Hi Andreas,
  I don't know about the bug. But after the SELECT a dot is needed.

Il 24 feb 2024 12:01, Andreas Hammer <aham...@t-online.de> ha scritto:

Hi Frans,

thank you for your reaction.

I checked this at htis moment and in my syntax is no dot or empty line.

I run the syntax again and got this message

Greetings Andreas

Am 24.02.2024 um 11:55 schrieb Frans Houweling:

Hi Andreas,

   the error message (PSPP expects a new command) would seem to indicate that before /Save you have a dot, or an empty line.


On 2/23/24 20:57, Andreas Hammer wrote:


I'm a bit confused. I can do k-means. I can also save the clusters for some variables. According to the manual, I should have used /save=cluster(name). But it only works with /save cluster(name).

That works

QUICK CLUSTER  BE02_04 BE02_05 BE02_06 BE02_07 BE02_08 BE02_09 BE08_10
        /Save Cluster (Cl_Test).

The irritating thing is that for other variables (same structure in the same file) the clusters cannot be saved, neither with /save=cluster(name) nor with /save cluster(name) or /save=cluster or /save cluster.

The error message:

OhneTitel.sps:5.9: Fehler: Syntexfehler: Erwarte einen Befehlsnamen.
    5 |     /Save=Cluster.
      |         ^

OhneTitel.sps:5.9: Fehler: Syntexfehler: Erwarte einen Befehlsnamen.
    5 |     /Save Cluster.
      |         ^

I was wondering whether it could be due to the data for the variables. But the cluster analysis works and as far as I have seen the data, there is nothing conspicuous.

Does anyone have an idea how I can save clusters?

Thank you.

Greetings Andreas Hammer

I use Win 11 and
│Version                 │GNU pspp 2.0.0-g523775            │
│Hostsystem              │x86_64-w64-mingw32                │
│Build System            │x86_64-pc-linux-gnu               │
│Compilerversion         │10-win32 20210110                 │

Andreas Hammer M. A.
Beratung  & Evaluation
Eppinger Str. 62
D-76684 Östringen

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