that are intended as
starting points for further research rather than as teaching tools):
* ``Crystal growth phase field model'', contributed by Umair Hussain;
* ``Nonlinear heat transfer problem'', contributed by Narasimhan
* ``Traveling-wave solutions of a qualitative model for combustion
waves'', contributed by Shamil Magomedov.
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