
I try to exploit the wide possibilities that the procedure CTABLES allows and which I have used years ago with SPSS but today, I am stuck with a recent Eurobarometer 94.3 survey file from 2021.

I have two questions:

1/ To make the CTABLES output more readable I temporarily recode two small categories of the column variable D60 into one, to make the spontaneous Refusal category disappear.

This has no effect.

Does CTABLES accept the TEMPORARY command ? Or how to get the result I want ?

2/ I want to get a colum with total N at the right end of the table and a row with the Total % in the last row.

I vaguely remember that you have to create a dummy variable and concatenate it to get a total with counts for a table with percentages but this did not work. Also I did not find an explanation in the PSPP manual how to get a row total %.. The TOTAL YES command created an empty row with the title I defined before.

set /tnumbers labels.

recode d60 (7=3)./* missing =7 recoded into almost never or never = 3 .
/TABLE qa1a_1   [ROWPCT "" PCT5.0] by d60
/TITLES TITLE "Situation of country & respondent by individual economic difficulties" CORNER "Row %" /CATEGORIES VARIABLES qa1a_1 T EMPTY=EXCLUDE TOTAL=YES LABEL "Total" POSITION AFTER .

                     Situation of country & respondent by individual economic difficulties
│                                      │               d60 DIFFICULTIES PAYING BILLS - LAST YEAR              │
│ ├────────────────┬─────────────────┬──────────────────┬────────────────┤
│                                      │Most of the time│From time to time│Almost never/never│Refusal (SPONT.)│ │Row % ├────────────────┼─────────────────┼──────────────────┼────────────────┤
│SITUATION: COUNTRY GENERAL very bad   │ 22%│              36%│               42%│              1%│ │                           rather bad │ 11%│              32%│               56%│              1%│ │                           rather good│ 6%│              22%│               72%│              0%│ │                           very good  │ 11%│              21%│               68%│              0%│ │                           Total      │ .│                .│                 .│               .│

For the rest: good work. I use the last nightly share with Windows 11 which for the rest runs smoothly.

The CTABLES GUI does not seem to be finished. Am I right, or do I miss something ?

You can find the date used in a SPSS SAV file here : https:// www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qzo4xyn26g6da37mkygy1/EB-94.3-short.sav?rlkey=cukm2lbx8nav91suvgj407iqp&st=wo17dy37&dl=0

Any help appreciated


                              Informations système
│Version                            │GNU pspp 2.0.1-g486e58                    │
│Host System │x86_64-w64-mingw32                        │
│Système en construction │x86_64-pc-linux-gnu                       │
│Répertoire des paramètres régionaux│C:\Program Files\PSPP nightly/share/locale│
│Journal File │C:/Users/TOSHIBA/pspp.jnl                 │
│Compiler Version                   │10-win32 20210110                         │

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