Good evening,
this problem does not occur if I run a linear regression on my computer.
I use pspp 2.0.1 - gb7907d .
There seems to be a problem with some residuals, too. The lowest
residual is -8E+307 = -8*10^307 and the highest residual is 1E+308 =
1*10^308. What strange numbers.
Nevertheless, the mean of the residuals of an OLS regression with
intercept is always 0. It's an algebraic consequence of the way the
regression coefficients are estimated.
The residual standard error (i.e. the standard deviation of the
residuals) is given in the regression output.
Kind regards,
Am 19.08.2024 um 20:36 schrieb Andreas Hammer:
I have a problem that probably lies in my data and not in pspp. I have
calculated a linear regression. It works. Then I want to check the
stored residuals. However, no mean value is output, but the
frequencies are calculated. The histogram command (via the graphics
menu or not) leads to a program crash. Sometimes an error message is
displayed, most recently not, stating that there is an error in a file
with the end c in a line.
I have looked at everything so often to find the error that I no
longer have any idea. I would therefore be grateful for any suggestions.
Thank you.
Andreas Hammer
│Version │GNU pspp 2.0.1-gff8d3d │
│Hostsystem │x86_64-w64-mingw32 │
│Build System │x86_64-pc-linux-gnu │
│Compilerversion │10-win32 20210110 │
The values in the frequency tables are inconspicuous to me.
Andreas Hammer M. A.
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