Messages by Thread
copying labels from an old variable to a new one.
ft gmail
Group identifiers labeled in output viewer for regression of split file
Need help to install pspp on Mac
increase font size for syntax windows ?
ft gmail
Manual Regression Subcommand
Andreas Hammer
Add PSPP to Intune so students in my school can use it on their laptops
Bert Schollaert
output Value label instead of number
Andreas Hammer
how to produce a readable table from an output table ?
ft gmail
odt output file corrupted
ft gmail
MacOS Arm systems and gatekeeper - How to run unsigned software?
Friedrich Beckmann
Define macro
Nanci Avitable
Stata file from .sav?
Mogerman Rob
Re: Pspp-users Digest, Vol 221, Issue 2
Ricardo Mejias
Questions of MATCH FILES
Ricardo Mejias
Re: Pspp-users Digest, Vol 220, Issue 6
Ricardo Mejias
Re: Pspp-users Digest, Vol 220, Issue 4
Ricardo Mejias
Ricardo Mejias
Text truncation problem when importing data
Vittorio Artistov
color coding syntax, With reference to the thread 22 May 202
Andreas Hammer
Issue with using PSPP
Nidhi Shah
CTABLES questions
ft gmail
PSPP download win
Andreas Hammer
How to run pspp 2.0.1 as batch in linux?
Chuck Metalitz
error bug report
"missing values" field
windows release
error message after weighting : At least one case in the data file had a weight value that was user-missing, system-missing, zero, or negative.
ft gmail
Re: error message after weighting : At least one case in the data file had a weight value that was user-missing, system-missing, zero, or negative.
Frans Houweling
Re: error message after weighting : At least one case in the data file had a weight value that was user-missing, system-missing, zero, or negative.
Ben Pfaff
error message after weighting : At least one case in the data file had a weight value that was user-missing, system-missing, zero, or negative.
Andreas Hammer
Re: error message after weighting : At least one case in the data file had a weight value that was user-missing, system-missing, zero, or negative.
Ben Pfaff
Re: error message after weighting : At least one case in the data file had a weight value that was user-missing, system-missing, zero, or negative.
Andreas Hammer
Re: error message after weighting : At least one case in the data file had a weight value that was user-missing, system-missing, zero, or negative.
Ben Pfaff
Re: error message after weighting : At least one case in the data file had a weight value that was user-missing, system-missing, zero, or negative.
Andreas Hammer
Re: error message after weighting : At least one case in the data file had a weight value that was user-missing, system-missing, zero, or negative.
Ben Pfaff
Re: error message after weighting : At least one case in the data file had a weight value that was user-missing, system-missing, zero, or negative.
Andreas Hammer
Re: error message after weighting : At least one case in the data file had a weight value that was user-missing, system-missing, zero, or negative.
Ben Pfaff
Re: error message after weighting : At least one case in the data file had a weight value that was user-missing, system-missing, zero, or negative.
Andreas Hammer
Re: error message after weighting : At least one case in the data file had a weight value that was user-missing, system-missing, zero, or negative.
Ben Pfaff
Re: error message after weighting : At least one case in the data file had a weight value that was user-missing, system-missing, zero, or negative.
Ben Pfaff
Re: error message after weighting : At least one case in the data file had a weight value that was user-missing, system-missing, zero, or negative.
Andreas Hammer
Re: error message after weighting : At least one case in the data file had a weight value that was user-missing, system-missing, zero, or negative.
Ben Pfaff
Re: error message after weighting : At least one case in the data file had a weight value that was user-missing, system-missing, zero, or negative.
Oren Ish-Shalom
Mean +infinit
Andreas Hammer
modify vars
ft gmail
LOGISTIC REGRESSION & significance of the model
Andreas Hammer
Question: how changing bar labels in barchart?
Andreas Hammer
copy/paste data
Caritas Centro Studi - Studienzentrum
Bug sistema
run PSPP
Александр Роненсон
Exporting PSPP .sav file as Excel .xlsx file
how to change the program language
Ксения Буденная
PSPP installation from intune
Neliswa Zozo
Request for support PSPP - translation into german
Anne-Sophie Rosenstiel
Factor Analysis Promax
Andreas Hammer
PSPP building: doc/pspp-figures converting error
Adept's Lab
dropdown menu for pspp?
Sarah Stephanie Huber-Holeczy
Issue converting sav file to csv
clinton bowen
Copy Value Labels from one variable to another
Saadullah Bashir
pspp-2.0.1 released [stable]
Ben Pfaff
development flatpak is back!
Ben Pfaff
MRSET $Q4 has only one variable
ft gmail
Crosstabs count row > 100% or < 100% , wrong total
Andreas Hammer
save cluster
Andreas Hammer
ft gmail
how to copy & paste table as graphic
Andreas Hammer
outputting MRSETS
recent (nightly) dmg build?
Paper published using results from GNU PSPP
Karthik Suresh